'93 Mexican All Star breeding projects

My new mother plant. It is being a bitch as usual. Perhaps a Phosphorous deficiency and ph issues?

Regardless, it is far and away outgrowing whatever is pissing it off and I will be taking some new cuttings of it. This clone is around two years old now I think. I lose track of time.

I shouldn’t count my eggs before they hatch, but I should have some seeds of an heirloom strain from a family in Zacatecas Mexico being mailed to me. Perhaps an interesting cross to my lone mamma.


Growing the holy grail of weed cheers


Have you ever sun grown these plants and have you tried applying mycorrhizal fungi in veg? The way some of those leaves twist in those females do have a mutant look. Possible virus?


I would love to grow them outside but I don’t have the place for it. There is a person or three that I may send some clones to this Spring though. Frankly I would like to see it in some more skilled hands than me, but someone who appreciates it will do just as well.

I think the leaf twist is just ph and perhaps low humidity. My humidity is around 10 percent right now. I have never added any extra myco.

The plants are a pain in the ass, but I have been enjoying learning with them. They are not a plant for the first time grower, but they are pushing me to learn and better my hobby and that is a good thing.

@Som your plants look great. I am so glad that you are also doing another seed run with this. I will be staying tuned. I only got one female so it is great to see other phenotypes and expressions of these genetics being grown.


Sorry it has been a minute. I have been busy but slowly reading this thread again.

I will not vouch for this seller, not because I don’t trust him but rather because I don’t have any significant contact with him. But there is a seed dealer known as Hyp3rids who is currently selling some Verde Limon, as well as several other heirloom Mexican varieties. Verde Limon was a pretty common heirloom during the 90’s to early 2000’s.


I’ve never grown these plants outside. They probably wouldn’t finish in my climate and I’ve always lived in apartments so it would be difficult. I would love to see them grown outside though. I think they would do really well in coastal southern California because of the climate (the plants want a long growing season but don’t seem to react well to heat). I’ve used mycorrhiza for a few years now and it seems to help, especially with this strain.

I think the plants in this line have a very narrow range of ideal ph, and it varies from plant to plant. I think that would explain why some plants are prone to nutrient deficiencies and others grown under the exact same conditions aren’t.


I live in Southern California and I can say that we get our share of heat as well. Past few years we’ve hit upwards of 110 - 116 degrees fahrenheit BUT I must admit that plants grow pretty sweet out here regardless.


I am now at day 63 of flower. I am probably going to harvest this weekend. I like to take down my sativas on the early side, sometime between when all the trichomes are cloudy and I see my first amber one. I feel like bringing them in earlier than indicas or modern hybrids helps augment the inherent trippy sativa-ness of the high. We are almost at that point.

Mexican #1 is going through a late flush of new pistils and calyxes. I’ve been fooled by this before. Frequently when it does this the insides of the buds are done, so if you let it go too long you get bud rot while you are still getting new growth. If I was going for weight I would go longer but I know from experience that this is pretty close to when it smokes the best.

Mexican #2 as a plant looks done but the trichomes are at the same maturation point as #1. I think that the plant is just less healthy so it has quit. It isn’t drawing water very quickly either. I will probably take it down the same time as the #1.

I haven’t talked much about the Bangi Haze in the back of the garden. They are a reproduction I made from some freebies I got from Ace Seeds. Other than the seed batch this is the first time I have grown them. According to Ace the seeds are f8s, so the ones I made are f9s. Ace recommends using them for crosses because they are getting pretty inbred at this point. I can attest to that. The two plants I grew out are very low yielding and don’t have much vigor. That said, one of them has a gorgeous sweet, fruity anise aroma, and the seeded bud I grew last year had a really nice visual sativa buzz. Not trippy per se, but headed in that direction. It is also close to done. I am going to try to reveg the keeper of the two and pollenate it with the Mexican male. It could be a nice cross.

Mexican #1

Mexican #2

Bangi Haze keeper


These kinda look like sensi strains I have seen before…can’t place my finger on it though…?! They look great none the less! :grin:


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They are looking great Som

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For some reason your thread is not getting the traction that it deserves.

@Som keep me posted with the finished bud shots. I am looking forward to seeing them.

For anyone that missed the thread I did this was/is my mother plant. Fully seeded but was still really good smoke. The seeds were all hermaphrodite unfortunately. I still have the mom for use in breeding projects, and I like the smoke so I plan to keep it around.


I love that damn plant she is something special.That one takes me back a long long time ago when I was a lot skinnier and had a lot more hair and way less brains lol.The one I let get away amigo


Hopefully between me and Som it will be back into the community before you know it.


I’ve been watching this one a very long time.I have a soft spot in my heart for Mexican Varieties.I have a Oaxacan Gold male sitting in my lower left corner in this picI think he’s got to be at least 8 months old now.He’s going to get his roots trimmed again soon.


The Mexican plant #1 started to throw out nanners a few days ago. It was almost ready and everything else was ready so I took it all down yesterday. Sometimes with this line females won’t hermie until the very end. It doesn’t really screw up the grow but I don’t want to breed with those. Plant #2 was good all the way through though so I will make f3s with that one.

I’ll post some bud shots once they are dry.


The thing about this line isn’t that it is a pure, pristine, ancient Mexican sativa line. It is from the early '90s and probably has a little bit of indica in it. The thing that makes it remarkable to me is the high. The shimmery, floaty, giggly and super positive high that it has is pretty much the best version of the old Mexican weed high I ever found. When I grew it out the first time back in 1993 people noticed that from the get go. A lot of people who only kind of like weed seem to love this strain.

Modern cannabis focuses so much on breeding for flavor and bag appeal that I think we have lost a lot of the distinctive highs. A lot of younger smokers don’t even know that it is something they should be looking for.


That shimmery part is exactly what I remembered from the old stuff.Bebop around all day listening to the radio I your head tapping a pencil to Pink Floyd daydreaming in Recess class not a care in the world no negative thoughts just living in that second.


The flower from the Mexican turned out really nice. I think this is the best crop I’ve grown of it in terms of quality. In general this line seems to do better the brighter the light, and it seems to really like the LEDs. Its love of bright light is what makes me think it would do really well outdoors in the proper climate.

My clones are doing well now after being transplanted and put under my main light. They have outgrown the funk they were in earlier.

One thing I have noticed from this line is that there is very little phenotypic variation from plant to plant compared to growing modern polyhybrids. Some plants hermie, and there is some different look in terms of sativa vs hybrid but the finished flower is so similar from plant to plant that it is like growing from clones. The flower all looks the same, tastes the same, has the same high and similar potency. Regardless of the look of the plant the flowers are always throwback sativa flowers.

The caveat to that is that the male I’ve cloned is really different. It is a pheno that only pops up rarely and only in male plants. This makes me think there is some gene on the Y chromosome from the male that is modulating other genes in the plant. This is the first time I have grown out one of those males and it looks way more sativa than the other plants in the line. At first I was just going to make a cross with it and then dispose of the male but I think I am going to keep it to recross with the seeds that I get to see what it is like when the male side is 75% of the genetics.

My keeper male and keeper female are ready to flower. I am going to take some clones from them tomorrow and then put them in the flowering cycle.

The male:

The female:

A finished flower ready to cure:


Wow what a awesome read that was. I really hope this works out. I’d love to keep one of those. Now you got me looking up the Mexican cannabis history haha best of luck I’ll be staying on top of this one


Looks amazing Som. I wish I had a jar of that here now!

Glad to hear you might keep the male around a while.