AC Infinity Controller 69 - issues - update

Thanks for that! I will wait until after at least Service Pack 3 :joy:


I had to completely reinstall everything.

  1. delete the devices from the software
  2. remove the app from the phone/ipad (completely- not just offload - get rid of files)
  3. reset the controller to factory setting
  4. reinstall the app
  5. enable Bluetooth on controller and phone/ipad
  6. configure WiFi
  7. re-configure controller preferences/settings

Dang you didn’t have to go through all that. If that was the update from yesterday. Sorry for your troubles also!


go to the aci app.
click add controller and select your type
follow steps to connect to controller via bluetooth(hold middle button on controller 69)
after connecting it will ask if you want to connect to the already connected wifi say yes.
controller will reconnect and work(temporarily).
go to controller setting in the app and say downgrade firmare.
will keep all settings and work fine after that(if it worked on that firmware before)
if i missed a step ask. typing this from memory.


No - that’s my experience from earlier in this thread. I haven’t updated yet………

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I totally believe aci69 controller is flaky just went to my tent to find my humidity not working due to the controller not working properly I unplugged everything then I plugged everything back in and I got it working again but the plant doesn’t look too good,


I’ve been wanting to get an AC Infinity controller, but this sounds risky. Atm I have one of their oscillating fans and their 4 inch inline exhaust fan. Would be nice to control the Mars TS1000 somehow as well.

Do they have user functionality to rollback an update?
Edit…missed this.

Any other brands out there that may be more reliable?

:canada: :green_heart:


Ive had good luck with my ac infinity bluetooth models (still run lights off mechanical timers though). Seems like more people have problems with the wifi units.

I’d recommend them, not sure if there is anything close in functionality at this price range. However I’ve had a great experience with aci equipment :+1:.(no affiliation)


I second that, I’m also running the Bluetooth units on veg and flower for the past 18 months or so. No issues what so ever


Thanks guys for that distinction on Bluetooth vs Wifi.


It is the wifi only with the problems. It runs through their servers before showing in the app. Seems to be working great now, i downgraded firmware and won’t update again. I did have my mars fc3000 connected to it and after about a month I opened the tent and light was off. Didnt want to F with it so went back to my wifi light dimmers.


I run a 69 pro plus controller on Bluetooth hooked up to fans ,evo 8 lights, heater, dehumidifier, humidifier ,and nutrient pump and everything works like it should for me. I did noticed I have a few minute delay at start up for the light I dunno if its because I use the sunlight/sunrise feature but set at 1 hour I get a 5 minute delay . I do wish they would add seconds and a multiple day on the cycle feature tho so I can have better use of my nutrient pump


For what it’s worth, I recently upgraded from a controller 67 to a controller 69 pro plus. At the same time I added a cloudforge T7 humidifier, hookups for my lights, and an aci outlet to control a couple reptile heaters. I only connected the controller via bluetooth because I don’t see the need to connect it to WiFi. Any changes I think of making or issues that fire an alert/alarm will still be there when I get home. Controller firmware is running most current version with no issues during updating.

The only issue I’ve had to date is when the humidifier spit humidifier condensation onto the UIS port of one of the cloudray fans causing the port to “lose its brain” and forget what type of device it was and stop responding to the controller. I do blame their extremely inconsistent messaging regarding humidifier hose routing for my issue. Rerouting the humidifier hose and drying the fan out for a couple days took care of everything though.

Idk. Maybe I waited long enough to get a controller from a later batch that had a lot of issues corrected.


They definitely have some opportunities to enhance to the cycle automation.

I run continuous cycles for my cloudray fans. I have 4 of them situated on tent poles and daisy chained in pairs to controller ports. I run them on opposite schedules so only 2 of the fans run at once, and as those turn off the other 2 turn on. The challenge is getting the scheduled cycles to run opposite each other. To do it, I have to start one cycle, wait until I want the other cycle to start and manually start it. If I just want to make a simple adjustment like increase the fan speed during the cycle, I have to do the whole process over again.

I chatted with CS about it and found out that my manual method is the only way to do that right now, so I asked them to make a suggestion for an improvement—a first run time for a continuous cycle. Currently a cycle can only be run continuous or at a designated time. You can’t say beginning at 2:00pm today, continuously turn on for an hour, then turn off for an hour. I don’t have a need to control anything to the second, but I can definitely see how a nutrient pump might need that. I guarantee the cycle function is at least calculating to the second already because an hour timer doesn’t start/stop exactly at the 1 hour mark, it works based on the second you started the cycle.


Thank you all for your detailed and incredibly useful experiences. I feel better about moving forward and getting one in the next weeks.


I’m probably a sucker, but I’m still all in.

Ended up purchasing the controller-69 pro+ just this month.

It offers WiFi and control of up to 8-unique devices simultaneously.

  1. Light
  2. Exhaust/filter
  3. Stationary 9-inch fan
  4. 6-inch rotating fan
  5. Humidifier
  6. De-humidifier
  7. Open
  8. Open

Discovered their adapter cables for non-AC Infinity lighting and can now control my Mars Hydro lights. Woot

I am still dealing with some cloudforge T3 issues, but apparently they’ve been able to identify some issues with the previous production version, have discontinued selling that production version and are now shipping an improved version.

They’re trying and their customer service has been great.

All the problems I’ve had can really be chalked up to that bunk-T3 model.

FWIW: I’ve got another replacement T3 due this week and a brand new unit for tent-2 later this month.

If I could find another unit (electronic-humidifier) that starts “on” vs having to be manually started, I’d be tempted to ditch the Cloudforge outright.


I thought my latest issues with the T3, where it would suddenly start spitting water and making a mess were because of hose routing as well.

The problems persisted even when I removed the hose and placed the unit inside the tent.

It was a persistent problem of an inconsistent nature…… Sometimes she works. Sometimes she spits and not so much works.

AC Infinity replaced the unit after an email without any additional troubleshooting and advised the previous production model had a design issue.

The replacement shouldn’t be built that way. (famous last words) -