Acro's Farm Adventures

@ramblinrose It truly does… She’s kinda wild, but easy to tame. I’ve got her, a lankier really vigorous SSDD BX1 Girl along with 12 different plants from a Bodhi pack. I’ll likely only cull something if there’s some surprises or I lose 3 or more clones of one. All plants seem like solid and strong examples. Lucky number 12 is first to root, and despite being smaller clones. There are a couple I’m keeping an eye on that may bring the f1 count down I’m to 10, but I don’t see less than thad happening.

Dream axis… She’s easy to grow if you know how to use scissors

What I haven’t decided is if I’ll select a boy or two for the Dream Axis and the SSDD BX1 F2 cross. I’ll likely include any promising boy for the F1

I badly need to get back to a few people on trades that fell by the wayside due to my busy life. Most importantly, dream axis beans someone was kind enough to contact me about. Plus other SSDD F1 out there, It’s possible this will be a 25 plus plant repop


Now thats some vigor! Sounds like a cool project for sure - f2s with your cut would have some gems tooo, you could probably find a couple males with similar traits to your cut in a pack or 2.

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It’ll be interesting to see how Dream Axis x SSDD F1 compares to the BX1 momma I’m holding that I have from @HolyAngel beans. That Congo+Ghash crutch really appeals to me :man_shrugging:


Some autos will finish beans REALLY fast. This Amnesia x Blueberry Sativa is one of them… They’re pollinated by Blueberry Dodgers

June 1 of the same top bud, right after pollination.

The in between…


Yummy tbh :yum:

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This was mom… Yes, that’s an auto haze outgrowing a 2x4 after super cropping and HST



I know I’ve got some wookie zam lying around

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I’ll send you a good one to run with it :v:

Thanks dude, I can’t find the cross online right now but I know it was made with some Zamaldelica Express

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Well that was a bit anticlimactic. My interest was intrigued so I went and dug it out.

5 seeds of wookies zam, which is Zamaldelica Express f4

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I am underwhelmed by a lot of Night Owl and Mephisto’s work. But, I like larger yielding plants that run a little longer (1-2 weeks) They’re terpy, smoke well, potent, pretty quick, but small and overly fast plants with many of them ime.

But, they do have some larger plants and maybe that Zam E is one :man_shrugging:


Your plants blow my mind. :joy: Im still trying to learn how you root cuttings with just water in a cup. 🥸 You would think I could figure it out. I mean its water and a cup. How hard can it be. :rofl:


People in reefkeeping would either believe I had some gift, or would call it a “blue thumb”. I always knew how to bring out colors in corals and pick the best ones. They all looked pretty brown and often stayed brown after the rigors of collection and importation.

I’m like Cinderfuckingella and one with the animals in the woods too. Like animals trust me in weird ways, mean dogs/animals usually don’t mess with me. Dogs that don’t let their owners pick them up let me pick them up. I can kind of explain it, but some people might want to lock me up.

Just having the right ingredients goes a long way, but there’s some art and magic as well. I was also able to score very well in the Q grade coffee testing examine without knowing if drinking much coffee and being from the tea and wine industry.

I don’t want to say much more about it because it feels a little weird boastful, but I just seem to be able to read these things and know what something needs in a weird way. It’s probably just luck of the draw genetics in some way, or many other things you can speculate on.

I think energy has something to do with it. Perhaps a type of observational skill some don’t have or for whatever reason only some people acquire.

There aren’t a lot of people that can pull off a fully grown out reef aquarium. I think it takes way more than dedication and money. Perhaps something a little magical.

Anyway, thanks so much for following along!


I understand completely. Check out my recent post in the “pictures of pets” thread. I think you will know what its like. :rainbow:


Yep, happens to me regularly. Twice in the last couple weeks with a momma and two fawns. She was comfortable enough to stay and eat and hang out after I startled them. I could have almost touched one of the fawns. Holy crap they’re cute when they’re all wobbly :heart_eyes:


Some unexpected auto fems I popped on a whim. Thanks @LedZeppelin all arrived safely!

Big updates coming once I catch up with life


Holy shit, amazing aquarium pics

Me and my aunt went to Ripley’s aquarium in Toronto. Yours is better :smiley:

As I mentioned about cannabis, I don’t know about your talent in other areas, but from my point of view, you’ve approached things systemically

So to me it always made sense you had good observations and data

I figured your in depth palate and descriptions came from your time in the food and alcohol industry, but it makes sense that you’re a quite intelligent person with many talents.



I would say the pictures support your self description, because they are quite nice

So to me, it didn’t come off as boastful after seeing the cool stuff


are you just testing for germ rates with this tech or are you actually going to be growing those seedling ?.

if your going to grow them how do you get the seedlings from that spot to there OWN containers with out ripping up the root system.

seems like all the roots will be in tangled to a point where it would be impossible to remove from that spot.

just asking …


Thanks my friend, much appreciated.

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