Acro's Farm Adventures

Congolese purpleback, purple back, purple bac maybe, anyone?

If anyone knows anything about either Congo, please let me know… I can’t find anything about the Dead Panhead pack either


The fast flowers are starting to show… and something is eating my stigma on the outdoor Zibba too bud vs. lower. I don’t think it’s just pollinated


It is possible I made Zibba x SLH Franco…

Doug’s varin cross, nice

I’ve got a cbg cross from @bigzach87 that uses, I think um, a f gen of circles from hoku, but by Seattle chronic seeds. I was also very intrigued by their melvinz.

Cbg cross is strawberry starburst x circles f2, gotta back it up and flower it out but it seems like a nice plant. Sounded like it leant daybreaker terps wise. (Chem d x Joseph og by gage, dad of arise father of strawberry starburst, Joseph is an underdog og bagseed)

I say that because I was told it came out smelling like gmo, not strawberry


Also popped

Varin’s G x (Dogwalker x Golden Ticket)


Dogwalker is killer work!

I fuckin wish I had more space / less bugs I’d pop that godwalker pack

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Looking forward to seeing how you like that one! @Ossigor hunted it, definitely seems heavy on cbg, but hasn’t been tested.


Solid germ rates :wink:


High @Acro impressive work you’re doing, and nicely documented.

In your first post you listed : Dream Axis (Congo x Ghash) x SSDDUV (my cut). What, exactly, is that?

I’m a bit of an SSDD junkie (and Bodhi). After running Jungle Spice (Congo Landrace x 88G13HP) , and really liking it, Dream Axis sounded like a great mash up. I’m going to try and work it into my next drop. Is it the same Dream Axis as what you’re running?

Anyway, very nice gardening :slight_smile:


Possibly the cross made by @Bobgrows a couple years ago?


Seems like a decent plant so far in veg. I’ve been super behind so it’s still in the shipper bottom @HighTilliDie used, lol. Catching up though and it’s been growing nicely, like a bonsai Christmas tree.

Thanks again @Ossigor @bigzach87

Hey glad to hear you’re having fun with it so far. I can say that is seriously one of the heartiest plants I’ve ever gotten my hands on. It grows like a dream in almost any situation and seems to be completely mildew resistant. I definitely think it would be a good candidate for breeding some cbg into things.

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It’s just my selection of Dream Axis from Bodhi, which is the SSDD bodhi papa and a typo.

Thanks for following along! There’s an outside chance there’s going to be a lot of SSDD crosses soon. My reversed moms aren’t making much pollen anymore and I have a tent to pollinate and several boys to select from. I also have a Sour D BX3 x BBM x VB boy that looks phenomenal, but I wasn’t planning anyone for him…


Okay :slight_smile: I just opened a pack today, but not really sure what I’ve got now :rofl:

Dropped 3x, so I may find out!

My SSDD keeper reverses great, flowers galore, just doesn’t give up viable pollen :thinking: She can be a brat about rooted clones.

She’s gonna get banged, with some spunk from an especially handsome fella, in a week or two.

I’ll be tagging along, thanks :slight_smile:


That’s the one! I think Bodhi mislabeled it the first go iirc.

Nice to see someone else interested in these, I found two great girls. My keeper has been among a crowd of elite clone only types and she’s a standout amongst them. Just need to confirm the flower and smoke is great one last time…


It was Congo -Sherbert × GDP.
Congolese Purpleback :v::purple_heart:


I’m happy these are from you! Was so not expecting sherbet in there. I was thinking something like hao bac… :joy:

I’ve left all these beans in paper towels too long. It’s a little nuts what I’ve bitten off, but I’m not exactly decided on who’s going where and in what. I may have culled a bunch already…

12 plant SSDD repopulationt market hunt, blueberry, mob, and bbm fems, SLH Franco S1 and fem crosses to multiple other girls, Zibba S1 and crosses, then I went and popped 100ish beans. I’ve lost my mind… :crazy_face::joy:


Photo dumps to come…

Here’s my Bayside Bastard. I love her so, she smells so good just in veg and is very vigorous. She kicked the shit out of all but one of the photo, and all but 7-8 auto, pll ok ants from this last big bean pop. Yes, vigor wise I’ve got the autos going better than photos in stress testing. At last the last couple rounds. But I was really s

She was cramped and not too happy indoors, she seems pretty happy in the veggie garden though!

And… I plucked some early beans from the blueberry reproduction of @Alaskagrown blueberry repro. A little younger than I’d like, bit I think they’ll be fine. It’s been so hot and humid and wet. Nature culled 3 of the 5 girls. But the best girl, that was considerably better than the rest, and one of the runts, survived. So, it’s basically the best girl x there best boys with a smattering of that other girl :joy: Anyone down to test a new F gen of blueberry auto?


This was a Pic of the Mom…Congo Sherbert


Mine’s just a wench, but she knows what to do :slight_smile:

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