80's Seed Questions

Many things we cant sort out, but there are 2 types of seed that i believe are infact a single strain:

1: the small , blackish, round seeds are one strain

2: there is a type with : deep brown, a saturatet brown, you know like precious furniture, opposed to a non-saturated brown-rough look to it as marked in red. Middle thickness they are.
I see a CERTAIN chance of those beeing one strain too.

The original pic:

i would grow these two type of seeds in a separate group. And pollinate the ones that infact looked same in growth.
Take photos of the seeds and keep the photos attached to the growing plants, so you can remeber if you were wrong with a couple seedchoices.
so that way you can better judge the males (incase you found a wrong choice-attached to a certain look, you can decide if a male should be wrong too. Wrong Choice means of course when something just stands out the group)

i would give them to a landrace hunter. like me, but i cant grow right now, so i dont want em.

you see the nonexistent hope to separate them from people. thats why i say, as soon as you sell them, its imaginable what thappens to these supposed pure Landrace. you never know in the end, but. i would wait a bit till somebody comes and say: oooh thats what i always wanted to do: separate old seeds.

#Landrace #African #Thai #columbian #Jamaican

Ill ask around a bit. Those are good. basta


They might take me a little while to get to, unless I get my facility up and going sooner, but I am always obliged to save the past for the fuTure.


Total Seed count cleaned recleaned and recleaned again, assorted as best as 2 people could do to sort size and Instructed to remove anything that looked unhealthy, cracks, abused, crushed., etc…

Total Available to Auction 750, I kept 50 same as you will receive no different, Seeds Counted 3 times/ total assorted size, colors, stripes, some of these seeds have an orange tint , some are the size of grapefruits …

I also Worked an Agreement with @Alaskagrown

I told him if I received over 250 seeds I would gift him 50 to do a Massive Grow Log/Journal and report from germination technic to germination up until any success is to be reported from these 70’s x 80’s seeds…

I will be sending Brian 72 assorted seeds …


I’m going to start all 72 at once…separate the different strains(hopefully)… then breed the different line’s and give back to OG. Hell I might get in on the auction and collect a few more to play with…

Should be relatively easy grouping the NL, Maui…I’m sure with the help of all you good folks we’ll get it handled!



Once they were counted and ready to be sealed up I had counted 872 so I took 72 for you then counted 50 more for me same thing assorted and the balance came to 750…

There will be 35 packs offered at 20 assorted seeds to a single pack, last but not least the best is at the end with my H~S / OG Captain’s Cupboard Pack 50 Count.

I Have the best people helping me with this so please bare with me and we can get this done have fun and raise some much needed funds to keep this great site going and gives us a place to learn and meet friends.

@DougDawson will be helping me with this project and very much appreciated.


I think i could separate the seeds, and be right at least 50% of the time. This last weekend i looked at 110 landrace strains. The Acapulco, Thai and the Jamacain would be easiest to identify.
The Freaker’s have old Acapulco seeds from Snowhigh. Also Molokai Frost, Kona Gold…which must look similar to Maui wowie… I’ve got old 68 Jamaican Lambsbread. I have one 1967 Squirrel Tail seed( thai stick) and many other Thai. A Freaker’s member just reproduced nl5… and another is growing Black African magic, and i know a South African guy growing some too. He may have some seeds left to look at for you.
Perhaps try separating the seeds in each dish according to color, size and shape. Then take photos. Then we can help.


I noticed several different type seeds in my 250 magnified light

I noticed tiny black seeds, leopard striped seeds black stripes, nice size tan seeds, then these giant seeds , tinge of orange in some like a orange cheese block in a faint color, I am very happy to have rescued these and maybe just maybe we can find a handful of some of the strains purchased cleaned of seeds and saved through the years , this friend last night knows my oldest son played basketball for the air force and Gonzaga before he passed so he said this ball was his from years ago, I took this gift because it was from the friends heart but I have no Idea what to do with it now lol


its nothing more than Logic to separate the most similar seeds

I mean you wanna tell me a strain doesent produce similar seeds , even in multiple phenos, the tendency is still there.

I am a Member here with NO Stated Knowledge of anything to do with seed growth, strain Identification, Botany, Genetics, and Have Stated I received the seeds cleaned them step by step photo’s and documented this …

I was gifted over 870 seeds mixed preserved for most part, Mentioned strains through conversation and asking what he remembered, he replied , Thai , Maui wowie , northern lights, Black African, Jamaican Red Hair, Acapulco Gold .


either @Upstate tells you what may be what, or you use your Eyes, i think literally everyone can see similarities and just separate it that way. Its simple.

Go by size, by coloration. Doesent need to be perfect

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The old 67 squirrel tail is a large seed with an orange like color. Jamaican seed often has camouflage look to it. Acapulco that I have seen are often larger, but I have heard of tiny black seeds Mexican too, like the early seventies Oaxaca I have. Acapulco should have no stripes. I will look at the Northern Lights Number 5 when I get home…
Neither Kona Gold nor Molokai Frost have stripes.
Anyone know about the Jamaican red hair? My feeling is that it’s probably a hybrid of Mexican red hair and Jamaican…


I agree with this poster. I would for sure send these to the pro growers on here to work on. You hit the lotto if they pop great score

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I respect all your Input and honestly take what your all saying to good use but I have no time to find out what every shape, color, size, origin .

I was amazed at how many seeds after cleaning there were and the variety of sizes, shapes colors and just the fact there might be a single seed that we can all benefit from with seeds from this batch I hold…


i respect your decisions too.

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Just give the seeds to someone who really got experience with it. There’s a thread in another forum that explain how to sproud very old seeds: “worm bins” if you are interested i can send you the link of it. But my opinion is that you better give all the seeds to someone with a lot of experience.

Will be imposible to identify correctly
I used to work with hundreds of bagseeds and if all is mixed is Almost imposible to now for real.

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I do a nice honorable gesture and think of sharing you have to come along with these negative remarks in MY THREAD, I will be auctioning packs of 35 & 2 packs of 50 seeds , I would rather you reframe from negative comments and leave the germination technic;s and tricks to the Big Dogs who know how to handle old seeds germinate or not Isn’t the fun taking a risk and being the 1st to germinate them seeds, after all I have 3 healthy plants growing from 1989 that is 33 years old gifted to me from a member here.

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Just sad to see such a cool find go to waste for some auctions. I don’t think @Elchischas or anyone else who’s commented about how these should be properly preserved meant you any harm or negativity though!

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