A Shadey spot to paint

Cool article, thanks man!!!


Anytime Brother anytime

Done some more on the Zeus pic.

Painted in my blacks with a very dark grey on the left side, waiting for it to dry.

Thats dried now so now I have painted around the portrait with a lighter grey as my very dark grey edges of fur are not visible. Re clouring my oranges and greys building depth to the fur.

This means I have to re paint all my fur edges on the right side. Also addeed black dots around the upper cheecks, and re outlined his teeth and gum line and shaded the tongue as well. painted in the fur on the top right of his head.

Now fixing the right side white fur, under and to the side of the jaw, just keep working backwards and forwards with white and grey.

Added my light oranges to cheeks and eye brows, ready to come back in with the airbrush and darken up some areas for shadow depth, re difined his nostrils and put lots of light grey dots on his nose, which the camera flash has made invisible.

Starting to come together now looking a bit more life like :slight_smile:


It’s crazy to watch these paintings come to life in this thread! I think you nailed the fur sitting back it’s pretty photorealistic looking already!


Cheers Trev. Once I play with the airbrush and start the detailed shadowing and colour overlay, it will get more depth. The eyes, nose and mouth will make a big difference when done as well.


More done today, broke the back of it doing the fur.

Roughed in more fur on his right fore head. Put some transparent orange over eye brows and cheeks, then shaded that with a dark brown.

Then sprayed over with a very dark grey. Shaded in along the left top lip and his nose.

Painted in the detail fur in light grey, on right side of his face. coloured his eyes in brown.

Re registered the dark brown lines in his eyebrows, put in 3 layers of light grey high lited fur and then knocked it back with the dark grey twice to build up the depth, re highlighted his orange bits and sprayed orange over the top again.

Spent an hour trying to get the shading right on his right ear, almost happy with the right side of his face lol. Started on the left putting in my light grey highlights on the fur, just got to knock it back and re do it a couple more times, and get the right shape. Shaped the edge of the orange flash on his right cheek., put some black lines in his white beard, will go over them with the airbrush to soften the lines up.


That is looking really good, talented!


Bit more done today finished the body fur off, pulled my highlights on his for head further over, and knocked it all back again with the reduced dark grey, added a few more highlights around the orange on his jaw and eye brows, just need to do his ear.

Three layers of fur on the ear to get the depth knocking it back down with the dark grey in between again, added some orange dots around his eyes and under the left ear just need to to put some brown over that then a bit of reduced black around the edge of it to sink it into the fur, so it doesn’t look like its floating on top.

Next will be shortening the ruff directly under his chin its too long needs to lose about a third of the ends. Then I will do the top of his head and fill the fur up so its more level, then mouth and teeth, then the white blaze down the middle of his forehead and finally his eyes. Then just detail high lights on the nose and gums.

Here’s my reference again.


Thought I was going to finish it today but life got in the way and ended up only getting 90 minutes. So I hit the high lits on top of his head , left side of face

Lightened up the white blaze on his nose and forehead still have to do the lower part of his muzzle. started roughing in his mouth, sprayed over the ruff under his chin so it can be re levelled, did a bit with his eyes as well.


OK spent another 4.5 hours on iyt today its moving along fast now getting to good bit where all the fine detail starts to bring it to life.

Started out correcting the ruff under his chin its at the correct height now, re painted his white blaze, and knocked back some of the shadow and those dark grey dots, added a lighter shade over his lip at the front, and layerd some more pink over his tongue to soften the shadows there.

Working back and forth in his mouth keep making it a bit lighter every time, balancing the grey tones with the pinks, re outlined his teeth and did them again due to over spray its getting bad now in places. Put in some soft dots for where his whiskers appear from and added the whiskers also the hairs coming off his white blaze and around his top and bottom lips re worked the lower ruffle a bit more, added more high lite on the right side of lower jaw hair, highlighted his nose , I have to re do the area under his right eye with mid grey hair lines as I destroyed them knocking the orange dots back too much.

Next will be the eyes and a few little touch ups here and there with details.


man that is coming out really well. good job shadey!

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All done I think lol, This is the best pic I can get indoors atm doesn’t quite do it justice, I will get a better one after Christmas.




Awww dude, you forgot one of his whiskers. Gunna have to start over. Lmfao :joy::joy:

All jokes aside. Amazing work. The slate-gray background was a good choice, it really makes it pop.

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Cheers man, yes it worked well, looks better in real life, its actually a bit lighter grey than what I see on the puter screen, its a little reflective with the flash, crappy camera. There are about another 7 things I can see already that are not quite right, but its wrapped up now :relieved:

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Pup Came out Great
\One concern , the almost red looking bloches near and over eyes , suppose to be fur but in painting looks like skin.
Anyway to put fur over the spots?
See what I mean?
You prob/finished and gave for present already
I have a critcal eye, Looks Great Sashy

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Cheers man, It doesn’t look like that in real life, it looks like the orange hair around his jaw, that’s where the camera flash hit it directly and that is light reflection. If you see it in real life its much more balanced between high lights and low lights, looks loads better with a lot more depth.

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Great job!! That looks fantastic.

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Thanks man, going to do another shortly of our dog I think.


looks great shadey.keep up the good work.


OK I see what you mean with the flash
Looks Fantastisimo !

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