'93 Mexican All Star breeding projects

Frankly I would be happy with golf balls. Lol


One of the things I have discovered in this line is that almost every individual plant has different nutritional needs. This might be part of what is driving the hermie issues. It is something I want to fix going forward working the line.


Greetings from Tropical Florida , very much enjoyed the Mexican eye candy aww so sweet
…Back in the Day in the bag seed grows down mountain stream flowing the same way … You got that right @Som. Smells of funky cedar right thru the bag…
Ai would sure Bee Hip and grow good oldschool Mexican Gold brick thanks for Everything
.very Fine Sirs…


I’m probably not going to post a lot in this thread for a while. I’m mostly dedicating it to the breeding with this line. My next grow is for smoke. That said it is a cross I did with the Mexican and Sunshine Daydream. It is one of my favorite smokes. When I made this cross I was less particular with which Mexican female I used in the cross so it is prone to hermies. I am probably going to redo this cross sometime this winter or next spring with a stable female.

So these are '93 Mexican Allstar x Sunshine Daydream. I call it Mexican Sunshine. It is great smoke and I am out of it so I am growing some more. Mostly I am posting this because, as of a half hour ago Minnesota is officially legal so this is my first legal grow which is kind of exciting. I even got the plant counts right:


Congrats on your legal grow! That Mexican Sunshine sounds spectacular, can’t wait to follow along


:+1:. Love it man!


Congrats on making it. Bet thats some lovely smoke!


Oh nice, they’re looking great too!

And congrats on the legal grow now!

Did you use a SSDD F1 male to make the Mexican Sunshine?
Sounds (and looks) like it was a great idea!


I used a few different SSDD f1 males to make the Mexican Sunshine, it was an open pollination. When I redo the cross I am going to use multiple f2 males to try to have the widest variety in the cross. I’ve gotten some interesting phenos out of the Mexican Sunshine - one looked like a throwback 70s sativa that was more narrow leaf than either of the parents. A lot of the flowers tend to have sativa structure. Lots of floral and berry flavors from the SSDD with an herbaceousness from the Mexican - complex, funky aromas kind of like fruity red wine and maybe a hint of nail polish remover. The SSDD tends to turn down the raciness of the Mexican without completely getting rid of the sativa high.

There are just too many hermies in the current batch which is why I want to redo the cross. Once it is ready it is definitely one where I want to give away as many seeds as possible because I think it is something a lot of people will want.


Happy belated August 1st man, hope everything is growing like a weed. Can’t help but be glued to the Mexican Allstar. Mexican Redhair was what was always around, so it’s sort of a heritage strain for me. Not sure what the exact connection with your Allstar would be, but I’m sure they both connect back to Oaxaca somehow. Cool genetics, I bet it’ll be killer smoke. :+1:


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I am mostly posting this for my own mental note, but it is Aug 14th, 1st day of flower, 8 Mexican Sunshines, all looking good:


am i reading that correctly?

Yes, just flipped it to 12/12.

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Dibs , Grow The World @Som , I’d love growing out old prehistoric seeds , sound good to me ,home,

Mexican Allstars Seeds , if you please , Bee Friendly ,OGers , happy growing. Peace ,all…

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Happy flowering, man. Can’t wait to see those blooms.

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Unfortunately all my Mexican Sunshine plants hermied. At least it happened early in flower. It wasn’t nanners but full on male flowers. The last time I grew it this happened to one of the plants, and one threw nanners towards the end of flower, but three made it all the way without problem.

I think it is clear that the hermaphroditism is partially genetic but partially a response to environment and grow technique. I did a few things differently this grow vs the last time I grew them. Last time it was under HPS, this was with LED, but I don’t think that is it. Also last time I grew them out untopped and unpruned, this time I topped them twice and then lollipopped the plant hard so there were only four shoots they could grow from and did it right before flower. I think that is what they didn’t like. Besides that it was the same soil and fertilizer. The last time I grew it I had five females, this time I had four. It is also possible that the sample size is small enough that it is random chance.

Anyway, I am definitely going to redo this cross with a '93 Mexican I know is more stable, because the weed I got from the first grow was great.

So now I have sprouted some Sunshine Daydream f2s and one plant of the Bangi Haze/Prayer Tower Sativa cross I made my last grow, so this thread is probably going to go quiet for a while. I do still have the '93 Mexican dad though, just waiting for a female to cross it with.


Such a cool project, I always wondered what brick was like before it was bricked! Good luck! You’re doing the Lord’s work pulling those herms, as disappointing as it must be.


It is time to dust off this thread because the next act is underway. A few years ago I sent @Motaco some seeds of this line. He found a keeper female which I now have. I am going to cross Motaco’s keeper with the Jurassic sativa male I found last year to get another batch of F3s. Flower starts next week. It is going to be an open pollination with the goal of making 1000s of seeds so I can give them away freely. My Sunshine Daydream keeper is also going to be in the tent. I crossed the SSDD to the Mexican once before and the flower was great but unstable. I want to take another crack at it.

Here are the '93 Mexicans in my garden right now. Three cuttings of Motaco’s female and the throwback sativa male is in the lower right corner:


That is awesome Som!


Looking good hope goes well this time!