A Shadey spot to paint

Thanks bud. I like your style.:grin::+1:



I bet this was shot in one take! :laughing:



Like when Ving rhames tells Bruce Willis nah I got this right this m***********. I got some hard pipe hittin’ n***** coming over ready to do some work.

I was like oh s*** yeah definitely an awkward looking moment between two men with a ball gag in your mouth with some police behind you. Damn! Look who it is the police behind you if it ain’t the police is the Catholic Church who f*** both of them. Oooh shit.

That was a joke.


Starting a Birthday Tshirt for a buddy. I wouldn’t normally do this but him and his misses have their birthdays close together, and she is the wife’s best friend, so my wife has got her a birthday present and we dont want him to feel left out when they come over to stay the weekend in a couple of weeks, for her birthday.

So apparently his favourite pyjama top got worn out from years of wearing, and tore down the back, and she says he wont throw it away. Its the logo from Pink Floyds Dark Side Of The Moon, so I am going to do a version of that, the Original is a bit boring and easy to paint.


OK here is the reference pic. Going to be something along these lines. The letter font will be changed that is too skinny to deal with.

T shirt is on my painting box, correctly aligned, that’s the most important bit having the T shirt sitting square.

Now to start creating my stencil for the triangle moon and letters :slight_smile:


Well I finally got a start on it, been dealing with Workers Compensation and Lawyers all week :frowning:
So triangle stencil cut out and held down with big washers ready to spray.

Got the text stencil all cut out as well.

Stencil in place and sprayed with white paint.

After spraying we have this.

Now to add the line to the triangle

Line in place, not happy with the width of the triangle lines so making them thicker.


Almost as fun as a debilitating injury! Yahoo! :partying_face:




After this week I am almost ready to say fuck it, it not worth the stress, and feeling like criminal when I am the victim. 5 years of this crap now and no closer, they keep quoting single sentences out of context from my doctor’s reports to prove their theories, and ingnore all the information the doctors say that my fall is responsible for my disability.


Man. I don’t have advice or experience or a magic wand.

I just used up all of my encouragement too. :confounded:

Put the wife/kids in law school? :man_shrugging:



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Ok had some time today to finish off the Tshirt.

Got my moon in, started my clouds and stars,The white furnace filter makes a good cloud stencil when you spray through it. Then I ironed the Tshirt, with the Iron on full heat no steam and me pressing down on it with as much weight as possible, with some parchment paper over the art,to stop the iron marking the paint. This seals the paint into the fabric, andd stops it absorbing more paint so I can get stronger colour.

Added more clouds some lightning on the bottom of the triangle, and coloured smoke

Improving the depth of the clouds added twisty lines inside the line to the triangle and whitend up the energy coming of it. Repainted the white on the pink Floyd text and Ironed it again.

Knocked back the clouds with some heavily reduced black for more depth painted the center of the triangle to get rid of over spray and whitened up the lightning.

More white on the clouds, put some drop shadows on the corners of the triangle to make diamond shapes, but you cant really see them in the pic. Done.


Lucky friends you have! :tshirt: :+1: :new_moon_with_face:

Man I wish I had patience. :wink: Thanks for sharing these with us; the steps involved won’t make me a master but do have a beneficial effect of pausing to observe & reflect, and the consequences of a screw-up aren’t life-threatening(:blush:).


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Only if you top yourself for fucking up 30-40 hours of work lol. Most mistakes are recoverable, its usually if you dont prep hard surfaces right, and you pull a bit of masking off, and it pulls a big area of paint off with it that makes you cry, and just adds a lot of extra time :wink:


Well Crimmy time is getting closer, so I am starting some Tshirts early as the daughter and her boyfriend are now living in Kelowna and will not be back for Christmas as usual. This means prezzys have to be posted and need doing sooner than later, the wife wants to send stuff out in about 3 weeks so it doesn’t give me much time.

I will be doing 1 T shirt and 2 Cooking Aprons

For the Tshirt I will be using the pic below this one as a reference. Daughter gave me 2 choices, either The Witcher computer game or Ghost Rider. I did this Witcher Tshirt for him a while ago.

So I am going to try this Ghost Rider image,from the middle of the back up. haven’t painted a skully in a while now, so this will be fun.


You have amazing talent my friend! :heart_eyes:


Cheers man, I am going to have be your cousin paintingfire :fire: for a bit :joy:


Got a start on it yesterday, tried to print out my stencil but the printer ran out of ink :frowning: So I had to draw it out to finish but didn’t do a good job. Spayed some white around the stencil to show where I will be painting, then Ironed the shirt to seal the surface better, so paint is not so easily absorbed.

After ironing I went back in and added more white, for a smokey fire background. The original pic has the skull to small for body ratio size so I am using another skull from my Skully Reference folder of a skull at every angle with different lighting.

Roughing in my lines and fucking it up hands were shaking bad yesterday. I am going to have to erase some with black paint and re do some of them in the right place…


:joy: I confuse your threads all the time :rofl:


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Some more done yesterday. Got rid of some mistakes on the left and right arm.

Starting to rough ion some shading and detail

Added a dark brown red around the outside of the body. I needed to do it now as the white is changing the light values on the jacket, and I want the shading to be subtle as possible. I will rough the skull in next :slight_smile:

You can see by darkening the colour around the jacket, the dark greys on the pouches and jacket now appear to be lighter.


Did some more today, Ghost Riders got his head on.

Decided to go with a full skull instead of just the face as I am wanting to try and get the flames as transparent as possible. Not going to be easy on a Tshirt, but worth a try. Its been ironed twice now and the paint has got a sheen to it as it plasticizes into the fabric, but its still being absorbed fairly easily.

A bit of shading on the skull, just playing with it at the moment

Re registering my whites and adding highlights to the belt and pouches. Messing with the skull more. Moved the white line up the middle of his back a half inch it was bugging me straightened it out a bit better.

Added the spikes down the the white line and on his right arm.

Adding a little shading and colour to the spikes on his left shoulder and trying out colours on the line under them as well.


Added colour to the lies and more on the spikes also added blood to the pouches on his back. I like the fire colour coming through his jacket sems but I will go over it with some transparent orange to give it a glow.

Added the line down his right arm and some blood on the square things under the pouches as well as some orange on the highlights…

Filled in the barrel of the shotgun and a orange highlight on the fore stock. Took this pic at a different angle, now the paint has plasticized its reflecting the flash and bleaching the colours a bit, looks better now.

Next is finishing the details on the Jacket add a big chain flying around and practice some flames somewhere it wont matter, hard to tell how much white I am going to have to add to the yellow and orange to get it to pop.