'93 Mexican All Star breeding projects

Something unique I noticed about this plant is I don’t think I have ever seen it make a leaf with more than five fingers.


There are a few plants in the line that have more than five fingers but not on the last two female clones I’ve worked with. The male I have does though. This is going to be the last cross I do with that male. It won’t stay out of flower any more. I have to get rid of it because it is pollinating my head stash runs.

Yesterday was day one of flower. A photo:


Looking great @Som I’ll be following along with your progress.

Thought I’d share a few pics of @Motaco’s cut of the 93 Mexican All Star if that’s cool with you as he was very generous with sharing (Thanks Motaco!). She just went into flower this week. Have a couple crosses in mind but am really waiting to sample the flower first.


Really does my heart good to see her in other grow rooms. I still have my momma, and I think I am going to make some more cuttings of it soon.


If you give it away to enough people you will always be able to get it back if you need to. I think that is a good rule of thumb for cannabis genetics.


Day 10 of flower. The male is in full bloom, and sporting some proper sativa leaves. The females are coming along too.


Looks killer to me.


I am at day 45 of flower. This isn’t the most beautiful grow I’ve done. It seems like whenever I grow for seeds using cloned females the plants are never pretty. I am also using different nutrients and am not fully dialed in. They needed a bit more nitrogen right before flower. It seems like clones of the '93 Mexican don’t take up nutrients as actively as plants from seed which is what I am used to growing, it is probably because they don’t have a main taproot.

That said, this cut is a really nice version of this line. It has more fruity aromas and less of the woody/cedar than other plants. It kind of reminds me of mango - fruit with a vegetal edge. The plants are very heavily seeded. I have a plant of my Sunshine Daydream keeper female in the mix too. That probably won’t be something sativa purists are into, but I know it will be really good weed.

A couple of photos.

'93 Mexican:

Sunshine Daydream:


That is amazing Som. I love seeing that! Glad you are liking the momma.


This is an awesome thread. Thank you for sharing your three decade experience with this mexican variety. There are more people than we might think interested in these threads and in these genetics. Just the other day I stumbled upon a similar topic on icmag after posting about mexican and colombian imports in Puerto Rico on a thread. The person reached out to me because, as it turns out, he is also from Puerto Rico and has been collecting seeds from brickweed imported from both of these countries (he has even kept the original stickers the bagseeds came with such as Batman, Superman, and also knew about certain of these varieties that we crossed on the big island ourselves but that were all made from colombian and mexican genetics, such as the Mango Piña, which we suspect is a Mangobiche crossed to a mexican variety, but also Chocolate, which we suspect comes from somewhere near Oaxaca or Jalisco.

In any case, all this to say that there is something beyond merely nostalgia to the value that we put on these strains. I have confirmed this recently by smoking a lot colombian, mexican, and thai varieties. There is something in that old school dankness that just gets me a lot higher or I experience something that has far better quality and I never seem to be dulled by it or burned out, which is the impression I have of the effect of pretty much the majority of what is out there since the 2010s.

For your efforts, sir, I truly salute you. I will tag along in this thread and hopefully we can see through fruition what these mexican beauties will give you. I am also interested in growing them. Sometime within the next two years I will go back to my island and these would just grow so beautifully there :grinning:

Cheers for those seeds and this thread!!


When we created modern weed over the last few decades there were thousands of other versions of weed that were left on the cutting room floor that we probably should have kept. I saved this one because I loved the high of it. It doesn’t hit like modern weed. Even back then it was different than most of what was around. This line makes people high rather than stoned.


I agree with that. I also believe that we left out awesome genetics that deserved to be developed as well. I´m not looking for the modern hit. I am also not looking for what I smoked 25 years ago when I was a teenager. I am looking for cannabis that I could have smoked and developed had I conserved seeds (which I did). However, after I left my parent’s house and moved to Spain about 15 years ago (2009), around 2012 to be exact, my mother found my seed stash and under the direction of my brother, whom I love dearly, but is a religious conservative, emptied several bags with probably over three thousand seeds of different colombian varieties that we still imported in the 90s on the toilet.

Despite the medical cannabis and the machinery of dispensaries, people on the island still smoke imported weed, which is bought mainly in the public residential units or Caseríos, but I figure that even this imported weed from Colombia, Mexico, or even Ecuador of today isn´t the same of the past. I will attempt to discover how much of the old school is still there on modern imports and compare them with the Oaxacan lines, the Thai lines (Thai Chiang Mai), or the Colombian lines I have tried recently (Colombian Gold 1972).

All of these genes will be grown soon on 19N. You can count me in on furthering the Mexican All-Star. I would love nothing more than steer cannabis’s route a bit the other way from the one it has taken in the last 20 years (it´s good, but it is not really all good concerning the path that was taken).


Yea, I think you are right about modern weed. Breeders have focused on thc and have lost the qualities that make different strains unique. I honestly think that most young people dont know what real pot is. :rainbow:


The prettiest parts of seedrun plants are the seeds! I’m looking forward to some updated pictures, regardless. Seeded plants aren’t always pretty to look at​:grin:, but the babies are beautiful :heart_eyes:. Nice work spreading this around. Certainly looks worthy to me. No surprise to all that know me, but I see some Oaxaca in there( I always do, lol), along with Pakistani. @Greandal just grew some nice Zacatecas plants and I see the resemblance in the stigmas. That particular Zacatecas was an old Pakistani strain grown in Mexico since the 50’s. It’s really neat going back in time and seeing the progression ( regression lol) to where Mexican genetics are today.


No doubt. We’ve been left with limited choices, good as they might be. Variety is the spice of life, and fresh genes always provide a better buzz than what you smoke everyday.


I was smoking that in 73, wish I could find some beans for it. I have tried twice to grow ones with the same name (not the 72 however) but they came up short. I’ll never forget the smell of it. I probably threw away a few ounces of them back then, it was really seedy.


Some key info there.

I sprout my seeds outside in the same weather I expect to have at harvest time.

I feel like the plants(seeds) sense the weather are prep for that


Man I wish I kept some Mexican brick weed from back then. I could remember 2 that I loved. I was getting them by the pound so I never thought to save and I didn’t grow like how i do now. Plus it’s probably something no one has.


The Underground Seed Collective sold packs recently on seedheaven. Also, Hyperids gives a pack as a freebee on every Colombian Gold Legacy pack bought. The Legacy edition is a cross between two versions, the 1972 long flowering “pure” version and the bx they made out of a 1980s version. Seed increases could be done. I know that is one pack I will not touch until I could make an increase of it and if I see more of these seeds on seedheaven I will be sure to get them.

Good stuff indeed.


I remember my brothers buying freezer bags full of Panama Red for $20. That shit was full of seeds. I wish I had those seeds now. I would be a rich man in 6 months. :rainbow: