50States Random plant photos

Secret Chief X Orange Sunshine really starting to get frosty and has a nice citrus orange OG smell going I hope she taste like she smells.


sounds and looks a lot like 50’s Sunshine4 strain I tried last year outdoors…
Its lookin’ great @Sincy. The orange flavor should come thru in the finished product Id think.


These are from the same Orange Sunshine (Cali-O X SSDD) pollen that he used to make the Orange Goji which is pretty killer from what everyone is saying. There’s some f2s hiding in those I used a thin leaf male to make a few seeds to hunt through. I still have Orange Goji f1s and Orange Sunshine f2s from 50state to look through still need to get on those.


I really dig @50State’s Chem4-leaning F2 selection out of the Sunshine4’s he sent me last yr. Sunshine4 F2 from 50 was also a solid plant with a chemmy-like orange smell and flavor out of individuals I grew out from seed. @50State did a fine selection out of these.
I wanted to further that Chem4 leaning line this year and find a male out of it to hit other stuff,but the field mice had other ideas.
I was super fortunate he sent me a bit more of them this summer to search thru next year and F3 em.
I really enjoyed the thinner leaf phenos out of SS4 personally, the “sativa” leaners. No complaints about the thicker indica leaners either, but the thinner leaf types are more uplifting in my opinion. (phenos out of a 10 pk type population)


What week of bloom are those at?


good to see you up and about !
hope all is well with you and yours
what you working on these days ?


Thank you Sam, all’s well over here just super busy with renovations and doing Autobody work again.

What I was able to save from this round of the thrilling thrips was the Orange Sunshine, Secret Chief, UK Cheese, GG4, BlackBerry Breath, Black Triangle, Space Monkey. So if I get some time I want to run some UK Cheese x UFS18 and do a BX for some. @Techrepkim and I plan to start a shit ton of seeds when our life gets back to normal.

I hope you and your family are well also. What’s new with you? What are you cooking up right now?


bunch of crosses to Face Off OG BX
and a run of Blueberry BX from Lemon Hoko
and and and
always keeping myself busy


Cheese and an old school skunk should be a badass, stanky cross!


They are outside but they are almost done. I would say like week 6 or 7 if I was guessing. One has that strong lemon pledge smell with a little of orange to it . If it smokes as good as I think it will I’m going to reveg it.


Black Triangle sounds awesome.
I have Triangle x Double OG Sour. resinous AF flowers. But the flowers are on the small side. My days are getting shorter in a hurry.
Im a lil far north of its sweetspot.
Blackberry Breath sounds good too. Mendobreath? Im smokn on some Ghost OG x Mendobreath F2. The Mendo spices up the already tasty Ghost cut.

Chem4 leaner plant from @50State. Many thanks. I love the smell of this flower. Chemmy, with a tartness. Almost finished.

Chem4 flower.
@50State hope things are going well your way.


No pics sorry but Been trimming 4 of 50s fundraiser ufs18. Great smells chunky buds! Really liking the orange sunshine f2s also. Vigorous growth great smoke…I’m revenging one from outdoors. Thanks for all ya do for the community.


@Jjm, would love to see some pics of that UFS!!!?


Best I can do bud😀

Edit: Oops it’s the top not side. Side branch of ufs18. Had a menthol smell for a while but as it matured it sweetened up to a uniform smell on all 5 phenos. Not as stinky as the name implies but maybe that will change with jar time. Quality smoke!


Know quite a few thats ran them ufs18 no skunk in them.


I found no Skunk in the UFS18 what I did find was plants that resemble the Sensi Seeds Skunk #1, NL5 grown in the 90s with UK Cheese smelling and tasting plants tossed into the mix. My parents said the UFS18 smells very Skunky they also say that with just about everything I give them so maybe it’s generational. Also what’s the definition of Skunk smell most people’s seem to vary quite a bit. Any dead Skunk I’ve ever driving by had a delightfully sweet Skunk smell while others a harsh burnt hair Chem smell which I also like :blush:

My last run of UFS 18 plants 1,2 that the thrips didn’t manage to kill and I got to run under the SolSheets were both excellent. #1 was a shorter plant, frosty dense buds sweet grape smell and taste finished 56 days. The #2 was taller faster growing frosty slightly looser than the #1 buds with Sour Grape skins smell and tasted like Concord Grape Juice finished around day 72. Reallly great smoke on any of the UFS18 ladies I’ve tried.


Mine so far have all had a hand cleaner kind of smell. Still early in the jar too so will see but not expecting any real skunk of the ones so far.


For sure there’s lots to defining smell. I’m handicapped in that area. My definition is usually good or bad or meeeh. Anything I’ve got from ya has been quality smoke. Great tastes and great effect. Going to try the ss4 this winter. Thanks again 50


Thanks for the pic Jjm!!!


My grape rebbelion is skunky but has the sweet grapey side of things also , it’s a cross between a older earthy skunk plant and sfv og.
Not everybody knows what a sunks spray smells like but there is a sweet but rotten sulfur smell about it. This comes from two thiols produced by the skunk.
I’m forming a theory about the skunk smell and that it may have been related to the nutrients.
Certain old school home nutrient creations contained an ingredient that can creat one of the theols responsible for that smell and old northern California grows relied heavily on home made mixes and creativity.
Plants can adapt to the terpenes and other things in there environment to produce and or mimic these substances. Maybe after a couple generations of using nutrients containing these thiols the plants start to lean heavy on the skunk stink, I could just be high and way over thinking.
@OleReynard I don’t think anybody has ever found a true skunk in any of the slunk beans on the market, another theory I have is that Dave aka skunkman never had it and just said he did to make his bean bag look more appealing. If this was the case he never had to breed it out because it was never there. I’d look more for lines by people using genetics that never left here but those are few and far between, most of the legit old growers moved on, got busted or have passed away.