Salutations Viva_Mexico,
Salutations GrowinNBlowin,
Yes, of course. Sorry i was too exhausted to think straight, to provide sufficient context which actually spread across many boards throughout the years:
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There’s a few more in French but i believe that will do just fine. The rest can be found using a simple Google Images search, including “TinyPic” in the search should make the results more specific:
[ Google Images: Egzoset VaporGenie Pipe ]
Then there’s a collection i started on Google+, with an embryo left mostly inactive on FaceBook:
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Now with all this data mining i can attempt to put it in clear, finally…
Naturally, i’d think the same as a reader who saw this for the 1st time. So here’s my long story, trying to make it short… Thank you for expressing curiosity as this is a major advancement engine while this venture missed that a lot, out of an irrational boycott i’d have to point out, but that’s another story we should leave aside.
M’well, it started in 2012 in days when it was becoming evident to me that i wasn’t fully satisfied with what i call Hot Dry Air Ovenizers today. While making circles around an HerbalAire for ~25 months, observing the emerging of health issues as early as 6 months…
The VaporGenie pipe appealed to me so i want to try it but it wasn’t long before i decided to give it away, because i realize i couldn’t operate it properly at all. It wasn’t before the next year i decided that still corresponded to the type of “PRototyping Platform” i would need to work with, because of its materials selection: Silicon Carbide (SiC), for starters. Compatibility with electro-magnetic Induction Energy paving the way to “Bi-Energy” gradually enhanced the concept, eventually, as i realized the full potential of going wireless with the heater element while retaining thermostatic heat limitation via the Curie effect of “intelligent” meatl alloys which turn “transparent” to IH energy once their Curie temperature is reached, which in turn promised to eliminate problems due to thermal interfaces and their associated propagation delays, etc.
So, i was decided to explore quite a few things but didn’t know where to start, that’s how i came to put air layers in an Hybrid Core meant to replace VaporGenie’s single “SiC Puck”, in a SANDWICH layout conveniently resulting into a thermal bottle, as i managed to understand while months passed.
But yellow flames are not as clean as the blue ones, that was a 1st major pitfall i needed years to address correctly, by moving the main Core cavity CLOSER to its target cannabic bowl. Meanwhile i was also reflecting on the need for improved eye-contact on my flame’s tip, then “PinHoles” à la VapMan were adopted because somehow that seemed to promote better movement of the “Release/Transport Agent” that i had no words to even think of what that was back then, because i just didn’t know for sure where providence would lead this exploration next…
The heat source effectively got closer to its load after moving half of my Hybrid Core into the Auxiliary Screw-Base Cavity below it. The addition of a Brass Screen came kind of late but that was the missing touch allowing a reduction of roasting spots, otherwise due to radiative heat as i concluded, so the Top-of-Bowl SiC Puck required to be wrapped into that brass screen for a least 2 purposes, eventually: shielding from spreading the heat fast through a metal barrier + convenient heat-resilient mechanical support to prevent that SiC Puck from falling out of my Sphere’s Screw-Base aperture…
Talking of Sphere another requirement that became evident after a while was the reduction of the Flame-Catcher + Monobloc path, because excessive/inapropriate lenght had a tendency to cause flame extinction when experimenting with BLUE “torch” flames. The Flame-Catcher didn’t seem to play a role in heat retention or else but it still had to hole in place firmly so i found 10 mm tall/deep was a minimum, then it became clear i’d have to try shorter Monobloc lengths as well. Which i have but i must confess i probably adopted the present values somewhat prematurely, which brings me to my method for finding the “magical” dimmensions that would give me joy - which i wasn’t even sure it actually was possible.
The problem with determining the Hybrid Core dimmensions ratios was that i didn’t know where to start, so i assumed that since SiC Pucks were opaque to light starting at 4 mm thickness then that’s where i’d have to look 1st, then after plenty of experimentation i’d eventually find a configuration that works, then another which would provide me with some insight what direction to go next. Overall it was planned to proceed in such steps going through at lest 7 generations of such iterative testing, trying to get closer to a “Sweet Spot” cluster of practical ratio sets - which it appears i have now.
The difficulty here was to proceed without the help of thermo-dynamics simulation, etc.: it had to be something anyone can do by themselves, with sufficient determination and patience (plus all sorts of resources i must admit)… But it did happen, and it’s quite ready for peer reviews by others who will be willing to do some exploration of their own, e.g. after 7 generations of iterations trying to find useful Hybrid Core dimmensions it may now be desirable to verify that better Flame-Catcher/Monobloc ratios also exist, because i’ve only evaluated a few while i might have wished to have many more to play with, now that i got my “Sweet Spot” defined as 3.1 mm thick for the SiC Front Puck, 1 mm thick for the 17-Holes Metal Disc (where each hole is #53 in diameter), then 2.5 mm thick for the Top-of-Bowl SiC Puck wrapped in Brass Screen. These last 2 items being relocated together into my Auxiliary Screw-Base Cavity past the main Core Cavity, both cavities being juxtaposed in the Monobloc…
Starting from there the next step was to focus on an alternative consumption method and ritual no longer conforming to the initial manufacturer’s instruction: long and steady became counter-intuitive! Welcome to “Pulse Mode” heat injection!
Indeed, i have. Lets go further!..
Time for IH energy to kick in! Because now the goal is to use VaporGenie’s sphere as a Thermal Bottle instead of a simple flame-transit to drop temperature. As a matter of fact the “Bursts” are so short it seems meaningless to me to remain focussed on temperature other than to prevent over-heating leading to combustion.
As a bonus the heat bottle opens the door to “Packetization” of the injected “Heat Bubble”, by virtue of simple physic characteristics like specific heat capacity in a metal, combined to that of surrounding metal/SiC and associated interface losses, etc. All evaluated by swapping parts around until some meaning starts to emerge…
So, ultimately i’ve come to conclude that this new layout wasn’t just “Bi-Energy” compatible offering some convenient “Plan-B” where “B” stands for “Butane” if/when electricity fails, not to mention i was also convinced that Inlet Water (prior to the Hybrid Core) must have been necessary too, because the shorter a pulse the better my appreciate turned out it appeared (m’well, within a reasonable range of applications, that is)… My hypothesis at that point was that the higher specific heat of water and carbonic gas must have “Potentialized” my “Release/Transport Agent” and hece the selection of VG’s pipe based on their own materials preferences proved beneficial again: SiC and non-magnetic metals shall remain simultaneously compatible with electricity (in IH “Plan-A” mode) while Inlet Wate would still be an option: just use distilled water pre-heated in an auxiliary boiler/evaporator to supply with a mix of ordinary fresh air. The result should be as in commercial ovens exploiting Super-Heated water i figured.
But it’s been such a long time with such little feedback i’m no longer able to view the whole matter with virgi eyes, hence my difficulty to write engaging text that would entertain interest and curiosity. Which makes me most pleased today when i find there may be a few curious minds left who might be willing to share the fun, or at least envision what that might be like. Because with IH injection “Micro-Bursting” would gain such precision in the stored “Heat Charge” that would most likely spell precision “Micro-Dosage” - that the pipe already allows me to foresee as it is. Even better, after dealing with all sorts of allergy-like symptoms a while ago i realized perhaps after over-sensitizing myself via inapropriate Hot Dry Air Ovenizers i’m now de-sensiting by help of this micro-dosage feature exactly, which in turn allowed me to rize the razor edge of my tolerance and then declare today that i never felt so free.
But i’m starting to feel tired, i must take a pause not to mention i’m getting too close from blowing the text length limit of our on-line editor, i suppose!
Hoping this will suffice in giving a few hints where to start.
Good day, have fun!!