All Gas OG 2023

Gorilla glue #4 S1
Got 4 seeds to grow out of 20.
Got impatient and put a Rocbud Platinum City Runtz seed to sprout to fill the 4 th spot and one of the gg4 seeds finally decided to sprout. Now I have an extra Rocbud plant. Gotta grow it.
Thinking of ditching the blumats and stick an olla in the center


Oh cool! I’m familiar with olla, and even considered them for my outdoor raised beds, but the cost was prohibitive. I’ve never seen them in action, and i dig your setup, so I’m gonna follow along :bear::+1: Lemme know if joints need rollin:
I bless this grow with the headiest of Heady Bear vibes!

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I love what your doing @RadioWaves
Only thing missing = Worms 🪱 = Free fertilizer

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Doobs need a rolling!!

I just put some ollas in a raised bed this last spring. The 2.9 gallon size was $49 at the local nursery store.
A few haze plants drinking off them now.


Thank you amigo!
I didn’t forget the worms!


Look up my worm smoothie recipe on OG.


Blumats out, olla in


Looks interesting

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Operation Olla complete


Gorilla Glue 4 from GG Strains

My new favorite saying

“ Onward, through the fog! “

Anyone able to edit the title to 2023?


Done deal! :wink:

Nice looking work and I love watching the different methods people use. I can’t believe those Ollas are so expensive. Why so high? Is it a special clay mix that is extra porous or something? They were probably $4.50 before homegrowing became legal and popular, heh. I live in a super dry environment and I’m going to look for some for myself. I forgot about those.


Thank you Gman.
I believe they are terracotta. Not sure. The outside garden likes the ollas I think. Surface watering took a soaker hose to water deep with a lot of runoff. These release water deeper. In the Phoenix summer they need to be filled twice a week.

Indoors, the top soil is dryer than I would like. So I try to top it off every few days. My cover crop and mulch isn’t great so that may help keep the top soil more moist.


Oh hell, you are experiencing what I do but on a level of magnitude higher, lol.

I’m in southern Colorado right at the northern border with New Mexico. It gets pretty dry here most summers, but the last two were pretty good. Lots of rain. I think we’ll be going back to normal this year if that La Nina goes away.


Beautiful… what are those nice yellow flowers? :slight_smile:

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I don’t know. Something from a cover crop mix

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About day 50 of veg. for three gorilla glue#4.
Day 35 veg for the Platinum City Runtz.
Was trying to let the runt(z) grow some but the gg4 took off. I have struggled with taking clones previously but it looks like the gg4 cloned. Only got 3 sprouts out of 2 packs, so they are a staggered start. Flipped to flower today.


Gorilla glue #4 about 2 weeks since flip.

Got a male from feminized seed pack.
Yanked it but made clones, but I think they gonna get trashed. I have no desire to breed.
Olla watering is good so far.



I am not sure. But here is my reasoning. @Tonygreen is already working gorilla glue and I will buy seeds from him instead. I am thinking his plant selection is larger than the 3 plants I have and he been doing it awhile.


Week 3 of flower