Acro's Farm Adventures

Well, I’m happy to announce, everything in the 4x8 tent for the fem run looks pollinated. It’s funny, because I forgot I stuck my reversed SLH in the Kratky jar in there a few days ago. Part of me wanted to use MAC Daddy, and diesel was still in the running, but SLH won out. Here’s what’s cooking…

And some notes while they’re in my head on names and what’s been pollinated. If you like or hate any of them, feel free to comment.

SLH Franco S1’s, an old mom and the biggest clone of her, which is now 4’. This is my first sizable run of her, sadly she’ll be seeded…

Papaya Lemon Smash/PLS = Papaya x SLH

Dream Haze/Sunny Dhaze/Sunshine Dhaze/Lemon Axis/Axis Haze = Dream Axis x SLH

Blue Lemon Mob/Blue Lemon Maze/Super Lemon Mob/Super Lemon Friezy = MOB x SLH

Lemon Popgun/Lemon Berry Fizz/Blue Lemon Popgun = Blue Popgun (purple widow freak x (BBM x VB) x SLH

The Alaskan Professor/Blueberry Dazey/Blue Dazey/Super Lemon Blues/Blue Alaska Haze =
Blues Haze (Super silver Deez x BBM x VB) x SLH

Sunshine Haze/Lemon Sunshine/Sunshine Dhazedream = Sunshine Daydream BX1 F2 x SLH

BTS (beyond top shelf) Haze/Serenity Now/Now Haze/Later Dhaze/Later Lemon/Lemon Now N Later/Jimmy’s Haze = Now N Later x SLH

More later…


Outdoor photo dump… and long beeeder ramble, notes to follow.

We’ve got, Blueberry being reversed in the greenhouse and making plenty of S1 and blueberry fem crosses. A lot can go wrong, but so far so good. Everything is in early flower, no signs of the reversal taking yet, nor should there be. It’s not an easy one to reverse in my experience so far, but I’ve got two healthy plants doing well. The last one just died, and was dead by now, so I’ve got that going for me. Making… BBM has also been reversed as a backup plan, as well as some pollen from Blue Pop (BBM x VB) work.

Blueberry (Old 80’s to 2000’s PNW saty cut, rumored to be the mom of some important DJ lines). Can seem finicky, but just expresses displeasure with its leaves in a variety of ways. This thing feels like ground zero for what a lot of people call mutants and runts in the old blueberry seed lines, and not liking high nutes. If you stick with them, you’ll find most of them work it out. Blueberry simply reacts differently to environment and substrate compared to most modern strains.

Once you get to know it, it’s an easy enough plant to grow. Sometimes you have to give them a little time to work things out. Find the sweet spot, and she likes the grow, and she’ll grow in a variety of conditions. I’ve had ugly and abused pest ridden plants turn I to beauties just from being flushed with tap water and thrown outside. I threw a multitude of clone only cuts out doors when temps were still hitting 30’s back in April. Most of the cuts died, but this one, BBM, and dream axis all survived.

My heavily disguised sts bottle pictured

Zibba and Z x PBB fast outdoors defoliated, topped, and crammed in one pot. One of the Z x PBB oozed all over the place when topped, and it turned a funny color :man_shrugging:

Reversed Macdaddy Kratky still loving and looking solid despite heatwaves and general abuse


I went a little long, but it’ll test them a little harder. Doing mostly one pot hunts for now.

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The Congo stuff seems extra ready to go :green_heart: @Bobgrows

They’re all to their next destination… Permanant marker cross and S1 was starting to brown, as were others, and head towards damping off because I left them in the bag and towels too long, and my paper towels were too wet. We’ll see how many I culled…

The Vice Versa from Seattle chronic had to have some seeds hand cracked, we’ll see if they sprout. Outdoor seeds and tougher shells maybe?


I’m hoping you like that one.
They’re is a purple pheno and a green pheno.


These are pretty recently in flower, but they did not like the greenhouse, and something there liked their stigma. Anyway, that is just a stress test of Zibba and Z x PBB outdoors, in an old pot… Not bad, you can see what same mama and two different pollen donors looks like. In this case a blueberry auto boy and a PBB photo. This is a few grow in a row where autos are making a strong case vs photos… :man_shrugging::crazy_face:


Lots of seed shucking in my future, it’s just starting. These are from lowers and test bids so far.

Very happy with what I’m finding in smoke tests. The one impressive blueberry girl was very generous with seeds despite being pollinated early and chopped early. Her seeds or lighter than I’d like, but most are mature. She’s the closed plant I’ve grown to the smell of my old blueberry clone, and she reminded me so much of her growth wise. This was just a repopulation at first, but turned into my selections… It’s going back a couple F gens most of what I have, just to keep things fresh and being able to go back if I need or want to

First pics are MOB, then Papaya, SLH, Dream Axis, and blue pop gun last but not least… Several others not pictured. That Dream axis still looks picture perfect, no leaf curls or anything from pollination…


Some seeded autos I took down last night after running them beyond their typical due date… Zibba 4 (this is the French dip/demiglace smelling one), and a Bluecheese that smells great and has crazy dense hard nugs.


I haven’t shown this one much. Right around 20 days and cramped in a small pot, this is a girl I pulled from some SSDD bx1 f2 from @HolyAngel a couple years back that’s being pollinated by the SLH Franco


Oooh she looks real nice! :heart_eyes:

And it’s SSDD F2 BX1 not SSDD BX1 F2 :wink: I’ve seen a few people write it out with F2 last and it’s not an F2 of a backcrossed line, it’s a backcross of an F2 selection of SSDD.
(SSDD F2 #1 x (Starlite Male x SSDD F2 #1))
Just don’t want any confusion ^^


If that doesnt sound good idk what would.


Thanks for the correction, i would have kept telling people wrong on that one until I dug into my second pack. It’s like sweet and sour chive butter at the moment.

Here’s the Mac Daddy right next to her, in the same size cramped pot.




That MacDaddy looks nice and frosty already!

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Thanks! I can’t wait to see all of these, that SLH is a masterpiece

Dream Haze has to be taken, right? Hakeem Haze? This one or the Dream Axis will likely get that name. Or should I just go Dream Shake?

It only makes sense if you’re an nba fan…

Dream axis in front/bottom on the last one


That Mac daddy is a bonkers plant. I reversed an old Kratky mom along with two SLH Franco in Kratky. It felt a little cocky, but I thought I could do it… I’m shocked at how it went, the Mac daddy was bone dry a couple times, on its side on a hot patio, on barely any water and through heatwaves… It made boy and girl flowers, but no proof the pollen is viable as it didn’t have anything to pollinate other than itself. It still looks great, most plants would be dead, many that I moved outside around then are.

It’s revegging and I bet would start flowering again. But what kind of flowers?!:joy:


Ugly pink cup, ugly roots, heat waves, run dry, it doesn’t care

Even the straggler lower that I allowed to live looks fine


Some love for the Kratky SLH that’s doing the deed (reversed)… It’s been kept in a glass jar with swampy green water its whole life while being bounced around between indoors and out. I was worried it only had a week or two left, but it’s now vigorously throwing more balls and stigmas…

This was first sprayed 5/6, flipped 5/9ish and hasn’t been sprayed since 5/21sbd two months later is still producing pollen for me. This and the Mac Daddy will be with me for a long time, impressive and beautiful plants…


Blue Popgun backup, she’s just like her mom (purple widow freak in so many ways, but she’s beautifully variegated and grows as this oblong bush often.

I went from not knowing what to make of purple widow freak (she’s got a weird bitterness to her, like heavy tannin /chicory/old coffee grinds that you can smell on the nose). This will make zero sense to 99% of the population, but it reminds of me of a young Aglianico, think sniffing on volcanic soil and limestone with bitter/poison type berry with just enough tantalizing sweet berry and savory aromas to keep you searching for more. But, now that she’s a month into flower her cheese funk is all I smell and the tent smells like a cheese cellar, just like mom.


Woot, third time is a charm, I hope! That sure looks like a boy part. This is THE 80/90’s PNW Blueberry Clone…

If this keeps going we’ll have…

Blueberry Sativa S1
MOB x Blueberry Sativa
Blueberry Muffin x Blueberry Sativa
Papaya x Blueberry Sativa

Might be moving a few other things out there, SLH, Papaya, Dream Axis and several others are all being considered…


“My take… You’re not a breeder worth spending money on if you can’t tell me if you’ve got something potentially special from 10 plants and inside of 10 weeks, flower or not.”

Just reading through this thread and this line jumps out. You’re 100% right.

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