Acro's Farm Adventures

@Magu If it can’t, you’ll find better! In my experience, the best autos will keep growing and looking healthy long after their advertised lifecycle


Built this today…


Is that charred wood?


@Hotrods_and_hounds It is…


I dig it. I wanted to make a bed thing on my upper floor deck entrance, but pests quickly discouraged me from anything outdoor related so close to my entrance. Lol


Yaki-sugi or shou sugi ban, both ash and pine/fir/cedar. Deciding if I want to sand, make it colorful, and seal, or just go with the char for a while.


The burning makes it less palatable for pests, insects, and adds a couple protective layers for weathering, plus looks better than raw wood. It weathers nicely if left alone, it’ll last a long time if sealed with marine poly


Yeah and oiling it will make it last damn near a lifetime. It’s pretty neat stuff. Some old ways still seem better than the new. What are you using to color the wood?


@Hotrods_and_hounds Water based wood dyes that I custom blend from base powders and occasionally pigments, sometimes natural colorants that I might be growing or making. I’m a maniac, I’m not quite sure what’s wrong with me.

I came across two things yesterday, a jar full of this freak plant I grew ages ago, and this ash board I was testing dyes on


I got some boards for something like this. Need to find the time.

Got like 15 tomatoe plants just sitting in pots. Im sure theyd be much happer.


Photo dump… and long breeder babbling…

Zibba1 (Zkittlez BX x Blueberry Sativa) prominently featured to kick it off, her reversed branch and chunky top colas. Also her one branch that was reversed and her bulky self sticking out in a crowd. She’s a little behind her sisters flower wise and I thought she’d have really small buds, but she’s bulking up FAST. She’s got a little classic haze notes in the nose, and some savory curry notes. We’ll see, but I had a half sister of hers smells suspiciously like her, but she had a touch of haze lemon cleaner. She smoked like sour cherry pineapple, and was super energetic, and gone in a flash. Not much savory showed through. If Zibba 1 is like that with extra citrus… :crazy_face::drooling_face:

This might disappoint some people, but there are not a lot of fruity notes standing out nose wise in these. It’s gassy and fruit background, lemon chem haze, funk and fruity background, then it gets extra weird… Zibba 3 smells like French dip, bouillon, onion soup, demiglase; it’s freaky. What makes it extra weird is her and 4 have extra crystalline buds that remind me of Z. They look like they’ll smell like a rainbow of fruity goodness, but no. 4 is a smaller plant, but she was crazy fast and had extra pretty buds, like some of the prettiest buds I’ve seen, and she was the one that had crazy pompom like stigmas way before anyone else. Now she’s putting on a show color wise and doing great despite constantly getting shaded out.

Also shown… “Acro Haze, Amnesia Haze, Forbidden Runtz (or are they forgotten?, the irony…) more petrol than fruit, B1-B3 aka the winners of my hunt through bananas purple punch from fast buds. Also not very fruity or sweet smelling. B2 smells like Funyuns still, but is getting upstaged by her weird bouillon buddy. There is an “acro haze” that is freakishly close in appearance to Zibba 1, it’s a little sweet fermented fruit/mead and bubblegum, which comes from a bubblegum smelling amnesia a while back. The haze x zibba will be monster sized plants. Like, zibba 1 was the largest plant that wasn’t haze, and one of the hazes would have easily been three times her size. The second largest haze, which is the third tallest plant, despite being one of two plants I topped multiple times will also

Most interesting for me will be how Zibba 1 S1 compares to the hybrids and momma. Also, I think the Zibba x B2 and Zibba x the hazes will be outstanding and I expect plants for squishing and smoking from those two hybrids and zibba.

But, I might be most excited about the Livers BX1 #1(last pic)x Zibba 1. My guess is this will be a special one as long as there are no complications… I’ll likely take this one forward another gen before the season is out. Should I call it Zliver or Zharon Ztone? :joy:

PS. I just vaped some livers BX, really nice uplifting high. Heady, makes me extra chatty as you guys might be able to tell…

/stream off :v:


OK. Back to this clone thingy. How big are your cuttings and how much light are you giving those photoperiod cuttings to make them root? I have cuttings in a jar with an aquarium bubbler and still no roots after a week +.


Nice bed! Cool idea with the charring - sucks when the beds start to rot and fall apart. Made a few this year and the tomatoes are insane 8fters!


It went pretty fast, I just used scraps and stuff I had. Some screw and some boards and have at it!

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Anywhere from 2-10”, but typically 5-8. Water is PH’d to around 6 and tap is mostly calcium and magnesium, around 200 ppm.

Keep in mind, not all plants will root just sitting in water.


