A Shadey spot to paint

Full confession nor do I atm, I feel I am becalmed, in a sea of weed seeds I have, this year has been a bit of a nightmare, first with my cloning techniques constantly failing, then getting mites, starting to use the Bridgelux LED lights, that I didn’t realize were as strong as they are, causing light burn, which I thought had to be lack of nutrients and over loaded my pots trying to correct it, so now my soil is so hot it’s frying everything I try and grow :confused:

I think I will have to make some fresh soil up, it’s so out of whack atm, it’s just depressing the fuck out of me, and why I haven’t updated it last week lol.

Thanks for the kind words with my pictures :slightly_smiling_face: I try and do justice to my reference pics, if I painted more often like I used to, I could up my game a bit more I guess, the way my hands shake now, makes it very frustrating for the fine details I used to be able to produce.


Busy last few days trying to get this finished before my daughter leaves for Kelowna

Added some water drops to the tail area and on the lower wing to see what they look like there. Tightend up the details on the head more as well. I dont like the top wings so I am going to re paint them.

Masked up the head and body to prevent over spray messing it up, the white covers them after a few coats.

Got my base green back in ready to try again.

Looking better, I actually could not make out from the reference pic which wing was the closest and had them wrong. They were not looking good with the out of focus look so changed it with some artistic licence. These licences can get expensive when you use them a lot lol.

Close up after adding the wing connection area to the body. Not happy with the water droplets on the wings but I dont have any more time to experiment. Added the dew to the flower the dragonfly is sitting on.

Going to add a butterfly to fill the gap at the other end of the case lid. This is the Reference.

My negative stencil is in place, its going to look like its flying.

After spraying the whole thing medium brown, I cut out all the red and white ares from my positive stencil and put it back into place and spray the ares white. Then go back over the white areas that need to be red. Cut the body out of the positive stencil now and adding that in so I can see where it goes.

Went over the brown ares that needed to be closer to black with a black transparent paint to darken them up, did some fine detail on the body and wings, just need to add a little blue to the wings behind the tail of the body and a few more tweaks. Also added its antenna. Cleaned up the over spray around the wings with more green.

Nearly time for the clear coat, going to use 3 coats of automotive clear coat.


Three coats of clear on and painted the edge of the case black to tidy it up. i love clear coat on the art, it makes the colours pop more, and shows up the details better.

Signed dated done.


Very well done, love the transparent wings!


Cheers Beacher, they are not too bad, I would of liked to have got them more like the photo, the daughter loves it, so all is good.


Well that’s all that really matters in the end.


Dam shady some serious skills there man .


Thanks Shishkaberry :slight_smile:

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If you threw one in with my seeds it would get framed and hung on the wall.

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Be difficult to frame a guitar case lid and would need a big envelope :wink:

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I love this shitt right here man. Who’s got a copy of Adobe Photoshop that’s not connected to any server early 2000’s. Somebody keeps telling me about the little programs that are better than Photoshop but using the Photoshop that I’ve had it just seems like the stuff nowadays looks more cartoony and I don’t mean that in a bad way just I guess everybody’s own style is their own style I just like realistic photo-realistic stuff. You got a nice hand Shady.


Thanks man, I try to get as photo realistic as possible, the viewing distance is important, as well as the lighting. the camera never does justice to looking at it in real life with art.

If you look at it from 8-10 ft away it looks less illustrative / cartoony lol.


I used the paid version of Photoshop for a few years and switched to GIMP which is totally free a while back. It’s great for my purposes and there’s tons of info online if you need to figure out how to do something.


Nah nah nah I shouldn’t have said that at all I didn’t mean I should have just deleted that I didn’t mean to say anybody stuff looks like cartoon work to be honest cartoonist are some of the best illustrators out there your stuff is fire though Dude you definitely don’t need any critique from anybody else you know you do what you do nobody else can do it like you do it or they would do it.


That’s what I’m trying to find is a program that’s really a professional photography program. I used to do a lot of graphic design on the computer just self-taught for real and I took art school for a few years I mean I took art and school whatever every year but to go to our school now I didn’t go to art school it would have been nice to but when you’re proficient in something you know a lot of it’s God given I mean you can teach anybody to draw but if you really don’t have it you’re not going to be I mean I hate to say it look how Hitler ended up his Jew (no puns) teacher told him that he was a failure and the next thing you know he was trying to eradicate him he couldn’t take criticism very well he was a little bit worse off. :rofl:

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lol I was thinking the same thing about the dragonfly looking cartoony close up, so you just confirmed my thoughts :wink:

Don’t worry I like constructive criticism, its the only way to improve, people see things differently and sometimes they see how things could be better, that the artist misses.

I have photo shop and a freebie one one called Fotor its good for adjusting photos and putting borders on mostly I just use it to reduce file size, but its no where near the level of Photoshop… I had a hooky copy of Corel draw as well but after the PC did an update it removed my firewall block on the program hooking up with the net, and it got shut down :frowning:

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GIMP will do everything that your older photoshop did, plus more. Its what I use for work and home. On my phone I use PicsArt, but thats mainly just to crop and resize. Its free too, but nags you to get the premium subscription.


Ahhh that sucks. It’s like my xbox1. You can’t use it if you don’t have the internet. You got to get on there and get your video games downloaded it’s cool because you can play 360 games if they have the file to be downloaded to play like as an emulator and Microsoft or pieces of s*** just like Apple and the fact that you can’t even play the games unless you have the internet once you’ve downloaded that game you should be able to play it regardless and you know you got to have the internet to do multiplayer I get that but literally it shuts your console down as soon as it updates as soon as you connect back to the internet and update your dead.

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I think I will download that and give it a try :thinking:

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