A Shadey spot to paint

I added the dark brow/black mix around the skull ans between the border and the smoke.

Added more white smoke all over,l re did the yellow border. When yellow and black get together you get a grey green which is not pleasant lol.

Ok its finished 20x16 inches Grim Reefer Skull Leaf. I was going to play with the borders a bit more but dont want to distract the eye from the main pic. As usual the camera is not doing it justice, best viewing distance is 2 to 3 meters away which you cant do with a camera lol. I will see if I can get some natural light pics which should improve how it looks.

If you click on the pic to enlarge it looks better :wink:
I might do something similar on a Tshirt for myself, but it wont have the red and yellow borders.

I got one more canvas left before I have to get more, thinking of doing a Star Wars Hans Solo for my other nephews crimmy present. I haven’t painted anything for him as I had no clue what he was into unlike his brother lol.

Cheers for looking and all the nice comments :+1:.


WOW! That’s the next level right there, truly awesome! Going to make a start to finish video for you, will post it here.


Would like to make a character for you to enter into the OverGrow 420 Racing…

Got a idea you would like?

Off to play my didgeridoo, it’s by far the most difficult instrument I’ve ever learned to play.

Daaaaaamn you got the real deal! Mines from Australia made by aboriginal hands, I’ll get a picture up next visit. I ain’t jealous but Sure to Sure I am very impressed. Thank you for sharing.

Have a great day. :sunglasses:


I like the red border. It gives the perfect pop to it without distracting.


Cheers man I thought you were taking a break lol, you must have a lot of spare time on your hands. What you have done already is a good approximation of what I used to look like on my motor bike lol.

If I get another bike, which is not likely atm, I will get a custom made frame with the front end kicked out chopper style, so it doesn’t look like I am riding one of those mini bikes lol.

Yeah both of mine came from OZ natural termite created and tuned by Aborigines.

The big one was crafted by Darryl Anderson who was an up and coming Didge maker 14 years ago when I got it. This info was from his web site.


The red dot on the Australian map shows the region where this didgeridoo came from. This stunning showpiece is one of my favorite didgeridoos. lt was made from a big bloodwood eucalyptus tree in Australia’s Northern Territory.

This is a TOP GRADE instrument with a conical bore, HUGE BELL, beautiful finish, and heaps of gem-like fire in the wood grain. If you want a didgeridoo with the power and fine tuning of a Harley-Davidson then you’ve gotta own one of Darryl’s big bell instruments! You can spend three to five times more on a big-name maker’s didge to get the same high quality sound as this one, but why pay more when you don’t have to? Superior, perfectly balanced acoustics give this didgeridoo the highest mark of concert quality. Suitable for any player from the beginner to advanced level. The bell or distal end is very clear which increases volume, harmonics, and clarity of tone. A semi gloss lacquer protects the wood from the elements. Fitted with an organic beeswax mouthpiece sanitized with Didgeri-Clean (tea tree and lavender oil). The mouthpiece can easily be adjusted to fit you perfectly. Instructions included, no worries.
Soundwise: Concert quality sound and playability. This power driving didgeridoo delivers a massive, room filling drone that’ll make your other didgeridoos crack with envy. VERY LOUD with high beam acoustics whilst being super easy to play and manipulate. Unbelievably responsive to tongued riddims and trill. The conical bore gives way to a HUGE BELL end that delivers vivid vocal effects, chirpy highs and phat, feral bass frequencies. Three easy horn toots, the first being warm against the drone. The first trumpet toot is bright to the drone and the overblown note is very stable making it easy to incorporate into rhythms. Perfect backpressure for its size and pitch (making the circular breathing technique easier). Well seasoned timber. Won’t last long around here at this price. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like a demo over the phone.

I got it on sale luckily it was 33% off retail.

I should have a sound file for it somewhere being played by the maker.


Yeah red is the opposite colour to green on the colour wheel so when those two get close to each other it pops well. The yellow transitions from green to red on the colour wheel. Subliminal traffic light colours lol.


:rofl: Understood will work it out for tomorrows opening race. About your Darryl’s didgeridoo… Ok now I’m Jealous! :sunglasses:


Wait for it, it gets better…


I have one of those drums as well lol, cant play it as well as those guys though. I airbrushed a tribal/Celtic running wolf on it. Cant find a pic at the moment and the drum was left with a friend along with all our art pictures when we moved house.

I dont trust anyone with my Didges though lol they can crack if they are in fast changing temperature conditions.

We have a lot of friends who play instruments and at Bday parties there is usually an impromptu jamming session starting with all kinds of instruments lol. I get some funny looks from people who dont know what a Didgeridoo is and I get blamed when they mess up because they are listening to me playing instead of concentrating on their own instrument lol…


RAD McWhollyFuck @Shadey !!!

I hope you have glow-in-the-dark paint for your mad skillz to use!



I am trying to remember something I painted using only the phalo green, it did have semi glow in the dark or at least it needed very little light to be viewed lol. There are black light airbrush paints you can get that will glow when ultra violet light hits them.




I use some wicked paints, didn’t know they did glow in the dark lol.

I remembered what I painted that had a low glow in the dark with the phalo green.

It was a portrait of Voldermort from Harry Potter. Cant find a pic of it or the Dobby portrait I did.


Thanks for the link its hard to find reasonable prices on airbrush stuff in Canada, normally I order stuff in the UK and ship it to my bro in laws when we go over for visits. This site is very reasonable in its prices even compared to amazon…


Found them.

He glowed quite well in the dark, when my niece came over from the UK she asked if I could take him out of the spare bedroom as it scared her if she woke up in the night, she was 22 lol


Painted myself a Tshirt Yesterday of the The Grim Reefer changed it a bit as an experiment.

With Flash on the camera.

Without Flash on the camera.


Next up is Hans Solo.

got to make my mind up which of these to use for reference. Probably just head and shoulders. I would like to do the first one but the millennium falcon would be far to small to do it justice with all that detail.

This one is good but they are too far apart, I would need to bring them closer together which might look strange and Hans expression is a bit meh and his right eye as you look at him looks weird and will bug me if I cant get it perfect lol. .

Action shot I like this one, nice even skin tones and only half his hair needs detail work.

If I do this one I will have to bring Hans Solo’s head up more level with Chewy"s as well as closer but then Chewy will have a big gun barrel covering some of his head.

Decisions decisions lol.


I like the last one. :+1:


Cheers ReikoX, as you are a Star Wars connoisseur, I will mock it up and see how well it fits on the canvas :+1:


Please do this one day:

:grin: :v:


Gotta nuke something.