A warm welcome to our newest breeder šŸ’„

I can answer thatā€¦ big win to have jj, Pete, and $Mike on your website


I95 such a banger


Dirty Taxi all the way!


Couldnā€™t agree more. I will be filling my vault with these drops.:joy::joy::joy:


You will never please everyone on the internet, itā€™s just not possible. You are a well known and respected seed bank that has helped many new breeders to get their gear into the world. Just keep doing what you are doing. Also, congratulations on bringing on Top Dawg Genetics. :v:


Yeahā€¦ I do.

And I said I understood that youā€™re business-oriented. That response makes it seem like itā€™s only about business/personal benefit for you.

But not every breeder is jj. JJ built his own following throughout the years; like the breeders I mentioned.

I mean, of course they are business oriented. Good feelings arenā€™t gonna pay his bills. The point is he has integrity also.


Like I said, Have you ever used my website. I give away as many Seeds as I sell.

Over the years, Iā€™ve gave away more swag than all the other seed banks put together.

I also believe I tend to have the lowest prices.

And I guess I really donā€™t understand why you are in a dispute with me. I donā€™t believe I know you or even done anything wrong to you.

And I guess what breeders do you think I should not have on the site?

And just for the record Iā€™m not new to this game. Iā€™ve got a long-standing record of making great freebies. And being a tester for many years before that. So I also have a great reputation like the breeders you mentioned above.

Thanks, DBJ


Oh, I get why this whole back-&-forth feels weird to me nowā€¦
I am NOT in a dispute with you.

Youā€™ve risen to my go-to guy. When I buy seeds I go to you first. Iā€™m just asking you that one question because I wanna hear it from the man behind it all. Thatā€™s all.
No dispute, no passive-aggression, no beef.


I mean, obviously it alarms him. Thatā€™s why he described that it didnā€™t work out for him. He wanted to set up a more descriptive system and lost relationships instead. Thatā€™s a bummer right?

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I say itā€™s obvious because if he didnā€™t care, he wouldnā€™t have wanted to set up requirements like that. Seemed like he cared.

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Sorry for serial posting but I wanted to add one last thing

What Jeff says about his freebies is true

Iā€™ve had people give me bad dawg packs, Iā€™ve never bought from GLG even, but I ended up with the freebies he gives away anyway

This isnā€™t directed at anybody specific, mind you. Iā€™m just saying anybody who reads this, try and remember Jeff is a decent person who helps us and others. Be kind. Try and understand that not everything will be to your liking, the world isnā€™t set up that way.


@leetdood why are you answering for somebody elseā€¦ DBJ is a big boy and an answer for himselfā€¦


Probably cause this is a public forum where you can message people in private if you donā€™t want anybody else chiming in. Jeff definitely can answer if he wants.


GLG is legit AF in the boutique cannabis seed space for sure.currently sitting on two Chimera Junky beans (trade) hoping to collect the cut thats floating around CA so i can run all three at the same time. pricing is more than reasonable


What question was that you would like answered? Thanks, DBJ


I just gotta say, GLG is a great seed bank. Theyā€™ve always hooked it up and 90% of what Iā€™m growing this year is from GLG. With that being said he has no control over what the breeders or the seeds do. Like having 11 of 11 males in bohdi packs or 0% germ rates on some others which he also took care of that without question. I do feel theyā€™re way too expensive but thats the market, gotta pay to play, plus GLG is usually on the lower end of pricing in my experience.


Thanks for your support.:+1::+1::+1:


Dj short
Blue Star

Pollen chuckers? News to me

Those are some of the most widely authentic looking heirlooms ive seen grown out tbh

Never heard about the unspoken rule regarding gifting of lambs bread. Good for the universe if true. Would explain why a grower insisted on gifting them to me on another site when i offered cash or trade.

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Those who sell our Vibes Collectiveā€™s Lambsbread are cursed.

(Edit : My bad sorry EAā€™s gear isnā€™t our real pure sativa Lambsbread! ^^)

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