A Shadey spot to paint

I mocked up 2 pics to see how they work.

This one isn’t so good as his arm is too long to keep the head a decent size.

Mr ReikoX suggestion is very good, gold star for you man :+1: I could probably increase the size more as well.


A little update to this pic I did a few days on it then had no more time to play atm.

Cut out my negative face stencils and started roughing in the background so I dont have to keep re doing the faces from over spray.

Roughed in some of the face areas and Hans gun so I know its position.

More roughing in.

Started consolidating the back ground with a grey brown colour for shadows.

Added a grey blue to the Millennium Falcon body parts they will get white highlights nearer the end.


Wow bud! Freaking wow!


I just finished barricading a lot from squatters… :sweat_smile: this is worrying! :laughing:

:evergreen_tree: no can sleep brah


@Shadey your painting skills are off the charts buddy. You should really try and profit using them in some way. My picture you sent me has pride of place but I’ve still yet to buy a frame for it.

It being a fairy I hope you wasn’t insinuating I gardened up hill :rofl:


Cheers man, No, the focus is on your use of psychedelics.

That was done pre injury, when my hands didn’t shake and I had decent finger control. I had to wear 30 times magnifying goggles to paint all the fine details. I think the print is not much smaller than the original. I think the fairy, not you :smirk::wink: that I painted was about 3 and a half inches from the tip of his hat to his finger nails he is resting on the shroom.


See. I see that now. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
It’s my mistake as usual :upside_down_face:
Psychedelic or not within reason I’ll give it a go.
I’d not take the brown in any form. I’d not pin anything other than steroids. Been looking at the prices of hgh lately to get my bones growing again but that’s way beyond what i can afford. My shoulder is absolutely f#cked and needs sorted but I keep getting the “it needs time” argument. Sustanon and deca is likely in my future to fix things.
Sorry for spamming your thread. :v:


That was a great movie. I’ll never forget. I have never seen anything like that before. I was very young.


I do find out if I don’t sleep good at night I’ll definitely do it during the day. Sometimes if I drink, I don’t sleep good. I love to get high.


Yeah HGH is a great way to repair damage provided your body can break down the damaged tissue and make new stem cells first. That’s why I fast, to create autophagy and get my body recycling the damaged tissue and make new stem cells. When fasting your body can produce up to 50,000 times the normal amount of growth hormone when combined with resistance training.

Would deca be decadurabolin, I used it in conjunction with testosterone, anapalon and dianabol, never used sustanol. Steroids are only going to create more muscle mass which could put more stress on the joint and tendons, which is why HGH works so well strengthening everything.

Don’t worry about spamming up the thread lol.


Its that time of year to get the paint and airbrushes out.

Just finished today aTshirt for my daughters boyfriend’s Crimmy present. Its from the game God Of War.

Here’s the reference pic.

Negative stencil cut out and going to do the background first.

Blue skies and clouds.

Bit of lightning.

Roughing in the leggings dark tones.

now the light tones.

Belts and loin cloth.

Roughing in body colour and tightening up the detail on his belts and loin cloth.

More on the torso and arms.

Messed his face up eyes were to high so painted it over and re positioned eyes and ears and nose. lol.

Still working on his face , done the axe and more highlights and shadows on the lower half.

Close up of the face still a bit to go to get rid of those black lines on the bridge of his nose and mouth creases. Beards looking good.

Highlights on the face arms, hands and body, re did some clouds signed and done. Pic is a little blurry I will get one outside tomorrow in natural light.


Dam you do nice work.



Here’s some outside pics, nice clear shots. Lovely sunny day today hit 23c, got possible snow on Wednesday, go figure lol.

Next up is a canvas 16x20.

Reference pic.

Negative stencil in place.

Starting the wall.

Wall and drain pipe roughed in, negative of the hand in place, and starting the billboard



I hope you’re prepared for him to be your son in law :joy::+1:



Eddie is a legend. I had this as a poster on my wall as an early teen.


Yeah I am, they are planning on getting married in the next couple of years.


I see that pic chosen a lot by people to have painted on their bike, when they asked for an Eddie pic I was hoping it would have been an easier one like that one.


AMAZING @Shadey !!!