A grow to remember

:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:

Tagging along, found it !!

Ok so moving forward…we found our problem thrips…ok there are alot of ways to get rid of them…but whatever you use …use it fast. And keep using it because they will come back. Treat the rest of the grow at least once a month

We are starting to see the fruit of our labor…so even tho we had problems we are still flowering…remember this…if you are dealing with shock or bugs or whatever…if your plants or plant is not feeding it is sick. And if you feed on top of a sick rootball that did not drink last time…then you are asking for alot of different problems most of them ending with the death of your plant

Look at the flower structure…i remember the other strain it was cheesecake…one of my favorites




As our work rewards us we must be patient…never be tempted to remove a flower early…it will be worth the wait

Ok lets take a closer look…at this point our humidity should be anywhere around 40 to 50 %…so we dont wake up to budrot…you will …and when you do …just remember 40 to 50 saves the day and lower the temperature…the plant enjoys cooler weather at this point.

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Remember after set up we have not done alot except feed…grow …and mirco…until flowering the. Pink or bloom. Also even tho its autos i personally remove most of the big fans at this point…meaning any that are parasitic to a limb that is making flowers. Its a big argument for another time. I do it for that reason and to allow light to get to the sites.

Good genetics saved the day here…look at trichome development…when everything is running right …even some fans will be covered in tri’s

And dont be afraid of burning fans at this point . The flowers love the light so you should have already lowered them or turned them up…how ever.

mmmmmm Looking awesome

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I get these often, my yard is riddled with them.


So we have been maintaining our 2…3…day feed schedule…making sure everything is drying out . Taking care of our bug problems…we adjusted our lights and added bloom to our feed buckets when we started flowering…now we wait…we begin to check our flowers. I recommend you use your phone just get close and a little zoom. And flash .then you can zoom in on pic to check trichome maturity. If you want higher thc and less other shit that causes aka couch lock…the. you want them all cloudy…they will be clear at first…then become cloudy…last they turn amber…for cleaner feeling all cloudy. If you want more medicinal cbd’s…cbg’s…etc…etc…then let it run over till they are all amber. I like most of mine at about 75% amber. Here is a look up closer