4 mephisto strains in 5 gal. Sips. Yalla, let's go!


Plants look good! Those Gro-buckets are working real nice!

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Lovin your gardenā€¦thanks for sharing your journey



Pretty pretty flowers! :heart_eyes::green_heart: Leaf color is looking a bit off though, might be coming up short on some of their nutrients.


Yup. Iā€™m still new at this dirt stuff. So far I havenā€™t had any success righting deficiencies once they start in organic soil. Hydro was much easier for me in this regard. Does it look like a k or p deficiency to you? It doesnā€™t look like n to me @RainToday


The bigger ones are hungry for somethingā€¦




Everything lookin good, coming along nicelyā€¦keep it up and thanks for sharing @BudLarfy


Thank you Percy. A couple of them are pissed off at me right now. I think they just want more food than Iā€™m giving.


Agreed, not N. Based on the needs in flower, Iā€™d guess P, but it could be about availability as much as about whatā€™s there. My best success so far has been with spreading about a cup of granular humic acid on top of the soil and scratching it in a bit. Cal-mag too maybe, but really the humic acid has been what works best for me. What I read is that it works by buffering / balancing the soil chemistry so that all the nutrients are more available and less likely to create toxicity. I got my local garden center to order in a 50lb bag of this kind last month because it seems to fix all the issues I get from re-using soil and doing a sketchy job of amending and fertilizing. Lots of places to buy it, and the same product is available from other companies too.

If it was my plant, Iā€™d scoop on a serving of bloom / P focused fertilizer, cover it with a cup or two of the granular humid acid, scrape the soil surface a bit so the soil microbes get into it, and if thereā€™s room sprinkle some soil or mulch on top so it stays moist because the roots and microbes will get going faster in it if itā€™s moist. Expect it to look better within a few days if thatā€™s the answer. Could mix some sort of cal-mag in there at the same time too, but I usually donā€™t bother.


I was getting ready to go and buy the organic calmag supplement that goes with my fertilizer line. Itā€™s called elemental. I do use dechlorinated tap water so I figured mag was covered but maybe the plants just want me to spend some money. Iā€™ll see about humic while Iā€™m there. They have the DTE line there. Plain brown cardboard boxes if I recall. Also it could be as simple as I smoke too much pot to be a decent pot grower. Paradoxical but pehaps trueā€¦ thank you rain I value your wisdom and experience


:rofl::laughing::rofl: unlikely. Youā€™re doing fine. Youā€™d get decent pot off those at this point if you let them finish without doing a thing more. Youā€™re just optimizing now, so keep that in mind when you shop :wink:

I use my tap water straight out of the tap. Itā€™s got way too much iron in it, and over time that throws things off in the soil. I wanted to put in my floor drain so I could water to full runoff more, but I found the cold water pipes to the grow room are nearly rusted full, so when I water I can only do it for 5 minutes or so at a time, because thats how long before the hot water fully arrives from the water heater and I have to stop so I donā€™t cook my plantsā€™ roots. So I canā€™t really water enough to flush out the pots regularly unless I develop way more patience. :roll_eyes::rofl:


i just took a look and your plants look great!! with your iron water pipes at least you know that theyā€™re not anemic. :weight_lifting_woman:
best of luck on all your projects. i really admire all the high minded breeding and sharing and genetic preservation that you and so many others on here do. (if i recall correctly you dont even grow for yourself)
you gotta be ā€œabout that lifeā€ to devote that kinda time and space to it.


:joy: yep. That is 100% an accurate assessment of my plant commitment. Iā€™m constitutionally incapable of not growing plants. I love it and it brings me more joy than anything else I do. When I donā€™t have my own garden I volunteer in other peopleā€™s. The more rare and desirable the produce, the more I enjoy growing it to share - cannabis is a big upgrade over fancy tomatoes and herbs. :laughing::rofl:
I have an absurd outdoor garden as well. If past lives are a thing, I was probably a dryad. :wink::grin:



Dude, thatā€™s some impressive grow


Thanks guy. Hope you had a good weekend :palm_tree: