Abandoned co-op run. Karma Headbanger

You’ve made the most incendiary comments of this thread and you don’t want drama aye? Too bad you would have been a great politician.

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Honestly… if leet wanted to make it better… abandoning a co op is NOT the way to do it… he thinks he’s punishing us or OG… like we give a shit about whatever their false claims bring to the table…

Him abandoning this co op says it all to me… it’s an easy out… a throw hands up in the air and give up ( that was the intention anyway in my opinion)

Otherwise he’d stand on his word… word and truth and reliability mean alot… without them you’re just another tst/kami

I saw what made him run like a bitch… it was someone saying “lol tst style”

That was literally all it took… seems like he was ready and waiting to run and call it our fault


That’s how he plays his game. The next step is a claim of physical/mental troubles that made him not live up to his end of the deal. He is the victim, then moves on to the next community to rinse and repeat.


nelly stopped by to light up a fatty now its getting hot in here


He also claims to be the creator of almost every recognizable strain in the scene. Most recently he claimed to be the creator of fruity pebbles og. Lmfao


Absolutely not. I like Loki and the rest but they aren’t the boss of me. They have no duty of care to what a bunch of adults type to each other.

If they are controlling the public feed Id like to know. I don’t want to participate in a community where a few control the activity of the many.

No one needs to hold my hand or protect me from anyone.

Fandoms that are hostile to new people die.

Is it that time of year again? I feel like its usually Christmas time I have to bring out the “be nice to newbies or were all going to die” line.


So i got everything with @Swe-can talked and cleared up.

Listen → If u wanted some Headbanger F2’s then u are not fucked.

I ship tomorrow the seeds ive have to him, and then u have the chance to get these.

I hope i could help and bring a bit more trust and love to overgrow.
This fuck that scammed u is a piece of shit, dont thing everyone is like that.


I agree :100:

“You’ve made the most incendiary comments of this thread and you don’t want drama aye? Too bad you would have been a great politician.”

I apologize if that’s what they were taken as, it was not my intention. I just wanted everyone to see the bigger picture of the destruction this stuff has on the site and try to prevent further spillage into other places. I’m sorry if what I said rubbed you the wrong way.


This whole thing leaves a bad taste for me. I was raised that if you told someone you would do something, you damn sure better do everything in your power to fulfill your obligations. Without our word we are nothing, and that’s how I live. I don’t waste a lot of time or energy worrying about others, but I really dislike how a few bad apples are poisoning the environment and trust here, especially since they aren’t here any longer AFAIK.
Sorry just venting, don’t want to lose any more good members over others actions.



Thank you that’s an awesome gesture!


To be clear, there is a TOS and FAQ that everyone should be aware of. We work to maintain a cordial environment and applaud maintaining decorum.

Spreading rumor, innuendo, and accusations is not going to work else it becomes a free-for-all. Attacks, demands, etc same.

We once had a ‘shark’s tank’ where anything goes. That is no more.

The best bet is to work with the moderation team if their is a concern, as has been stated.


@AppalachianBiscuits there are controls in place , no politics is an example

The Christmas thing went over my head haha


He(as in medman)claim he’s won 300 cups or some shit too


I did not intend that statement to be disparaging to moderation team. You work hard. Ive been around forums and discords with bad moderators. “When you do a good job, people wonder if your’e doing anything at all”

My intention was that I don’t need and external locus of control. The rules are laid out, we can follow them.

We ask the mod team to do plenty. Putting a duty of care on them to curate our existence and protect us from all harm real or imaginary is too much.


They protect the site so it ndoing so they must concider the well-being of its members

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You can’t have one without the other
They both go hand in hand , juggling act



Welp looks like its time for me to start some drama lol jking.

But honestly i love this site and most on it are stand up guys and gals, just sad that the almighty dollar makes some people do some mischievous shit, while simultaneously pulling on heart strings cause stoners like us are pretty naturally empathetic to others. Ive even seen brand new members get help from people here, so id say as long as we don’t lose that through the community then everything is……




He is an epic level scammer for some time. Its been documented and just by reading his posts and the access to seeds he claims to have, it is quite obvious.

Theres also been cases of people testing the “medical cannabis pils” that he sold and them containing almost no actual thc or cbd.


Has there ever been a wall of shame thread yet for the scammers or habitual offenders of good will?


That was the classic move in the 215 era in Cali! Make up a cup, scam growers into giving you entries for $500 a pop. Then give yourself all the awards lol. That or whoever paid the “sponsorship” package. My lil hash company won 2nd place best booth at a high times, and the winners were Stiizy, who bought the 150k package, and magically won 1st place in every category they entered. Only reason we even got 2nd was it was “voted by the patrons of the event”, but I still even doubt that lol. The whole scene is a scam.

The sad part is all the good people who don’t expect the scam to run so deep all thru the industry.