80's Seed Questions

@Alaskagrown thats cool man! You definitely seem to have the room to take on a project like this. If some of those are viable, and you make seeds… oh, man. That would be an amazing win for the OG community!

Watching this one with intense interest!

As always… I’ll be watching along, sitting in the corner trying to roll decent joints, failing, getting frustrated, yelling “fuck!” and finally just stuffing the herb into a bowl :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:🥸

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Put herb in paper . Gum side up
Keep your thumbs on front side of paper and Use your top pointer fingers to shape weed into a cylinder. Put pointer fingers behind paper …occasionally using them to move the weed around or push in the ends to prevent weed from falling Tuck the middle with your thumbs literally rock n roll…you can also slide your thumb across the paper to even out the ends ….you’re almost creating a rectangle shape with your hands when rolling ….idk I’m stoned and tried to help lol …if I had the knowledge I probably could make a ten sec gif of the roll


I really can’t believe the negative and lame comments about auctioning off the seeds to others who might just be lucky enough or have the tricks to kick start these seeds, I took the time to clean them and count them and gift half proceeds to OG , I could have just saved them, I am in no way trying to start a message war so if they don’t sell then so be it…


Thanks, brother. I use a little zig zag rolling machine, and those come out perfect like cigarettes. But every time I try to do it old school, it’s a disaster. I think I’m hopeless in that area! :roll_eyes::joy:


Im not angry, im happy that you do what you do. Lets hope the buyers can mate them Landraces together,


It’s okay, I never take anything personal, life taught me that.
I am sorry that my bitter words may ruin your business, it was never my intention
I apologize, I’m an enemy of drama…
I wish you the best with your project!


I am a very kind person who enjoys sharing and when I was gifted the seeds I just thought of having an Auctioned and have what ever buyer can germinate them as I have no clue how to deal with old seeds, I just had luck germinating the seeds I got from OG back in 98, Hence out of the 10 I had and 5 C99’s none germed from the 10, 3 germinated lucky they were girls…


The eagle has landed my OG friend’s!!

72 x mixed 70’s-80’s beans…

Huge thank you to @HashstasH for getting these out to me for a epic quest starting here in a few month’s…separating into independent line’s is the goal!



dont forget Labrador lololollolol


i learned how to roll in 7th grade english class


I’m the perfect person to let me pop them. Or at least help out, I’ve been smoking 50 years and could name each seed if I smoked the bud :joy:

Hi @Alaskagrown Please, do you have any updates on this grow? Thank you!

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Yes…update please :dove:

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Thanks For Sharing YouAll OGers @Alaskagrown
@HashstasH , thanks for sharing Your Grows.
Would you have any extra seeds ,I like variety is the spice of life , sorry to bother you .
OverGrow The Wotld with Green Sweet HERBS…

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