Abandoned co-op run. Karma Headbanger

@Heavenlygoo yes I seen a new member recently even post a go fund me , he did PayPal too in case fund me was too problematic for some lol


Medman has been a widely known scammer in this scene for so long it kinda blew my mind when i noticed he was a sponsor here. There is no way that someone on the mod team does not know this. I give it another couple years and OG will be no different then RIU.


Stiizy, I thought got in trouble for selling improperlyā€¦


Pretty sure sponsors are up to @LemonadeJoe and not the moderators, for what itā€™s worth.


I meant that more as a positive, like Iā€™ve seen more then a few members give clones to people asking for them whether a new member or old, or seeds and cash. Which ultimately i think is cool cause some genuinely need help.

But, conversely have also seen stuff like you said as well, not to say they arenā€™t in need but i think for websites like this best practice is trading is cool and at your own discretion, but leave money out, cause that shit seems to complicate everything.

I didnā€™t really understand at breed bay why they didnā€™t want to have members exchange goods and services but i kind of see why now.


Thats makes sense. But, you would think someone with a direct line to him would point it out. I mean come on. Is he not one of the biggest known scammers in the game for the last decade atleast.


So we lost jake and got medman


Yeah, I had zero clue about any of TST or leetdoodā€™s background, especially with the discord fiasco. OverGrow is the only social media platform I use. Iā€™ve tried discord servers but those have always turned out to be trash. I actually decided this morning to quit using it after reading all this.

While I understand the sentiment about people wanting to be less active/more reclusive in the community because of lames; at the end of the day, theyā€™re just lames. I may be over-romanticizing here, but the idea of OverGrow is a lot bigger than just a few assholes. The people you see now might not be the people you see in a few months or years, but itā€™s times like these that highlight who really gives a fuck about the community and whoā€™s just for show. You donā€™t have to get along with those you dislike, you just have to outlast them.

While I only had a few interactions with leetdood and TST, they seemed like alright folk. Just goes to show that appearances donā€™t mean diddly. Iā€™ve been waiting to make a comment till I heard more, but the silence from the accused, plus the evidence against them, is pretty resounding.


What a frigginā€™ shit showā€¦ :astonished: :expressionless:


Everything will be fine. This will blow over too like many have before.

There are no more shitheads here than there are in real life.

It does burn a little though.


I believe in you man. I know youā€™re going to come through. But my happiness doesnā€™t depend on it :v:


gardening actually helps my anxiety as someone who had crippling anxiety that is now bareable and only crippling when things happen like death or traumas of sorts. dont think i would ever offer up a co op or seed increase as that would put to much pressure and take the fun somewhat meditation aspect out of it,


this.(quoted a post but it seems to not have worked ) no transparency on this site. did any of you know jetdro is suspended but it doesnt say in his member profile ?
just another transparency issue. there needs to be a scammer thread or topic and have the threads or all evidence posted in there for everyone to see. names in top comment or something that is around for new and old members to refer too

lol can only post once an hour in here. that should help .


Yes but any idiot can make up some scam lies about you and boom youā€™re a scammer.


Jetdro campaigned against another member and repeatedly demanded their removal. Despite being asked to allow the moderators to handle the situation, Jetdro continued with the campaign.

Due to not following the instructions provided, his account got restricted. He had the opportunity to keep his cool and resolve the issue privately with the moderators. Unfortunately, he did not take this opportunity. Instead he continued with name-calling, threats, and ultimatums.

We try not to rush decisions and prefer to allow things to settle and if possible decide collectively. This is why there was no definite action taken on his account.


Damn this really all blew up, I will have to catch up. Iā€™ll have to say, I knew topshelf was a kind of scammerā€¦asked for seeds to increase them and never followed through. When I sent him DMs I was just ignoredā€¦when I saw the Blues thread I just thought to myself ā€œlets see what happensā€ and here we areā€¦such a shame. He did the same stuff on another site and you could tell he was just trying to collect as many beans as possible for freeā€¦


Happy Sunday everyone.


I get that completely. However, that is the case everywhere in this world. Itā€™s full of lowlifes, thieves, liarsā€¦ But I will not allow some lowlife POS to drive me away from interacting with a ton of good people. No forum is without trolls and scammers. I got burned myself a few times but not for a lot.

This guy @leetdood didnā€™t take advantage of my nature. He just tried to get into my good graces by telling me he was sending me a big package of seeds just because Iā€™m so awesomeā€¦ Well something like thatā€¦ I paraphrase.
BTW, still waiting on thoseā€¦ lol

Iā€™ve become very picky about who I do deal with. Especially after TopShelfTrees showed his colors. Damn that still gripes my ass. I was totally taken in by him.

Anyway. The sludge of this world wins when they drive decent folk from enjoying their life. I find this forum to be a great place to relax, visit, and learn. No piece of crap is driving me away.
Iā€™m just more selective and donā€™t get involved in a lot of BS anymore. Seeking out drama should be solely a teenage thing (if that) and left behind when a little maturity comes in.


Wise words labrat , 100 % agree with you, we just have to be more efficients while discovering them an kicking them out ā€¦ ejem|nullxnull


What especially hurts there is when theyā€™re real personable and thenā€¦
Anytime I see drama I try to just quietly slip away.
While Iā€™m here though, I do need to mention leetdoot did return my headbanger seeds.