A Hindu and Some Milk Thats Too Spicy For Oregonians!

And I ran outa likes for a few hours so here’s a consolation like!

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Is your 185 strong enough? Maybe Start flowering using the 600 next time and you might see a difference. Did you run the MM the same way?


Yeah, well, similar, they were in different tent so diff light, they had the Bridgelux lamp I built like others did here. I used 10 of the 560mm strips per light each being driven by an xlg 150…same as @TrevorLahey’s 2 lights. In fact I copied his parts list and everything so apart from how we constructed them, they were the same. Ive flowered with the Solsheet AND the Bridgelux already and NEVER had to wait this long, even with DBHP, which I let go what seemed like FOREVER, that due in part to your vocalizations about it being a better high the longer she goes…anyhoot, Im chalking all this up to experience and moving on!


Looks like 60% cloudy, 35% clear and 5% amber (I do see amber in there) if I were to guess.

I would chalk it up to just environmental or unknown variables. The slightest things can have the biggest impact especially when talking about harvest times. I’ve had the same strain with almost identical phenos take differing times to finish despite having the same environment.

I’ve also had slight dips (2-4 degrees) in temp at critical stages cause plants to take an additional 2-3 weeks to finish.

Hell, I’ve even seen evidence in my grow of the plant’s position in the tent in relation to airflow affect its finish time.

Looking good though buddy! Got some dank nugs there! Glad to see you’re doing well, I too understand how easy it is to lose touch and get “caught up in the moment” as you say.



Thanks for the response! Yeah, Im finding out that you are correct, there’s so many variables involved that my best bet now is to PAY ATTENTION to my plants and REMEMBER what they “tell” me. Im not so good with the memory but have been using calendars on the walls in my grow areas to document things like irrigating days and such but I also journal the finer deets as I understand them…


I would day check it again in a week and start flushing if you haven’t already. I few to many clear for my liking but if you like more head high then harvest now.

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That’s how Im leaning as well, a little too many clear for me, and I prefer a little less racy of a high. Im naturally a high strung person, so one of the main perks of cannabis for me is how it takes the edge off this constantly racing mind! Im hoping for a week, as well… well, that picture is a little older now, so about how many clear trichomes, if any, would you wait till it gets to before harvesting? That’s probably what I should’ve asked to begin with! I’ve heard peeps say no clears. That seems like it would be a while till this plant shows ZERO clears…

I would harvest when I have mostly cloudy and about the same amount of clear and amber.


So, I’ve finished this phase of the grow, having harvested the OH x PAC on couple days back. The heat in my neck of the woods is ON and so the 600 watt HPS came down and instead I put my Solsheet with the 185 watt driver and a Bridgelux lamp build with 10 x 560mm EB gen 2 strips ran by a 150 watt XLG driver from Meanwell in the 4 x 4 x 6 foot tent. Currently I have a bunch of Herijuana clones. The mom yielded nicely and these clones will hopefully do the same although already they are not showing the same vigor and resilience that the mom displayed. We shall see and pictures to come


Interesting info, would that mean that an indirect slight airflow accelerates flowering? Thanks for sharing and sorry for the offtopic … :sunglasses:

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No worries on “off topic”, the topic for threads I start is always CANNABIS LOVE 101, so any and all topics in that arena are KOOL-MOE-D…besides, Im curious how airflow effects finishing. :thinking:

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Hello Overgrowers! Hope your worlds are well! Been starting to HEAT UP in my neck of the forest, so for anyone else so afflicted, my heart goes out to ya!

Here’s some plants I put outside, to give outdoor growing a try. The bigger plant is a male BLACK WIDOW x SENSI STAR I got in a server fund auction that @cannabissequoia put on. I forget who made the seeds, not CANNABISSEQUOIA but another overgrower, I do remember that. Anyways,he went outside on June 1st along with the 2 HERIJUANA clones I took off a nice and slender, beautiful girl!
The bigger bushy plant is the BW x SS and the two smaller ones next to each other are the Herijuana

You cant really see the 2 Heri’s in the back right of the picture above…
Here the Herijuana are from the side view

And the next wave has got gear acquired ALL from the kindness and generosity of the members here.on this site! I CAN’T SAY IT ENOUGH, YOU PEEPS ARE ALL RAD! SERIOUS…
I got some PURPLE DURBAN, and another one thats got a LONG name, but its a cross with BLUEBERRY and a KUSH x F-Something C99SWT? Like I said, long name
And the other strain that REALLY peaks my interest is SUGE CUT x UZBEKI HASHPLANT and I got 3 of thise in seedling form.
…on a tray with the other mentioned strains…

Hope you all enjoy you HUMP DAY!


Waddup. The BW X Sensi :star: & the BCKUSH? x F13? too are from @Ftlob, PurpleDurban made by @50State, Pure Kush(suge) x Uzbek HP is @Heritagefarms (F2?) Bodhi.

I got mostly boys from the BW :spider_web: x Sensi Star too.




There you go, THANKS for the proper shout-out to the individuals that blessed the community with their creations!


You got the boys club, too? I only popped 3 so its hard to tell from that but got the one girl from those three. Have you noticed if the BW x SS are a little sensitive to nutrients? I could swear I’ve been super light on the amount of nutes I gave them, still they show their displeasure. I have checked the ph of the runoff and its testing in the right area, right around 6.1/6.3…
Its time for the honored tradition of…

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@Ftlob? I didn’t personally…



Yeah, I was REACHING for an excuse that would get ME off the hook! I swear Im in a sophomore slump, you know? I had relative good luck with my first few grows and now it seems Im killing everything I touch! Im not giving up on growing cuz I TOTALLY suck right now, :angry::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:, so I got THAT going for me…:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::roll_eyes:


Hey @cannabissequoia, not sure if you’re still up, but I seem to be having an excess fungus gnat issue and Im researching ways to DESTROY (mwah, mwah mwah!) them and I just wanted to get your opinion about these ways and which you think works best? I would prefer NOT going nuclear but instead minimizing the carnage of my “good” micro-beasties. I know H2O2 works but its gonna lay waste to any soil goodies right? Or has the ship where I save any beneficial bacteria sailed?


@SCJedi mentioned Thuricide from the homey depot…

(bT) soil drench + sticky traps. they’re coming in from outside. i had a bad problem this winter & switched to DWC just to drown them. :unamused:



Absolutely,I had issues with over feeding,I was telling others,when I first started sending them out ,that I recommend no feeding for the first couple of weeks ! Because I was making seeds I didn’t think I should back off on any nutes,so I think that it he seed has more than enough to get started
I have no proof that this makes any sense,it’s only what I can think of, to have them so sensitive to nutrients ,very sorry if I didn’t make that clear,seems to have only affected the black widow xSensi Star cross,I haven’t had a chance to grow any out,was the point of giving them away ,as they are untested,I had to wait for them to finish drying out to send them at that time
Was also at that time,I was broadsided by the community generosity,and haven’t gone back to those,of course in my head ,I would love to go back and go through them for another selection, I will definitely make available to community
Peace and respect