Joker’s Wild 2023/24

I’m going to try this again. If nothing else, just to help keep track of this grow.

A little about my set up. I grow in an unfinished basement and deal with the colder temps in the winter. Both 5x5 tents run a Grow Light Science ProGrow 640 with an Exhale bag. A box fan at the top of the tent blowing down for air movement and a 6” AC Infinity exhaust fan.

I have used Octopot’s for the last 3 years and couldn’t imagine growing without them. Everything I run for flower comes from clones. I keep some mom’s and will grow seeds out till sex, then pull clones.

So with all that out of the way, on with the show!


Tent 1

This tent has 2 Super Petrol from Mosca seeds and 3 Puro Loco from Archive.
All were started as seeds and clones pulled. I don’t remember how long they stayed in the mom/clone tent before hitting the Octo’s.

Oct 27

The 2 in back are Super Petrol. Middle and front are Puro Loco. Using the @Jetdro turbo method.


Tent 2

This tent started with bigger clones.
Blue Dream-back left
Triangle Kush-back right
Bubba Kush-front left
Tangerine Skunk-front right
The front plant in this pic was another Super Petrol, but pulled it to experiment with just 4 Octo’s in the tent.

Oct 31

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the show!


I want to give a thank you to the biggest weed nerd I know!! @HolyAngel Appreciate all your help over the years!


Looks nice and clean good job


Aww, thanks! Looking damn good!!
Yay for new journal :partying_face:

Looking forward to seeing the progression on here, they really exploded in growth compared to the start :wink:


He’s the biggest weed nerd I know too well him and Santero


Dude yank that tangerine skunk and put a real plant in there


in my opinion that’s about as tight a set up as you can run great size perfect light course I love the grow medium Nice and clean

I see nothing but smooth sailing and fat ass buds in your future


95% of it is the set up and start and you drilled that

so when will you flip them you play it by ear or do you have a certain height at which you flip are you going to LST or top or just let them go??

i’ll offer one piece of advice

oh wait I don’t have any it’s perfect😎


Still trying to dial that in Jet!! As you will soon see, 1 tent is nice and pretty controlled. The other, not so much.

That is one of the hardest things to me about the Octo’s. When to flip. Veg to long and the tent gets out of control fast!!


Funny you say that!! Lol. @Octochris has always recommended starting with a freshly rooted clone. In all the years I have used them, I always transplanted from a solo cup.

Well I had room in my mom/clone tent for an experiment. Took a freshly rooted Tangerine Skunk and put her in an Octo.
This is the difference today.

Both the Octo and the red solo cup were transplanted the same day. Same feed, same strain. Bet your ass my next run will be with freshly rooted clones!!


Ok. Back to the show.

Tent 1 Nov 22 Day 7

Skipped forward a bit. Everything is topped and flipped to flower 7 days ago…

I really prefer these shorter Rocket pot grow sleeves the Chris sells. I need to order 5-10 more.


Tent 1 Nov 28

13 days into flower and the Super Petrol are both stretching hard compared to the Puro. The right back got bent in some places, trying to tame her stretch.

@corgitron said the Puro needs support, so threw on the net. It’s a love/hate with these damn nets.


You agree @schmarmpit? And was it @herojuana.tom that also liked it?


Tent 2 Nov 19

Topped the TK, she was just too tall. Started to thin the Blue Dream. And praying this Bubba grows out of it!

View from the back.


Going to flip this tent in 3-4 days.


@minitiger I don’t know how you post everything after the fact. Confusing as hell!! Guarantee I screw dates of pics up in this thread!!


I do like it… A lot… I have already smoked almost all of my harvest of it and actually prefer it’s high to the triangle :sweat_smile::raised_hands: but I appear to be an outlier amongst growers, so I shall defer to the others who apparently have more delicate tastes than myself and who do not appreciate its true skunkiness with the same enthusiasm as I


Brother, my fingers are crossed. She is such an easy grow, clones well, and looks like she will yield!! Just hope I like the way she tastes!! :grin:


Aren’t you the one who flushes the plants and aren’t the others complaining about the taste not the effect?


She is a gorgeous plant and will kick down a buttload of uber-stanky skunk- reeking nuggage, but it all depends on your tastes… I live off bongloads, so everything tastes like a huge cloud of smoke to me, but joints – maybe giving a more robust flavor profile? – have definitely triggered a couple people’s tasters :sweat_smile: