Acro's Farm Adventures

The Kratky Blueberry Muffin right around day 40


It’s like a weird game of I spy… and thanks @Tonygreen and @Great_lakes_Genetics this is my scissor sterilizer shot glass :v::joy:

MOB and blueberry just about to head into flower


That’s what we call multi purposing :heart_eyes:

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What do you think about those Fiskars mini loppers?
(I was looking at them recently…)
Is that “power gear” just a marketing gimmick or is it actually useful?



I own the shears as well. For me that power gear piece is great for chopping thick plant stems. It’s light weight yet really sturdy. I own about 30 pairs of scissors, the fiskars are my favorite unless the plant is a thicker older one. If I’m making clones and done want to bother with a blade, they’re my first choice


Some boys from my Jammy Dodgers 2 x Blueberry hunt (Dodger Blues, Jammy Blueberry, Blueberry Dodgers, Blue Jams…?!)

I saturated their pots with tapwater and went them outside right before it was raining and in the 30’s. 5 days of bad weather, but they all made it :crazy_face:


Decided to let my purple widow freak finish outdoors. It’s only fitting, this exact plant started as an outdoor clone last April, made beans, cane indoors to finish the beans and revegged at the same time. I’m a little sad to chop her…

Her many aromas have puzzled me, but she’s berry cheese funk, and the cheese is pretty prominent during dry, we’ll see after.


Berry nice!


Acro Parm? :joy:


Berry Nice,
Acro Parm

I don’t think I’ve seen a two line name before but it’d annoy the shit out of people so I’d do it


48 day old blueberry muffin nugs for breakfast. Still delicious and a nice high after a fast dry. This is the Kratky plant


Purple widow freak chopped and ready to be trimmed/dried. She doesn’t purple up as much indoors, but still some nice purple. I put her outside into 30 and 40 degree temps to fijj no push up and hopefully get more purple, but I was too late. But damn she sure held up well in the cold temps despite her state and being a year old clone that’s been flowered and revegged a few times


Purple widow freak came out of this pot from 2022 outdoor… I culled 12 of 24, but it wasn’t easy…

6 of them came indoors with me and I struggled to not want to test all further, but through stress testing I decided on her, I pushed them so hard that I only had two left and the one died suddenly. It wasn’t until 2023 that I flowered some clones outdoors and saw her strut her colors and resilence in flower outdoors…


I go with the cheap ones on Amazon or the grow shop. Had fancy snips but they all get gummed up and I’m to lazy to clean them.bin them and fresh sharp new ones


I give mine a bleach or alcohol soak after each use, so… Mistky I roll with cheap ones, have many, but I reach for rouse fiskars first :v:

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I’ll be totally honest bro I gave up and got a trim bag

So much time saved and the hash is fucking un real sir

I’ve 5 runs through it and will probably use it for another 5 and buy and new one

What the price of an Oz yourside


Just catching up on your journal - you’ve got come cool breeding projects in the works! Love all the blueberry stuff - that’s cool you found a keeper in AKBB’s stuff. Is the blueberry pnw cut you’re working with the same as the archive blueberry cut? I’m about to flower that one out for the first time, and am hoping to cross it with some blueberry lines.

Heres the archive one - all green stem with some leaf twirls and occasional double serrated leaves. :


Thanks for stopping by!

It’s definitely different from the archive cut, and the origin of that archive cut is murky. I’ve heard theirs might have been hunted rather than being a DJ cut, it also seems it may be a DJ cut and Fletcher and/or some lawyer decided not to associate with DJ. I’ve actually considered tossing the archive cut and what I have together to see what happens. I suspect it’d be blueberry leaning :joy: When I S1 this cut I’ll send you pollen if you’d like.

This one leans more sativa and is supposedly the mom used in some some of DJ’s important lines. I’m not sure about all that, because, well, you know… This one was acquired in 2011 and dates back to the 80’s and 90’s and I swear is the poster child for funky blueberry leaves.

People talk about the blueberry mutants and runts as being a sign of having the older genetics. There’s something to it, the mutants definitely disappeared from a lot of DJ’s work at some point.

I also highly question how many of them are actual mutants. This plant reacts to stress and change exactly like those mutant seedlings. I’ve gotten pretty familiar with them having popped so many old blueberry reg autos that have the same mutations. Transplanting it will throw it into a tizzy for a while, it doesn’t like higher nutes but will tolerate them in a lime green and pissed off state. It’s the quirkiest clone I have. In fact, I’d almost go so far to say that I believe this is an important clone due to…

1.) If someone was trying to pass a nice blueberry off as DJ Short Blueberry the chances they would have selected this cut are slim to none

2.) Blueberry was everywhere in the 90’s and early part of 2000’s, why hang onto this cut unless it’s important and special. Again, it’s just quirky and weird, if it showed up in most people’s gardens unnamed, it’d be the first plant culled and never make it to flower.

Whatever exactly it is, the lore is fun… It’s on its way to being genetic tested, so we’ll see what that turns up.


Very cool man! Yeah that sounds like blueberry alright with how finicky it is. Thatd be awesome if your s1ing goes well definitely let me know. Hopefully it goes well - I know greasy tried to reverse the archive cut and it didnt put out any pollen.

The archive cut is interesting - I dont think it was hunted from any new stock as it is not finicky in the slightest. Compared to the newer DJ releases, which have been picky with nutrients, water, light etc, the archive cut is super easygoing, vigorous, with no issues for me so far. I dont think its dj breeding stock either as his BB mom he uses (and released as a cut 10yrs ago or so) has purple stems.

Theres definitely stil some mutant traits in DJs seeds - heres a newberry I grew out. Every leaf was crinkle haha. Had a chocolatey aroma and taste, was the nicer pheno of the two newberry plants.


Some goodies arrived from @Bobgrows today, super excited to see these come to fruition. Thanks!

Also, decided to pop a bunch of old Zkittlez x PBB, I made about 100 beans and never went through them