4 mephisto strains in 5 gal. Sips. Yalla, let's go!

Slurry test for this one came back 7 0r 7.2 ph and like 2300ppm or 4.5 ec I think. So definitely wasn’t eating. There was definitely less witchcraft and alchemy when I did salts ferts in hydro :laughing:


Very cool! Those look great. Not root bound IMO. I am thinking that line of thicker root growth around the middle might have been just above where the soil stayed very moist. Pretty much a total guess though.

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I had the same struggles when i first started using grobuckets too. But i get way better results nowadays. If i may recommend…… ph your water the entire grow, the buffers in the soil seem to run out quickly. I added capacity to mine by getting two more buckets and cutting the bottom 2/3rds of and then placing them into the in tact bucket. Get some 1 1/4” sch40 pvc and make 2ft (ish) pcs to replace the black tube that comes with the kit. This nearly doubles the amount of soil and minimally increases the height of the bucket. And i only flower in mine. I veg for 4-6 weeks then transplant and flip to flower two days later. What usually happens is the “stretch” and the roots hitting the moisture zone at the bottom coincides and you get un real explosive growth. Like hydro pretty much. I add fertilizer to the soil before i plant and also topdress a few time during the grow. I also add 4-8 jobes spikes down into the soil around 2 weeks into the grow. My plants are usually pretty much green to the end. I dont go for much “fade” I can’t stand to see em suffer lol.


VERY interesting! Have any pics of the modified grobuckets? I am doing autos again this run. Already planted in the GB’s. With roots lush soil.
Do you check runoff mid grow somehow for ph and ec?



The pic with the black hoses goin down into the tubes was an automated water deal i rigged up in a hurry cause i had to go out of town sort of unexpectedly one time lol.


Grobucket King! I’m guessing 2 extra Homer buckets adds up to about 8 extra inches, probably about 22 or so inches overall. Not sure I can afford the extra height…I like that though. I know more soil means more forgiving. Do you think I can get away with the current build with autos that’ll only go 80 days? Maybe with a different feed/ water schedule than last time. Do you do any dry back at all between bottom waterings??


Very nice plants and setup

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I’d say for certain you can. just add plenty of food. I don’t do any significant dry backs I honestly try to keep it moist adding water every other day usually. Occasionally i’ll let it go 3. I never check ph of the soil or runoff but you don’t want runoff. Thats just washing food away. I top water about once a week just enough to wet the top few inches. I don’t think its good to top water so much that it runs into the reservoir, that seems to cause some issues (lockout/imbalances or something?). But you really do have to feed quite a bit. They eat more than you would think. It varies strain to strain but it’s a lot. The jobe spikes are pretty much a must i think for me.and topdress every 2 weeks(ish). When i started ph’ing every watering to 6-6.5 my results immediately improved 100%. I was a non believer in ph’ng soil. Not anymore. If you’re growing in huge pots then you don’t , but in smaller containers the buffers stop working.


amazing info!! 3 out of 4 sprouts above ground as of yesterday. ill put straw mulch when theyre big enuf and probly start to topdress @ day 28. hope i can keep you on speed dial for when i have questions.

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For sure. as long as it works both ways cause i definitely don’t have the answers lol.


of course. im more of a hydro guy. i wanted to see how well i could do with organics for the last 3 runs. i veg like a pro then about day 40 things start to go sideways.


I did grow these monsters in the GB’s. But again veg like a beast and then bout day 40 something start to get off kilter


I swear i think ph’ing your water and more fertilizer will fix you right up. In the single bucket you probably need to top dress once a week probably. I forgot to mention that making a tea with roots terp tea fertilizer and worm castings is good to use too. Just dont drown em til it runs into the reservoir. And for quick fixes(i know its not organic) but a couple of light top waterings with some good ol maxibloom can get the yellow to stop till the dry fertilizer becomes available just don’t use too much or you’ll get salt buildup.Anything kelp always seems to have favorable results in the gro buckets as well. I vary my ph as well intentionally. Still in the 6-6.5 range but i like to alternate , like give it 6.0 this time and a 6.5ish the next time. Seems to keep all the food available idk.


If you trained em you could get by with the added height from the buckets i bet. It really does help having the most possible capacity with soil.


Yea I did terp teas last time but not with worm castings cause I start the teas once they’re flowering figuring they want less n at that point. And yea part of the problem may have been too much tea at once washing down to the reservoir. Some had an anaerobic smell to the reservoir. I’ll stay on top of ph better this time.
Was hoping to topdress the terp tea this time weekly dry. And if I get an issue and feel tempted to use salts I’ll brew a tea with molasses and recharge. Really great to have some specific GB advice. Ty.


I’ll definitely consider it for next time. I train em but the 4 strains I grew last(same 4 are on deck)were all described as 3 or 4 footers. Four foot of plant on 2 foot of pot would put my giant bar light where my fan and filter Wanna be. How many gallons of dirt you think you get in those custom GB? You see their auto watering kit? Works pretty nice. Went away for 2 weeks mid cycle.

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Yeah i saw, that shits way better than mine! I need to have a better system ready for real , for when i go away. I Really should start working on that……tomorrow ……lol

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Kudos on that auto water system, I haven’t seen one rigged up that way.



Reminds me of how the toilet fills :slightly_smiling_face: