30 day roll, lets do this

WC about done, CJ getting fatt, GMO just getting started


Looks great brother

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Apple Fritrer curing into beautiful bud


I love that tray.

Oh, and the fritter looks stellar too :slight_smile:


i use it to final dry bud to # i want it then into Groves, all wood pulls excess humidity out quickly .

Taste n flavor coming on with the Cap Junky .

Going to cure into great bud i think , already tastes great and has bite to it. Glad i have 2 6 footers at 8 weeks flower going :boom: High is extremely strong and fast , but man does it jack with my allergy to 420! 3 hits in im drooling nose running and sneezing so hard i had to put it out .

Some bud has little effect on me , allergy wise , CJ about at the top of the heap as far as making me gag n hack . The smoke itself is smooth , itā€™s whatever is in it that affects me.

Iā€™m sitting here watching the new Dune 2 movie and I donā€™t know if itā€™s the Junkie or not but 15 minutes in I donā€™t understand whatā€™s going on

pulled out all my seed starting essentials and have them at the ready the second the Do Si Do seeds hit theyā€™re going for a swim .


Lol! Iā€™m used to that feeling. That tray caught my eye because it said Boars Head on the side. Pretty cool.
What were your thoughts on Stranger Things? I liked it, but it has a dark element to it thatā€™s kind of depressing after a while. Joyce is always crying. If you have seizures because of flashing lights, I wouldnā€™t recommend watching it. There are a lot of scenes like that. I donā€™t have seizures, but I felt like I was always on the brink of one.

man i am praying you can find a similar pheno of that dosi girl. how many seeds are you popping ? pls dont be the one that got away!! but we know samwell shit is fire so i know you wil find something


I think he sent me eight seeds eight of his original and then he remade it and I think he sent me eight of those I havenā€™t received them yet it takes a while.

when they get here Iā€™ll pop all of the original seeds

it was F threes and I only ran two plants and both were exactly the same so Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll find it again and Iā€™m beginning to think that itā€™s not just a particular Fino because everywhere I look people are talking about it being very good bud and of course thatā€™s coming from cut seed God knows where so evidently it throws good phenos .

@Habitt calls her Grape Kush , lol


yeah Iā€™m not a boars head guy I donā€™t know where I picked the damn thing up at Iā€™ve had it for about a decade and itā€™s always been a pot tray but not one to roll on I donā€™t wanna ruin it I do all of my bucking of the buds and final trimming on it because itā€™s plenty big enough.
before I put the buds into the Grove bags I lay them out that with meters all around them and get the bud exactly where I want it flipping and turning it Iā€™ll sit and watch a movie and do it in my 50% humidity living room it typically takes about two hours to bring it consistently from 63 or 4% down to 59 or so. Then grove it

so I watch the first episode and I have to say it was well done and interesting but I can also see where itā€™s going or think that I do.

when the first episode ended with the boys meeting 12 in the middle of the street I was certainly interested in finding out what happens. , but I have yet to watch the second episode I donā€™t know if itā€™s going to be something Iā€™ll like.

I also downloaded a couple of episodes of the show called warrior and I think after watching the first episode of that Iā€™d rather watch episode two of it then episode two of stranger things


haha yes the one dosi i grew was very berry and gas rock hard pretty bud. just yeilded small for me. but i could have done better nurturing her lol

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I wouldnā€™t say this one is gassy if I remember right itā€™s cushy it taste like Kush however one would describe Kush Iā€™m terrible at describing things but to me it tasted super cushy with a grape finish, And just has this bright effervescence about it like the difference between Dr Pepper and 7-Up if anyone catches my meaning


i totaly can see the 7up actually lol good description


Morning @ReikoX

how are you sir???

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Morning @Jetdro. Just sipping my coffee and surfing OG until my next meeting. Made some hash last weekend. Itā€™s still in the freezer. I will be pressing it this weekend.


iā€™m about to make some myself Iā€™ve been saving up some trim my next harvest in two weeks when I collect that trim Iā€™m gonna run some myself


I added a 73 micron bag this time. Iā€™m going to do some testing on the 73 and the 45 returns on rosin.


Iā€™ve been running the 220, 120, 73, and 25 only because I donā€™t have a 90 nor a 45 micron bag, but the 73 has been coming out really really nice! Full melt for sure. Even the 25 bubbles tho definitely not full melt.


i have all the bags. Tried them all on my fav strains. For me , i only keep the 73 and 90
i find the 120 45 and 25 useless returning crap product im not gonna smoke .

Me n @Habitt ran some a few weeks ago using only the 73 and 90 and came away with some amazing hash .
we did use the 220 work bag the 160 and the 120 to pull crap but we only kept the 73 and 90


I have the same size bags as @HolyAngel

I really like the quality of the 73 more over all

I normally get rid of the 160 and 120


HERE , the 73 and 90 are full melt