'93 Mexican All Star breeding projects

really nice i am sure


I am on day 13 of flower. I am doing a simple open pollination so I am probably going to get a lot of seeds:

My Bangi Haze keeper is revegging, it took too long to make it into this cross but I am going to use it on some others:


Very cool journey.
That pic if the dried bud looks spot on for Diesel.


What’s growing on @Som? Don’t leave us hanging.

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It has been the boring time of early flower. I only have one plant going right now. The female is on day 35 of flower. I kept the male going to day 20 so the female was very heavily seeded. I will probably have a few thousand seeds from this plant.

Because the female was very finicky I am trying a different approach in this grow. In the last grow I barely fertilized. Female #1 looked great all the way through and had very good frost but unfortunately hermed at the end, #2, which is the one I kept, looked unwell for most of the grow and the flower wasn’t as potent. I am operating under the working theory that #2 has much greater nutritional needs. I gave it a heavy dose of veg fertilizer with every watering from transplant through the first week of flower and then a heavy dose of flower fertilizer every watering until the last two. I think I overdid it a bit but based on the way the plant has grown this time around I think under fertilizing was the issue. It is weird because a lot of individuals in this line need nothing, but it seems like this one is a glutton for fertilizer. Depending on how this grow turns out I may do another pheno hunt to find a female like #1 that doesn’t herm. I have in my mind a specific type of female in this line I wanted to breed with, #1 checked all of the boxes until it hermed. The one I am working with now isn’t ideal but it doesn’t have any intersex traits.

I have clone parents going of this female, the male, and new ones of the Bangi Haze keeper which have just rooted. The Bangi Haze is nice smoke, the flavor isn’t anything special but it has a great high, energetic but blissful without any anxiety, clear headed, on the come down it just wears off without any groggy feeling.

Here is a photo of the Mexican female from today. It has some issues and got too much nitrogen but is looking better than it did at this point in the last grow:


I am up to day 54 of flower. This plant is in much better health this time around than last, so it may go longer this time. I have to wait and see. Last time this female was very nutritionally deficient by harvest. I purposefully went heavy this time to give me an idea of where the happy medium is. This time around it is overfertilized but the plant is looking better. The buds are almost all seeds. I am going to get thousands of them. A couple of close ups from yesterday:


Chugging right along.
Irk be cool to see how she finishes with the increased nutes. :bear::+1:


And this work of breeding and preserving is heavenly, can you share your method of freeze-storing seeds? Would be a priceless share of knowledge to the community :wink:
30 years…


Positive karma for this new batch of seeds. Awesome work!!!


That looks beautiful!

And sounds incredible in terms of effect, I’ve been seeking that positive, giggly energetic feeling without crippling anxiety and introspection. I chose to run Ace Panama x Malawi this season based on that “target” effect.

I wish I noticed this thread earlier than I did, but here I am.

I have read the same things about the Banghi Haze, what a good cantidate for the cross especially with the similarity in highs and uniformity in MAS phenotypes in terms of effects. It’s a bummer she didn’t make it to the party this time :wink:

Both of those seed runs are very interesting to me. Happy to see she seems in better spirits this go around with more food available. I’d love to trade some beans when you harvest them.


I live in a place with very cold, dry winters. I let my seeds dry until midwinter and then freeze them when we are in the middle of a severe cold snap. Usually we have indoor humidity of 1% to 3% when it is extremely cold outside.


@Som I am incredibly stoked to see your reproduction was a success. I am so glad you have a new batch. Fingers crossed that it is a good cross that represents the line.

I am still working on new soil mixes too. I think I have one I can keep it happy in. The more you grow, the more you know.


Almost the same here for me in southern Colorado at 1950m elevation. A local here was telling me he puts his seeds outside in March, while it’s still mostly real cold.

The seeds that sprout seem to be able to weather the frost and freeze days just fine until the weather warms up. I’ve been seeing that for myself through volunteer seeds that always pop up in my yard. They sprout well before the weather is completely stable and none have died from freeze. The sprouts seem to grow better, resist most problems, and over all end up at harvest having no problems. The seeds seem to know when to sprout and do it all on their own. :v:


But Som, do you store in a freezer? Do you wrap and vacuum them before storage?

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I put them in ziplock bags and put them in my kitchen freezer. It is very simple and low tech but seems to work. I think the most important part is making sure the seeds have dried.


My one lone momma is the plant I am about to speak about here. Som has way more experience with the line than me, but I can still share my experience as well. My momma is a giggle fit inducing classic sativa, but it is also an anxious and introspective high. I distinctly remember sharing a big J on a road trip and got too damn high. I was trying to hold it together. Lost in my own mind and fighting off a panic attack.

We were flying down a mountain road through a red rock canyon smoking a joint with the windows down. I was yelling to my girlfriend over the noise of the wind to keep an eye out for Big Horn Sheep because they can sometimes knock rocks into the highway from these cliffs. A legitimate hazard at high speeds. She looked at me incredulously and thought I was bull shitting her. Eventually we stumbled upon some sheep and I said “See! Right there!”

She looked at me and said “Those are mountain goats! You told me to look out for Big Orange Sheep!” We stared at each other in silence until we both burst out laughing realizing the miscommunication. Big Horn Sheep not Big Orange Sheep.

I think that anxiety and overwhelming feelings might relate to the capability to create fits of hilarity. That very disorientation perhaps being part of it. Like the setup to a joke involves a punch line you don’t see coming. A sudden moment of clarity where you realize and see clearly your own foolish behavior. The anxiety and paranoia makes you act foolish, and the introspection makes you laugh at your own behavior. Most of my giggle fit memories involve moments where I am struggling to keep it together.


I worked with a guy who was really careful about what he ate and drank. One day, another guy was doing a convenience store run, and asked if anyone wanted anything. This healthy guy pipes up and says “Get me the absolute biggest coconut water!”.
Coworker looks a little confused, but shrugs and walks out the door.
He comes back later, says “Is this big enough?”
And puts down a 2 liter of Coca Cola, and a gallon of water for healthy guy.
Now they’re both confused looking. Then they start laughing as they figure it out together: Coconut Water… Coke and a water…


Where are those sheep, near Springs? I know there’s a herd down in New Mexico that hang out in the canyon (and road) a mile or two outside of Red River. Never seen any around our mountains.


Highway 50 follows the Arkansas River through a series of different canyons for about 80 miles if I remember correctly. Great fishing and beautiful scenery. I usually stay between Canon City and Cotopaxi. Plenty of them around there.


Day 66 is also harvest day, I am starting to see some amber trichomes and all the others are milky. This is actually a little bit longer than I usually go on this strain if I am growing it for consumption but I wanted to give it a bit more time so more seeds would mature.

A couple photos from yesterday: