4 mephisto strains in 5 gal. Sips. Yalla, let's go!

I love to see the autos all grown up like these. Nice to have a setup where you can leave for weeks at a time and the plants still flourish.


Thank you for saying so and the irrigation worked flawlessly while i was away but FLOURISH is a bit of an exaggeration right now. I havenā€™t posted pics lately cause they look rough. I am about to go and try my first soil slurry test to see if I can learn something.


Thanks for the hearts! I admire your work. Iā€™ve been watching for a while.:dizzy_face:ā€:dizzy:


Iā€™m interested to see whatā€™s going on with them, always learning. If those amendments didnā€™t help thatā€™s good for me to know too so I stop thinking a cup or two of humic acid will fix every nutrient problem.

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well i actually did the recommended dosage on the box. i think that worked out to 8 tsp per plant. soil test shows a 7 ph and some crazy ec numbers. i think 7 or 9 ec if i did it correctly.
maybe the ph has crept too high and ferts are building up is the media.
gonna try a flush with plain phd water at 6. ive been giving 6.4 till now.

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Hmm. I donā€™t know much about EC and such, I do the recommended for fertilizer, but 1-2 cups of the humic stuff per 5g grow bag of soil when theyā€™re in trouble.

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Ok thanks Iā€™ll up the humic. I lowered the water ph to 6 this time. Maybe thatā€™s whatā€™s making them sad


Everything looks good, especially for not being thereā€¦keep it up and thanks for sharing

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The ā€œrightā€ pH in soil is still a mystery to me. My water is 7.something, and my soil media is 6.5-8, usually a little over 7 I think, and the plants get happy and unhappy without the pH changing. What I think is correct based on my reading and supported by my experience is that ā€œlivingā€ soil pH is fine anywhere around pH 7. When they are present, the microbes have more to do with making the nutrients available to the plants than pH does. I also thought about my outside garden beds, with happy plants in a range of pH.

Then I read about what humic substances are and do, and found out creating them is a redeeming feature of grass. Mostly I hate grass :laughing: but apparently its really great for creating good soil.


Well that just leaves increasing ferts as my only good idea if more humic isnā€™t a miracle fix.
Maybe thereā€™s someone you can talk to about your hatred of grassā€¦ :seedling:


Thanks for sharing, sometimes I think I cause these kinds of issues by not watering enough, so the soil develops areas that are so dry they never soak up the water. Iā€™m sure thatā€™s still true :wink::woman_facepalming::laughing: but itā€™s actually really helpful to see that in your awesome buckets with perfect water they can still get these issues. Now I donā€™t have to pressure myself to switch to something with a water reservoir. :green_heart::v::seedling:


Iā€™m actually thinking that constant bottom watering with very little top watering may be a part of my issues they stay pretty moist top to bottom with the barley straw mulch.


I use a product called quillala added to the water when I top water. It is a wetting agent that makes the water a bit sudsy. Itā€™s sposed to help spread the water evenly so everything gets wet. Also I usually use a pump sprayer which is prolly better for that than my watering can


Iā€™d disagree. I donā€™t water a damn thing from the top. I irrigate my veggie beds with buried lines.

Whatā€™s in your rez? I went back in the thread to see if you just water or fertigate and didnā€™t see it. Iā€™d be tempted to take her off the auto feeder and let her dry back a little
I loathe that your run off EC is that high. Iā€™m usually in hydro but Iā€™d say a cuss word for sure if my EC was 8.


Thanks for the interest Biscuits.its not actually runoff itā€™s from a slurry test that may or may not have been performed correctly. I canā€™t get runoff from these buckets cause I have no drain Holes. Definitely gonna try a little dry back next. Open to any and all suggestions
Res just gets dechlorinated tap water Iā€™ve been ph ing to 6.4.
Now Iā€™m going to 6.0


Thereā€™s a valve on the quarter inch line I can use to stop the drip irrigation
Also Iā€™m not so sure I did the ec test right. If my ec was really 8 then the two plants that are doing ok would be looking worse ā€¦no? All the same inputs to all 4 plants till now.


Youā€™re blowing my mind.

Iā€™ve been keeping an eye on your thread because I am interested in your grobuckets. Ive had good luck with tomatoes in a much less sophisticated bucket.

I cry about soil a lot. Youā€™re in good hands with Rain :ok_hand:


:smile:you either win or you learn. This time Iā€™m learning.


Great outlookā€¦itā€™s a good way to thinkā€¦never a failure, just a learning experience

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Thanks bud. Iā€™m focused on pulling out of this nose dive with a half respectable harvest.:crossed_fingers: