30 day roll, lets do this

I can pimp her out with Holy, the TK, but all my stuff is kinda small rn though… this is my sad state

So bummed my landlord is muffing up this whole year of my grow


this is bullshit. jet has always pushed the line but never crossed it. i am actually really pissed off right now. thank you for bringing this to our attention as there is no warning when u go on his name that says suspended. which is even more bizarre. the users left that frequant here are all stand up guys and i have no doubt jet will have all his cuts back.

as for the suspension why the lack of transparency ?


because ppl are all turning away from such values
deception is the new norm id say


The way I understand it is that he was suspended after private messaging with Loki about the TST thing. I would assume most people don’t enjoy being told “I told you so” :rofl:
Jet speaks his mind and is a stand-up guy and he expects the same back.


thats no reason to suspend him lol. cmon thats so lame. they keep running the good members out of here and let the useless stay. let jet know he is valued here and please come back as soon as hes able.


so when do we get to know how long this suspension is ? i feel as we are part of this community we should have some transparency when a well liked member will be gone for, am i wrong ?


Remember @jinglepots?

Gone but not forgotten…


Yup, Jingle was one of the coolest and most real cats on here… He is missed immensely


Hmmm do you remember why he got the FAFO badge? Real lame shit.


From what I faintly recall, most likely incorrectly, was that he posted a pic of his grow that contained a sticker in the background that was seen as being political, and he wouldn’t apologize for someone else’s hurt political beliefs. Its all hearsay now, all the posts which could have been used to discern the truth have been scrubbed from the site, and we only have the mods comments on his user profile to go by.


That’s how I remember it as well. Someone kept flagging all his posts because of a sticker in his tent. He got pissed and told the person to just stay out of his thread. Next thing you know, he’s banned.

His suspension says “ Leveraging seed run to create dissent in the community. Failure to follow moderation guidance.”

From my perspective, he was a great asset to this site and never “created dissent”. He made a ton of seeds and sent them out on his dime.

@Jetdro is being proven correct in his assertions, but he seems to have met the same fate.


He tried to blackmail the forums into allowing him to violate the terms of service.

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What was his violation?

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I think it was that he kept getting into political chats on here, due to others bringing it up and flagging him :thinking:

Was just kind of a shit show tbh. I appreciated his hard work tho that’s for damn sure.


Hopefully jet isn’t shadow banned for long. I don’t have a way to get a hold of him otherwise. I have a discord and other site…


It’s so odd to me that cannabis, at least in the US, is such a huge political issue, especially as it relates to freedom, and yet “political issues” are forbidden on a cannabis site.

The truth is, there are 100 posts on this site that could be considered “political” - hell, most of the posts in the “Cannabis current events” thread could be construed to be political - but it’s left up to others to decide what politics are allowed.

I’m not here for political discussion, but the best way to shut down a bad idea, is with an opposing good idea.

Anyway, none of it matters…least of all my opinion


All he every dose is speak his mind

And for that he gets banned
I don’t get it


yah yah, for sure. Thing is I work for the government in elections, and some things I say could be considered “political” but it’s different. I say things like please no melt downs at the voting station, I’m only human. The problem lies in agitatin’ with political parties. I’m not even allowed to wear: green, orange, blue, red. Only black or white, grey…etc or else I’m fired, but that’s ok. hah hah actually now that I think about it, the real life rules I have to live by are far more restrictive than anything a TOS could come up with.


The whole world is becoming bland like your work clothes @JoeCrowe


lol! No, the world is full of wonder, and nothing can suck that dry! I might lose some trains of thought here, but in the 50s someone wrote a book called “lord of the flies” where in the absence of any of societies rules, people devolve into the animals that they are. That’s why it can’t be a free for all. Or…
“We used to have good things…”
They pay me good money to put up with political attacks at the polls. There’s no f-ing way I want that shit here. Nobody should be exposed to that.