2x2 organic LED

Thanks i thought she was pretty as well. She was nice n smooth, put me on my ass though, night night smoke for me.


Group shot

Blue bonnets

Riot juices


This morning i watered the girls with buildasoils big 6, some old aloe vera flakes, and silica. They seem to be liking that mix so far. Also still no signs of pistils or sacs.

Group shot




I think both the riot juices are dudes. Dang it! Going to wait a day or two for confirmation.

Rj #1

Rj #2 this is the only good shot I got

There’s still hope for at least one bb


those top 2 pics do seem to be males but no harm in giving them another week just to be sure


I wish I had the space so I can get pollen from one.

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So now I’m thinking of picking a couple seeds to take the riot juices place. Here’s what I have picked so far these will be grown 12/12 from seed, so I’m looking for something with a good stretch. Has anyone grown any of these before???
Just noticed I forgot to upload the pic lol


I’d go mango lotus if your looking for a stretch

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Have you grown that one before??

I have not just know lotus will stretch quit a bit

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So the blue bonnet #2 is a female :hugs: and I suspect the other is as well. Hopefully it shows something in a couple days.
The mango lotus were planted yesterday 6/3 and now we wait some more.


I forgot some pics of this dude before I killed him. Just noticed I only took pics of the #2. The riot juice #2 is the prettiest plant I’ve ever seen in veg, straight sexy. It breaks my heart i had to kill him.

Riot Juice #2


Day 34 of 12/12 girls are looking great even though I had or have a little thrip issue. Sprayed them a 2nd time yesterday and will be my last time spraying.
It doesn’t look like I’m going to get much from either plant, I was expecting a little more stretch. They are both frosty af, one more than the other, but both frosty.
One of them is hard to get a pic because of the trichomes.
I haven’t been home really so the mango lotus seedlings died while I was away :cry: so I’m just going to stick it out with these 2 girls.

Blue bonnet #2 this one is hard to get a pic of.

Bb#1 she was the shorter one during veg and is now the taller one.


Week 5 looking good… BB#1



Both these girls are smelling really nice. #1 smells like real blue berries but better, #2 smells like artificial berries and has a smokey back end, at least it reminds me of smoke from a fire. Super excited to try these girls out.

Bb #1

Bb #2


Oooweee these girls are looking good. Day 55 they both got burnt tips but nothing major. The shorter bb is also getting tiny yellow spots on the edges of the larger fan leaves, im not sure what it is but I’m not to worried as she looks almost done another week or two i think. The taller one definitely has at least 2-3 weeks left.

Both are frosty af! Bb#1 smells of real blueberries and and a hint of earthy hash. Bb#2 smells like an artificial berry smell with something on the background I can’t quite describe, something like chocolate with a bitter green smell, or maybe smokey idk ill pick a nug later on to squeeze as i usually just squeeze trichomes on lower leaves.



Bb#2 the taller one


This girl is getting the axe today. She is at day 61 in flower i definitely feel she could go a little longer but I need some smoke. This plant is starting to purple up i know if I took her another week she’ll get colorful but trichomes are all cloudy and starting to throw some amber so I think shes perfect right now. Ah man I can’t wait any longer.

The other still has a week or 2 left and I’ll try n get more pics later on.


@deep_rob check out your beautiful mex blueberry. She smells just like sweet juicy blueberries taste its crazy af, im also getting faint smells of sour mixed with a sweet earthy smell. Man she smells so good! Shes hanging up right now and I can not wait to smoke her.


Oh baby, you know you too good for 775, come over here to my pipe :wink:

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Love the frost factor on these ladies looks like great potent buds to me!

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