3 Hole Dry Hash Pipe

How much $ did it run ya?

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I’m really enjoying mine from Maren… mine was $55 shipped. But I got one of the smaller ones. It got here quick too.

@LegsMahoney is right, it’s much more efficient to smoke hash outta this style pipe. I feel like it tastes better too. I like giving the wand a little stir while I’m inhaling, seems to get everything nice and melted.

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the hammer with a wand was $65, i believe the spoons go for $55, but she has/had a black Friday deal going the past couple days where i believe the prices are either a bit lower or she’s providing two wands for the same price? i cant remember off the top of my head, but if you check out her IG she’s got all kinds of stuff going right now. she also does some way headier ones that i would imagine go for more $$$. she’s super responsive on IG so i’d say if you have questions on anything you see hit her up, super sweet lady.


Also, unrelated. I’ve been thinking about starting an old school/heady glass thread, and was curious if it made sense to pivot this thread rather than start another one. Was curious if anyone thought this would benefit folks more as a stand-alone for these types of pipes or not


Could be cool to have a thread to post our cool glass in general if there is not one already.

Also… I keep staring at this damn post with 2 hash spoons left… I already have 2 sitting here and planned on getting a gandalf hash pipe if chameleon glass ever gets into gear. But my brain just wants to get another one since they are sorta rare to find in general… Damn you @LegsMahoney !!!


Well I sent a msg, we shall see if I get a reply to this one lol. I guess it was way back in July the last time I tried to ask about them.

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Well it happened… I have a Xmas present for my wife coming from marenfayeglass on Instagram lol.


Hell yea! Way to go @bassman5420 I suffer from the same affliction, always on the hunt for new glass too. I’m sure your lady will love her Maren Faye piece. As far as I can tell there’s no thread specific to the old school fumed heady glass, which is what I really like personally, but part of me likes the idea of this thread remaining specific to the hash pipes since they’re such a niche piece. I know when I first got interested in one it was super difficult to find info outside of some images on google.


Hope this ok. I have a buddy who sells some pretty sweet “Hash Jugs”. I know I’m saving my pennies for one.

They come with a 3 hole hash bowl.


whoa! im intrigued for sure!


This is a beast!


Do you know of anyway to get a hold of her other than IG?

I’d love to get one of those pipes but am not on IG

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I’m gonna follow along here with you, I don’t know anything about IG but I like the looks of that glass.

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@MantisTobogganMD @Loggershands Honestly I would just make a throwaway account you wont really use, and just contact her through Instagram. I am not a fan of ANY social media, but it seems there is always a time I need to hop on to do something lol.

@LegsMahoney I guess I should throw a pic or 2 up of the hash pipes I currently use heh. Incoming!


@bassman5420 throw up those pictures for sure!

@MantisTobogganMD actually she did give me her email address in the course of the transaction when I bought my hammer. Hopefully she doesn’t mind getting hit up VIA email: Getfreshbaked@gmail.com


The first one is from Kop Glass on facebook. The second one is from Chameleon Glass’s site. Aragorn’s Briar I think is the style.


@bassman5420 very nice! Which do you prefer out of the two?

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I usually grab the Kop one since its in front usually heh. They are both nice, just function a bit different.


Are the holes larger on the KOP piece than they are on the chameleon one? im convinced after hitting the Maren Faye piece that the function is what sets it apart. hers really milks up so much easier and delivers much more full flavorful hits. it has to be because of the narrower chamber and larger holes, the heat remains more concentrated so as to more fully vaporize the material and the larger holes allow you to essentially capture more of the smoke as its released. my thoughts anyway.


My Kop piece only has 1 larger hole mid way down on the front side of the bowl compared to the 3 little ones on the chameleon glass hash pipe. Works well but allows it to collect more reclaim in the pipe since I am using it for rosin. I have already harvested rosin out of both pipes and have it stored here. I have not tried the reclaim yet, but it is higher quality than what I would harvest from my reclaim catcher on my rig. This stuff actually smells decent, like the Sour Space Candy hemp rosin that’s in my hash pipe rosin blend, so I am sure its not a waste. I have way too much rosin anyways, but I like to be efficient if possible heh.