Acro's Farm Adventures

So Cereal Milk F3 S1 #C2 x Cereal Milk S1 #CM100? I actually relabeled it that last night since I don’t know how many I’ve popped, but it’s over 100. So anything after this will be tracked more seriously. I didn’t think I’d lose two keepers and then not like my third as much :man_shrugging: But I seriously don’t want to hunt this S1 anymore, I like the plants too much and but they’ve been taking me away from other stuff for 3 plus years :roll_eyes::joy:

This one is not as bush like as the others, she’ll grow taller first, but she has the same trait as her sisters I’ve kept. Branches and bud sites galore… I was trying to kill it and it’s popping random branches out of its main stem and looking perfect. I bet she’ll do well outdoors…


Something like that. Could always just use a nickname or descriptor instead of the notation.

Really, you can use whatever nomenclature you want. Just seems confusing to mix s1 and f gen


I believe if you’re going by accepted scientific nomenclature it would just be F3 feminized. That’s probably what I’ll do and then note it elsewhere


Wouldn’t in be a r1 if you took your two females and bred them together. I thought the f-gen was reserved for the reg side of it?


R1, RBX, etc are made up terms as far as I understand it. S1 and S2 aren’t typical terms either…

F gen is used for everything. Someone could do a BX6 and in typical plants breedings terms it would just be F whatever.


I say use whatever nomenclature you can keep straight in YOUR head because only you need to remember what it is. I lable mine with descriptive sentences and then forget what I was talking about. :joy::joy::joy::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


A sister of the other hollow ones, she was second most hollow and almost reed like. So, is there a correlation of cold weather, colder roots and hollow stems? These are the beans that spring in late February when all by the very surface of the ground was frozen

Maybe I get a lot of hollow stems because my plants sit closely to directly on a slab underground. However, hollow stems galore for hydro in warmer water, but majorly so, not widely so. Perhaps something told these plants, they had a lot of time to grow so they spent a lot of time bulking in their root system and stems :man_shrugging:

Anyway, fun to speculate. I will say, I think we can attribute hollow stems mostly to healthy and rapid growth, maybe even players that have a sudden growth spurt and improvement of conditions.



Early on as I hopped on the scene on discord, a knowledgable guy told me,

Most of these cannabis terms are basically incorrect or bro science.

Which I agree with to an extent.

He also said that most people don’t do rigorous breeding programs like agri science / industry does

Which I agree with to an extent.

So, getting to the point of what I was saying, he said s1 is something only the scene / cannabis community uses. As @Acro said, this guy explained that in agri they just say f1 and list both parents as the same plant, as mother (pollen receiver) and father (pollen donor)

So I kept this in mind even though s1 nomenclature is common, and with newer terms like r1 and rbx1 coming from Colin of ethos, I understand the reasoning here but like I said above with s1 f2 etc
It gets confusing and murky

To me I would rather use the following:
F gen
S gen
Bx or Bc gen
IX or IC gen

Because this is common within the scene at this point. But it gets confusing regardless

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There’s a blurry line between passion/science/hobby/job/scholar

Just a little story… I started keeping reef aquariums in 5th grade, 10ish. By the time I was a teenager I’d read just about every available text on coral, fish, nutrition, marine biology and aquariums. I started going into the city to the Shed Aquarium and got to know a bunch of the scientists there. I wanted to talk to them about everything, I had so many questions.

That lasted a few months, then they’d have questions for me. Then I’d have some of them introducing me to other scientists so they could get my persiective on something. I was also on the forums and constantly chatting and discussing advanced topics with top scientists and aquarists in the early internet days.

It always puzzled me, because I was just some dumb kid in my eyes. I hated school, was bored by it, and these people had advanced degrees in what I wanted to study. But, my passion and the knowledge that led had me in a place where I had become and advanced at something simply because I loved it and I dove into everything and anything that surrounded it.

Anyway, the point… Learn for yourself, and learn a lot from a lot of different perspectives, skeptical. Then find your own path by doing and trying different things, and don’t let conventional or common beliefs stop you from doing or trying something new or less popular.

The other point, aquarists and biologists use wildly different terms for things. I prefer the scientific side of certain things and the aquarists side for others. Like, I’m not going to use Latin names with a bunch of hobbyists, but I might with scientists, but many would prefer common. I had to ton it down a hurry, no one knew the Latin names of thousands of corals and fish, but I did a tween. This is no different from a cannabis scholar vs. a homegrower


I absolutely agree @Acro

I’ve learned a lot from you because you’ve come to this thru a different background / angle

I remember you telling me that you’d tell people about the stuff you did with aquaponics and they just would say you were lying (iirc)

And obviously with your background you’re just having that actual knowledge and experience they don’t

I’ve noticed that a lot of people as you said get stuck in a certain mindset about what works and … they don’t see that different approaches yield amazing and quantifiable results (like your stress testing etc)


Makes me wonder if people would tell jbeezy or capulator early on like “no that cross won’t turn out good at all, I don’t see it”

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My Dream Axis may turn out to be one of my best plants, as in better than many of clone only I’ve widdled down to.

IIRC it’s (Congo x Ghash) x SSDD. In my eyes, it’s not so different from MAC. Hell, it even reminds me of MAC leaves on a sturdier less lanky structure (vs V2 and picw if V1). I’ve even recently heard people say that Capulator got lucky, I don’t think so… I think if you know what to look for, some of the most exciting plants in cannabis can come from beans with a landrace grandparent.


I’m mixed on cap as a person and on if i like his work or not

But if you actually look at it uh

Legend orange apricot
Mac and cheese
Caps frozen lemons
Cap junky

Uhh I forget what else at this point but dude actually knows what he’s doing man

Edit: chillz, commando, waiting game


S, f , r, bc, ix and so forth are not really new terms used in the cannabis industry. I was seeing guys use those terms as way to show how the seeds were made and help them show transparency on how the seeds were made. Just as before STS people used gibberellic acid. Just the same as starting to see some people label things as a p1 and p2 when trying to fully document how they worked a line.


R1 is new

The rest aren’t, I said they’re common in fact


I was introduced to calling stuff r almost 20 years ago. So I wouldn’t call it new.


Cross made using caps work (legend orange apricot f3 father)

Zkywalker x LOA F3


SLMac, Chem Chillz…

Each of which had turned out some nice genetics. The LLOA from skunkhouse I’m told is quite nice. All those MAC crosses. Speaking of MAC Daddy and Dream axis are similar looking, and look like no other plants I hold. Perhaps just coincidence. Well, that’s except for SLH Franco, which has leaf similarities with a more open structure. Might just be coincidence…

Capulator is at the very least someone who puts in work and passion. His selection is good and though you can find some faults, the important stuff it’s all there

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It’s funny you mention slh cause cap definitely uses it in some of his work
Like aliendog x slh

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Yeah, I’ve talked to him about it (SLH) and it’s why I first tried his work.