Acro's Farm Adventures

I once did a 40 plant repopulation in a pint once… I got to about 3 weeks, seperated them by sex culled a handful, repotted to only slightly larger pots and let them rip. Each girl was one big (or tiny) bud for the most part :joy:

The plan was similar with these, but survival of the fittest fem style and selected. We’ll see how many I keep and how long I let them go in the small bins. At least long enough to know for sure who the vigor standouts are. As long as I don’t go much past 30 days I can separate them easily, after that, it depends. It’s coco and perlite, and they seperate easier than you’d think, especially in a tub of water.

I do this with germ testing as well and then will sometimes end up with 2-3 plants I’ll explore further from 30-60.10-20 per strain and 3 strains at a time in a bigger bin, typically.


No editing on these, and this is all I have left…

The plants have taken over for the coral farm, no time for both. Plus, a long power outage and a heatwave took care of my multiple decades worth collection in summer 2020. I had many corals that went for 100-250 for a 1” branch. I once figured the value of a single colony I’d grown, it was a new Honda

I grew this thing, it was just a frag, the disk in the middle is 3”

I feed them pollen :joy:

More old pics


This girl is first done with seeds and was pollinated 5/30, first pic is the day after. Last pic is today. The seeds look lavender in person before they get dark. This plantAmnesia x Blueberry

x Blueberry Dodgers (Jammy Dodgers 2 x Blueberry Dodgers

= Forgotten Blues? Forgetful Blueberry?

The Blueberry Dodgers have been outstanding in every way, I’m a little bummed I didn’t utilize them for more. The plan was to make all fems this round, and I failed. In addition to the one above I have pollinated that old 80’s PNW blueberry clone as well as three girls from my blueberry Sativa auto work. So, two blueberry BX of sorts, one fast and one auto…

Just now… The leaves are starting to purple rapidly, no signs until yesterday, but purple buds were almost immediate after pollinating and being moved outside.


Black widow leaves…

I have three plants, all three are stinky in veg. One smells like potting soil, tobacco, and mothballs. Another like Joop cologne and adhesive, the third is just kinda nondescript herby sandalwood that I’ve found in a lot of widow genetics.

I almost culled all of them, but three have bounced back from and endured stress testing well. They don’t seem to mind being cramped either…


Off topic- I think joop smells like the bathroom on a Greyhound bus. :face_vomiting:


@Magu :rofl: I like the smell of the pink urinal cakes… There goes any credibility for my sophisticated nose :man_shrugging:


I moved some clones of that old 80’s/90’s pnw blueberry outdoors in a few stages. Anything before late April got stunted or went into early flower (still some 30s/40s). This clone and the blueberry muffin are remarkably cold resistant. They bested several other elite clones and everything other than my selection of Bodhi’s dream axis, which made everything else seem unremarkable.

Middle pic is the STS sprayed lower branches to make S1 and some fem hybrids :crossed_fingers: Sprayed three times since 6/12, light dep after each spray. The last attempt died suddenly, indoors and spraying the whole plant, so we’ll see how this method goes…

The neglected ones on the cart are bouncing back from an attack and my neglect. But, they’ll make some fine S1

MOB clones (upper stalks) to make time MOB x Blueberry fems, and some double grape x blueberry auto hybrid testing (lower)


Outdoor photo dump! Germ and outdoor testing for the Blue Pop (my boy of BBM x VB f2) crr er users have fine splendidly. They’re all nice plants, as long as there’s no big herm issues, I’ll be incredibly happy with these.

All those stalks and that puny boy, that’s Zibba f1. Third time now I’ve gotten runt boys and a bunch of big healthy girls. This time I only have one boy showing, and three plants not showing, lots of ladies! I don’t know what I did, but I will say, the blueberry auto genetics are quirky, as blueberry is, but I love it.

Some quick points…

-all 12 ssdd F1 are healthy and doing well, Dream Axis is 1 week into flower, as is my SSDD BX1 F2 Keeper… She smells like sweet creamy chive butter in veg.

-I haven’t killed/culled any of the mass fem auto seedlings I popped, yet

-all reversals are going well, but looks like the upper fem portion of my daywtecker is supremely pissed. As soon as it was pollinated it started sucking the life from its leaves…

—some of the auto clones are good size plants on their own! The Amnesia haze/acro haze and Zibba have been especially good. Marathon OG basically just stacked buds,

-anyone recognize that bigger leafy, veg in the one pot? I can pick out hundreds of “hemp” plants by sight, but I can’t tell you what I planted in that pot that isn’t hemp and was a clearly labeled seed packet… Looks like lettuce of some type :man_shrugging:

-Barbie:Life in the Dreamhouse (watching with the kids while I type) is kinda hilarious, random, and creepy all in one. The new Scooby’s are pretty great as well. Stoners are definitely behind some of this…


Zibba 1: This is the donor, she’s just now starting to actually look pollinated. Despite being reversed, cramped, pollinated, she generally abused, she has looked pretty perfect throughout the grow. Her pistils are just growing brown when other plants are acted as if death was upon them right after pollination.

Amhxl: This one is an absolute monster of a plant, smells of mead, last to flower. Pollination day it went from being perfect to curling and browning leaves.

Livers BX1: This plant is bonkers and was close to beating out Zibba for supreme mum. However, this is from a Mephisto “10” pack… I got one other solid plant and I kept two others around just to give it more of a chance. One literally culled itself shortly after it was pollinated, the other tried to do so and failed and had maintained a fairly pathetic appearance. If there had been multiple great girls like Zibba I would have used her for something for sure, but one spectacular plant in 10 and only one other truly good one, I’ll just use the good ones as moms.


You are such an eloquent writer. Fun to read. Might need you in the future lol.

Ill take a seat :sunglasses::popcorn:

Also… hoping to see some SB in here one day :wink:.


They look like they have been having wild sex!.. :laughing:

When the pistols develop kinks and the buds look frizzy the pollen has set.
Where the pistol develops a bend is where the pollen grain landed.



Very kind of you to say, and many thanks for following along! :green_heart::v:

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That’s cool, I’ve never heard the last part.

That first one had a a wild masturbation/ self pleasure sesh instead :sweat_smile:


Top buds from the Marathon OG. If it wasn’t for the low yields, this would be stellar… While these are seeded, I think most of the top buds were too far along once the pollen was flying


@CARE_giver @Gpaw acro is legit, I follow along for a reason. He grew a lot


Hey @Acro . I was able to reverse this afghani auto by using homemade colloidal silver. I only sprayed 3 times. Sorry the photo sucks but my phone is really old. I think you can barely make out the male flower buds forming.


Fingers crossed bud @Magu


Thanks for the kind words my friend… :green_heart:

Here we have the old PNW blueberry clone pollinated by Blueberry BX auto outdoors. She was moved outside in April. She’s seen snow and freezing temps and now she’s made beans (those resin pods have a big bean in each) and is vegging more/again…

I’ve got about 10 blueberry plants much larger than her going from the same round of cuts that I’ll be hitting with either reversed blueberry muffin, SLH, Mac daddy, or original diesel.

Blueberry, MOB, BBM

STS branches on a blueberry


Very nice! I’ve never used CS, but from what I recall 3 sprays is less than a lot of people have to do


I hope the plant lives long enough to make viable seeds. :rainbow: