Acro's Farm Adventures

Have to check some dates, but this is right around 10 days from flip. Purple Widow Freak, she’s reminiscent of black cherry soda/huckleberry soda and berry freak but with that white widow resilience.

Backstory: I only had 24 beans and they were among the first batch of outdoor plants I ever ran. I started with about 250 and also ran some Bodhi, Canna Research, Cereal Milk, and several other nice packs. I came indoors with 6 potential keepers from the 24 and set about finding creative ways to kill them to find just one momma.

Turns out the winner was also purple buds with purple resin, the leaves were still green in Nov. and buds were purple when it was still hot and nothing had even begun the turn due to cold.

I swear the leaves are already purpling on her indoors, which would be hilarious if they purple and looks totally different, but I’m hoping it’s some purple resin starting :crossed_fingers:t2:


A couple more from after she’d been through some snows, been moved indoors, made some seeds, revegged and then…

Also, two of her progeny are the winners of my 30 bean torture box, and in emphatic fashion. These are some of of the plants from the beans in my hand. Papa was Blueberry Muffin x Vintage Blueberry F2


Very nice! That’s my kinda girl! :green_heart:

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So I tried the cloning method I’ve been using with collars, netpots, and tap water, but added a plug rather than just leaving the stems dangling in the water. I always get a good chuckle when people talk about hydro and drowning roots if you don’t have enough flow or bubbles…

For comparison…

This one just water


Last one for the day… Better shot of purple widow as she looks today.


Hey @Acro . Can you please show how you root clones? Also, what is your katkty set-up like? :grin:


@Magu Many different ways, a collar and a 3” plastic cup has become common. If I’m setting it up for Kratky, usually like this…

Later resulting in something like this… (after defoliation)


Just using a 3” cup and collar, then Mason jar. Using some aragonite in the jar to see what it does PH wise. The jar is after a transplant from a cup.


Had an impromptu seed wetting event… :thinking:


Some older seeds in this bunch so some needed a little help… Jammy Dodgers #2 x Blueberry (Blueberry Dodgers or Dodger Blues?) were little rocket ships so they got plugs and random blue tray thing and a couple got their own pot.

I had one crazy overachiever blueberry, but many needed to be cracked. Thought I was going 0’fer with the black widow and drunken bastard, but two of each tailed out, and others were hand cracked. I had no germ last time I tried the drunken bastard, so I’ll take it. And, cereal milk still popping readily with Michigan vigor despite getting a little advanced age wise.


Purple widow freak a few weeks along


Jammy Dodgers 2 x Blueberry auto regs are the early champs of the latest seed hunt…

Alsoo ok, random Mac daddy kratky/clone update


Here’s what became of this crazy little 30 bean torture test. Only two plants became anything of note, there are still a few struggling seedlings trying to hold on along both these two. I’m kinda excited to see how she (?) looks after a transplant and some TLC. It’s hard to not be intrigued by those leaves despite the hard life they’ve had.

This was just a germ and torture test of 10 each of F2 Staten Island Diesel (Katsu), Sour D x SSH x BBM x VB, and Purple Widow Freak x BBM x VB

And here’s purple widow freak as of yesterday (momma of the above) around day 30. Outdoors the leaves stayed green and the buds went purple while it was still hot. I feel like the last two days there’s been a shift in color and she’s starting to turn, but we shall see


Franco’s SLH is a glorious plant, she roots well as a clone too :joy::crazy_face:


Original diesel left, SLH middle with some Now n Later and Z mixed in



Outside one of my doors there’s a little spot I’ll often toss stuff that would normally get composted, just small bits and bobs. I was a little shocked to see this. Those sure look like cannabis, huh?

That’s very likely stardawg corey, Berger Bubba, or Chem 91 x Staten Island Diesel or Sour D BX3 x BBM x VB.

It’s been in the 20’s and 30’s, that grounds was frozen and snow covered last week :crazy_face:


Dig them up and put them in pots. You may have some cold tolerant genes there. :face_with_monocle:


@magu So, it was 27f when those were most certainly alive, at least according to the weather folk and apps, etc. it’s supposed to be that are warmer for the next week plus. Most of it looks to be shine freezing, with some low temps over night.

It’s now right around there and will bounce around in the high 20’s until sunrise. I covered them as if they were roses, and as if I don’t have way too many plants of various types. Would anyone like some hibiscus? :joy:


Jammy Dodgers 2 x Blueberry Sativa Auto Regs and a drunken bastard starting to her weird. I had 7 left, none germed in 4 days, cracked them open, 6 germed, one looking not good, and it’s now looking like I’ll have at least 3 or 4 plants to play around with, maybe 5.

I popped 14 and have 14 strong, all 14 outpaced every other seedling of this batch of roughly 100 beans. This includes Black Widow, which should be a pretty damn vigorous strain. Same with those blueberry, the parents were always some of the most vigorous beans, regardless of type.


And some 30 somethin’ day Purple Widow Freak


2023 outdoor and another shot right before flip

This isn’t a clone, this is same actual plant that I ran outdoor 2023 that was a clone of my outdoor 2022 champ. I have several moms of the same plant. Two made beans outdoors last year, this current flowering plant is one of the two. I’m going to try to keep them going and see if any genetic drift ever occurs.

Last week it occurred to me if going from being this sticky berry forward plant in veg, it also has some J&J baby magic bath and perfumey stuff happening. But, it zap my brain last week, it’s tomatoes and tomato sauce with a distinct oregano and very mild garlic. Some sweetness as well, but it’s a savory sweetness. My wife absolutely sucks at distinguishing smells, but I brought her some sugar leaves to smell and I asked her what it smells like. She responded, pizza and tomato sauce. Pretty excited to finally do a proper flower run when these, I keep making beans instead of nice flower.

One of my blueberry auto lines had yellow curry and cheese smells, I may have to hit some branches with some pollen of that and see if I can find a Tika masala kinda thing happening. The blueberry with sweet basil and curry was one of my favorite smokes a couple years ago. I was smoking it we some elites I had flowered. Was zippy get stuff done weed.


Some royalty in this picture. Primarily pictured is Franco’s SLH, Left is Weasel/Original/Daywrecker, and the old PNW blueberry sativa leaning cut foreground