Breeder rambling too follow, skip ti the last few paragraphs if you just want to see what I’m making.

So, this is where these auto clones come in handy… some are still showing lots of white stigma. I have one larger clone, as in the clone is larger than several entire plants I kept and bred with. I also have other clones that have nearly done flower. The cloning process stops or significantly slows development as long as it’s not done too late in flower. If flower is too far along the plant will just finish continue to ripen and flower. Basically, if timed right, your clones will be 2+ weeks behind your mother, sometimes 4 plus weeks.

This round the donors were to be pollinated, so I was reserving clones to be determined later. At this point I’m staring to get an idea of how all of these smoke from vaping and smoking young fresh bud.

I wanted a lot more seeds as I plan to make at least one of these my first fem auto commercial release. If this was last round and this was me wanting to make some F1 to look at I’d have pollinated the clones. Much of my auto work is from me doing small pollinations of all the best plants I’ve had along the way. I lollipop and trim everything, so it’s just a matter of sticking lower branches into a root plug or aerocloner that’s already operating.

I’ve made over 100 new auto hybrids, I stopped counting a long time ago. Sometimes I pop 200 seeds and have 20 strains in there, and there’s no more of any of those. Moreso I’ve gotten to the point that I’ll get 15-150 seeds from an auto clone(s), that’s a good number to hunt IMO. The thousand plant hunts sound great and all, but it’s mostly marketing. Perhaps I’m foolish, but I’ve popped 20 of the same strain I’ve popped 200 of, and there’s big time diminishing returns for how much more you’ll learn about a strain after 10 - 20

My take… You’re not a breeder worth spending money on if you can’t tell me if you’ve got something potentially special from 10 plants and inside of 10 weeks, flower or not.

Plants that are sticky and smelly in veg is what I look for, and vigor is king. In my work I may miss that next Irene, or plant that doesn’t smell like much or smells like nondescript O.G./Gelato and has crazy bad appeal, but but oh well :man_shrugging: I’ve held/hold pain in the ass cuts, I don’t want to breed those kind of plants. Most I breed with usually gets held for a year. Two years in the case of elites because there was a backlog. I’d held cuts and grown them several times over and never flowered many a year in. It takes a minute to whittle down from 150+ :joy::crazy_face:

Now I’ve at least done early flower with all two years later. I’ll just say, it takes a lot to stay in my garden. I’ve got Stardawg Corey in the garden again and she’s likely on her way out after some bean making, just a touch too needy for my taste so far, again.

So, what’re we making right now? Entering week 2 of flower…

Large plants of…

Papaya (Harry’s Cut)
SLH Franco
Now N Later (J’s cut :pensive:)
2x Blueberry Dhazedream (Sour D x SSH F3) x (BBM x VB F2)
Dream Axis (Congo x Ghash) x SSDD
Wellness O.G.
Blue Widow Pop (variegated cut)

And smaller/med plants of

Z Cake
Blueberry 80’s pnw
Blueberry Muffin (HSC cut)
Stardawg Corey (recently reacquired)
Cuban Black Haze

It’s looking more and more like they will get hit with SLH Franco RVS’D pollen. She’s just too perfectly pretty and such a lively happy beautiful high and all around experience.

The diesel reversal is still up in the air, she got pissed once she was pollinated. I’ve got a small amounts of pollen and have pollinated…

Dream Axis

That’s it, so far… besides all the autos :joy::crazy_face::exploding_head:

If anyone wants the test autos, fem and or regular, please DM me how mad you can grow and indoors or out. They should be ready to get wet as early as the end of July. You should be able to plant these in August outdoors and get a harvest before the freezing temps set in. Plant the. With some late season veggies :green_heart:

Here’s some Blueberry Dodgers and veggies in an old 5 gallon of coco


Agreed on needy plants. I tried to make sure I pollinated Corey, bubba, Tahoe, sherb, to make sure I’ve got them crossed with that mb bx. They aren’t that needy but I want more hardy plants in general.

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Also weird how i95 x chimera 3, one pheno came out looking like Topanga / Hollywood. I guess it’s that triangle x legend mom to i95 but damn, those kushes are really all bagseed huh.

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@leetdood Most bagseed I’ve grown is pretty good… :man_shrugging::joy:

If it’s making it into the hands of a drug dealer or dispo, the base genetics are usually solid. Think about it, Chem, Sour D, Cherry Pie… all known to make seeds, often aren’t actual herms. They throw nanas when they’re feeling less than good conditions, usually towards the end of flower.

This kind of goes back to the vigor and resilience thing. Name me plants/strains that are known to be resilient, vigorous, and have a tendency to “herm”.

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It’s just funny like

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