A warm welcome to our newest breeder đŸ’„

Hi there!

I really think you are jumping to conclusions too quickly.

You don’t have any first-hand experience with the breeder but have chosen to criticize him and even all other non-specified breeders by saying “The good old days when breeders were good.”.

I don’t think this is fair to our long-time sponsor or his new partner, Exotic Alchemy.

Would you agree?

I’d prefer to move this off-topic part out of this topic and give him a chance instead of steering the discussion in the wrong direction. It is a valid discussion to have in a more general category, such as Breeder's Lab, and it does not necessarily need to be tied to any particular company.

Thanks, Joe


No worries my friend and I didn’t mean anything personal, I agree with all of the things you’re asking for in terms of data points. To be clear, I don’t know EA but I have asked him questions over the years and he’s always been helpful and generous, the guy tries to give me seeds all the time lol. But it seemed like your response and those that followed were really trashing the guy and the seedbank, most having limited to no experience with either and that’s an ugly look. We’re supposed to be a community that uplifts and supports, so I just saw an unfair narrative being pushed. GLG and Exotic Alchemy are putting their time and money into making genetics available and if you had been working your seeds for years and then finally got carried by a new seedbank, it would be a huge bummer to have a couple people come out critical and a group pile on, all with no experience. Also for new growers, these genetics are a cheap way for people to get access to heirlooms that can take years of making friends otherwise. The more people growing potent heirlooms instead of just chucking Gelato work to Gelato work ad nauseum, the better off we all are.


That’s what I was about to say, most breeders share their work on IG . If anyone is curious about a breeders work but don’t know where to look, that tends to be the default these days as there’s been a shift away from forums over the last 10+ years. Anytime I felt a seedbank didn’t have enough info, I just check IG, works most times.


Hi Joe, I never singled anyone out. Just an observation about GLG and seedbanks in general

Am I not allowed an opinion?

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I agree with this, I feel bad about this situation as no ill intent was meant, and indeed the discussion is an interesting one.

100% agree, the tone indeed became quite hostile quite quickly



They’ve been around for awhile now. I bought half their gear off soaknbeans a couple years back.

The Chocolate Thai is drawoh’s.

Everything they have, as far as I can find/see, is legit. The lamsbread and other landrace stuff shouldn’t be any different or worse than the freaker runs đŸ€·



People talking shit about Exotic Alchemy is hilarious and shows how much they actually know about breeders who matter. And faulting GLG for carrying a variety of breeders is wrong.


Glad to see Exotic getting some recognition.


It’s pretty wild.


Looks like a nice description as well.


It seems some of them have descriptions and some do not.


Welcome to OG @Great_lakes_Genetics


This description for Chocolate Thai has a higher word count than all of Bodhi’s strains combined :rofl: I don’t see this “not descriptive” criticism directed at Bodhi either.

Obv the descriptions can be super helpful. But I also think the onus is on the customer to seek out info when there isn’t much to go from in the listing.

Also - aren’t the listings & prices determined by the breeders? So if there’s not much info on the strain
 that’s because the breeder didn’t provide it. And if the price is crazy
 that’s because the breeder set it. So it seems weird to me to criticize the seed bank for this stuff. :man_shrugging:


Yes, actually you are singling me out. Read your own words.
Please give me a list of the so-called shit pollen chukkers that are on my site.

And for you to state this in this thread about Exotic is absolutely uncalled for. Maybe you should do your homework before you make a post.


I would like to clarify the lack of descriptions.

In the opening conversation with any breeder.

I ask for their logo , a brief description about their business and their goals.

I send them a template to fill out to Provide you folks with all of the information you were asking for and deserve.
I ask for the best descriptions they could give me and I can take up to eight photos per strain and display them.

I tell them the better, the pictures and the better the descriptions, the better their sales will be.

I was requiring this information and ended up losing several good breeders that just went to other banks that did not require it. Please ask your breeders to give you more information and I will be glad to post it.

Thanks DBJ


Thanks for handling this whole situation like a gent, and I wish you and your business all the best.

eS :tropical_drink:


For shits & giggles, is that alarming to you?
I understand you’re more focused on the business side of things, so that does suck for the deal to fall through

But sheesh. As a consumer, that’s worries me. For the most famous guys (i.e Bodhi, CSI, etc) I can stomach their minimal descriptions because AT LEAST they curate their instagrams &/or drop tidbits of info on forums, podcasts, or in comments.

But as a unknown to the wider community, to ghost the distributer that’s supposed to help you make $ just because you don’t want to write out a simple sentence about your overpriced (supposed) passion-projects
. yikes :grimacing:


There was one sponsor or two that were rude so we either reverse engineered their shit/stated facts etc or used them as satire in a separate area
i dont get the trend of shiting on sponsors for random shit without much documentation.
Its seeds.
Oh you made seeds meant to be free so ima tell on you

Wtf? Twilight zone


OK just for shits and giggles‘s. Have you ever used GLG?
And to make my point I just got Top Dawg Genetics to let me sell his gear. I have been having people ask me over and over to get him on my site.

There are roughly 75 strains I have to pick from. I picked about 30 of them right before 420. Half of them sold out. Although I did ask for pictures and descriptions, I did not get any.
But my customers are very very happy.

I don’t know if you know who Top Dawg is.
But I have had a lot of respect for them for a long, long time. And I made some awesome freebies with their genetics. And love the smoke.

Should I have not brought him on the site? You tell me.
Thanks DBJ