A Shadey spot to paint

I am going to add some single green leaves in the gap on the left. Most of those leaves would have disappeared anyway, as my border edge will be just up above the tips of the lower pinky purple leaves, so anything below the top of the black Z on its side will be gone except the leaf tips. It will be better without them honest :innocent:


I believe you :slight_smile:
It’s looking pretty cool.

I’ll keep watching for the next update with changes. :bow:


Done more today.

Re did my lower fan leaf veins

Then I sprayed a very reduced prple all over the dark purple bud leaves to knock the white back down, it doesnt look like it as the camera flash picks it up more.

I also sprayed the same purple over the lower fan leaves. Added more yellow to the edge of the orangy yellow fan leaves.

Added a reduced white over the yellow edges of the orangy fan leaves and high lighted them, highlighted the purple fan leaves and then sprayed reduced purple back over them. Also brought the green from the bud further up the leaves. Re did the trichomes around the edges of the purple bud leaves, Added 2 green leaves at the bottom left of the bud.


OK last 2 days I have been fucking with these 7 front leaf fingers. trying to get the colour and light radiance right but it was all turning muddy with over spray. If you get lots of different colours and mix them up you get dirty brown.

So I painted them out and now we have 6 leaves that are getting closer to what I want.

Started adding the veins again, I wasn’t happy with some of the veins I had done, nature has marvellous symmetry, which is hard to replicate with a shaky hand and a stoned brain. So I sat and looked very closely at how the spacing works between the veins, I thought all would be the same but not so.

All the veins are in and I am happier but we will see how they look when the highlights and piks goes over the top.

Then I airbrushed in my dark pink over the white, looks Ok so far.


Finished it today. Not as good as I was hoping for couldn’t get the luminosity right on the foreground leavres after 3 attempts I am giving in as I am running out of time for the next one.

So repainted the veins and thinned them out a bit added highlights but then tried to get the pinky highlights but didnt work. So I outlined the veins again with a grey pink and used a light pink with a dry brush to re add the high lights again.

sprayed in my internal border in white and then went over the top in blue, and re painted the outside border ready for the smoke.

Smoke done signed and managed to get a decent pic with the daughters camera with a soft flash so its not bleached out, If I can get a decent day weather wise I will try and get one outside as the natural light makes big difference.

EDIT no its not finished just spotted something missing who can see whats not there lol.

Next up is Zeus the wonder dog.


Wish I had some talent like that!! Really nice work…wish you would do my dog too!!!


Thanks man, what kind 0of doggy you got?

Now its finished forgot the pistils, also just touched up some highlights and the orangy yellow leaf veins. I cant help myself :laughing:


I was gonna guess pistols but thought if I was wrong then it would be rude :joy::joy:


Lol, constructive criticism is always welcome :wink:


OK here we go pic #3

Cut my stencil for eye, nose, bottom lip, and orange eyebrows.

Then cut out white center flash on his face and lightly sprayed in.

Filled in in a very light grey and added the teeth.

Added pink for his tongue and eye corners, darkened up the nose in a dark grey and shaded under the nose and upper lip area.

Added the white ruffle under his chin and around his mouth and nose, then painted in the orange on his eye brows and around his nose area.

Free handed in his ears and the rest of his head. in a light grey.

All roughed in, now to start detailing, probably going to work from the outside in as most of the detail will be on his nose eyes and mouth and I don’t want to bury it in over spray.


You do that stiggy???



You got a pack of Wolofs lol.

Nice looking Dogg’s. Not often you see an almost completely black German Shepherd.

My wife’s sister had a huge black German Shepherd about 110 pounds called Zack and he didn’t like me, lol, so I gave him a wide birth.


The black one is the Mom, Mercy. The one in middle is Tuck, the little one is their son, Finn, as a 4 month old pup.

Mercy scares the shit out of everyone, being black like that, but has red legs and beautiful read behind her ears and back of her head, she is stunning in person!!!

ALL THREE a just big babies, would not hurt a flea…squirrel, YA, game on, lol, other dog’s, people, kids, NOPE!!!

Tuck is 89 pounds, Mercy 85, Finn, 92 at 18 months now.

As pups:

Mercy @ 5 weeks old, LMAO!!! She still looks the same to me, same look on her face


Nice looking Family you have there


Thanks Stiggy!!!

one last one, lol
Look close at Finn’s left eye…BLUE!!! Rare rare rare…like Road Kill Skunk!!! LMAO!!!


Beautiful Pups, part husky never saw a shep with a blue eye


I found this page Cool Can German Shepherds Have Blue Eyes? - All About Shepherds


the tear in the leaf edge?

:evergreen_tree: a buncha :banana:s? :joy:


Lmao, yeah, I didn’t do the tear in the leaf, good eyes :+1: I don’t see any nanners though, thought I would use my artistic license and magically heal the leaf :rofl: