A Shadey spot to paint

The talent we have around here is awesome!!! Very nice work!


Yeah I did as soon as I saw I was living nearly 10 years in the past :rofl:. It took me 25 minutes to figure out how to do it. The camera was my daughters and it sat for a few years with a flat battery. I was trying to remove it altogether but I couldn’t figure that out :roll_eyes:


Thanks bud :+1:

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I’ve known of your talents for some time now but you’re doing some amazing stuff. I never did well in art class in school but am pretty good, or was, with drafting tools.

About the only artistic thing I was good at was tying flies. The fly club I belonged to a lifetime ago had a lot of good tyers and they all loved seeing my stuff at the auctions. Especially the very tiny midges and things on hooks you could barely see like size 32.

When we moved up north in '01 all my fur and feathers were lost. Easily $3000 worth I’d collected over 20 years or so of active tying. Still have all the other stuff and in Dec picked up another man’s supply of lots of fur, feathers and plenty of stuff from his son as he had passed and the son wasn’t into fishing. What a disappointment he must have been to his father. :slight_smile: Both my boys took to fishing like I did with my grandfather when I was just 4 or 5.

Been over 20 years since I’ve tied anything harder than a few chicken feathers on larger hooks to fly fish the pike up here to make it more interesting so need to clear some space to get going again.

Now I’m going to scroll up and watch that video @Heliosphear made for you!



Cruising thru droppin likes, @Shadey NICE!


That’s something I have always fancied doing, but my fishing interest has waned over the years. We have 40ft of deeded access to the river in front of the house so I am hoping to build a dock at some point so I can sit out there and look at the view with my vape and a glass of wine, and my 12ft Hardy trotting rod, I got when I was 10 years old in 1970. My dad paid 220 pounds for that back then, probably equivalent to a thousand now. Either that or playing my Didgeridoo out there and upsetting all the dogs in the neighborhood lol.

Cheers man.


That AI stuff is crazy. The moose looks like he’s wearing gloves on his antlers! ha


Your only hours away from the beginning…


Laugh like the first time I got high. I was lying on the floor in the middle of a pub in hysterics with everyone looking at me like I was mental lol.


Some more progress today as the snow is still thick on the ground stopping me going out to do stuff.

Changed the mouth to create teeth put some pale green in the eyes, and did a light green wash over it all.

Added a brown green shadow under painting around all the holes in the leaves and around the jaw and eyes.

Added another light green wash over the top all over again. Starting to look half decent now.

Added eyes to see what it looked like, and did more light green with a drop of white to increase the vibrancy of the green.

Went over it with a Phalo green and some white as its a bit like a candy colour. Where its light it will still be light and where its dark it will add green to the shadow. Took the eyes out it looks more menacing lol and cleaned up the over spray and re defined the dark areas.

Knocked it all back with straight Phalo green.Next I will start doing the back ground before getting into the fine detail stuff and the bright highlights which will bring it to life more.

Cheers for looking.


:heart: :heart: :heart:

I wish I could circular breath. I can hold my breath for 2min30seconds but still cant do the circulation.

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Once I found out that it’s not quite breathing in at the same time as blowing out it became easier. Basically you turn your mouth into a bellow like the bag on bagpipes. You close off the back of your mouth, while breathing in, and push the air out of your mouth with your cheeks. Practice blowing a raspberry while breathing in through your nose.

A good didgeridoo with decent back pressure created by the bends in the wood makes it easier. The better you get the more straighter a didgeridoo you can play. Less back pressure means faster playing.

2 of my Orchestral quality Didges, the big one is a Bloodwood eucalyptus in the key of E and the smaller one is boxwood in the key of D. The big one is very loud having the bell bottom. The aboriginal who made it called it the cavern of souls. I had to buy it after that lol $730.



My didge is a 2" section of PVC pipe! I have to play it at the side of my mouth to get it going. No back pressure at all, just a tube! :rofl:

Now this also explains why folks that can play a didge properly always kept going “how are you doing that?”



Well it’s the same as blowing the raspberry while breathing in, raise your tongue to the roof of your mouth to close your mouth off to your throat, breath in sharply a short breath at a low noise part of your tune rhythm while squeezing in your cheeks to keep the vibration in your lips going.

Get some epoxy putty and make a half moon shape as far down into the mouth end of your pipe and the the same at the other end the opposite side to the other like an exhaust baffle, this will give it some back pressure and allow you to vibrate your lips longer.

There are some amazing players out there, that can create 3 different drones in their mouth throat and chest.

I want a Didjeribone next you can easily make one, check out this guy, wear headphones and smoke a joint or drop some shrooms and listen to the rhythm lol.


When I lived in the UK I got some lessons from this guy at Reading Didge club, he had an amazing sounding and fast playing didge.

If you watch his mouth you can see his cheeks puff out, while moving his tongue up, to close off the throat when he takes in air. Really talented player.


Fucking amazing all round @Shadey !



Here is today’s efforts

Put in my smokey background with layers of dark to light green. Added another strip next to the border edge and painted along it in white first.

Then went over the white with some yellow.Tried the flash on the camera with this pic.

Removed the tape and then did the same with red this time for a popping double border for more depth. Did some more high lights and detail stuff. Added the name I thought of last night, a play on words. The Grim Reefer lol.

I then had a vape and looked at it for a couple of hours and decided to put some black shadow behind it as it was getting lost in the over spray from the smoke.

Re did my dark areas again. Re taped behind the yellow as I will spray some dark brown/black mix around the outside of the smoke and will probably have to re do the yellow as well as on the inside to break up the hard line from the paint brush I used to paint around the skull and leaves.

That’s what happens when you get excited and rush the finish lol.


Is that spoken for or can it be bought? So cool


It might be. depends how much I like it myself, although I am running out of wall space here to hang things on the wall lol.


You have CEILINGS!!!