Alwaysnoob's stealth indoor grow in the middle of nowhere

Thanks for your comfidence, I just Google everything and learn in real time :sweat_smile:. In this case if it is Fusarium I would cull the plant so if doesn’t spread to the rest, but prior in case they’re just bugs munching the roots I would drench the plant with pHed water mixed with peroxide, that would kill any bugs and microbes, if successful you would have to replenish the beneficial ones with a tea or appropriate product (Recharge? icon_e_confused|nullxnull), there’s nothing to lose in the attempt … beer3|nullxnull


Thanks a lot brother, i will try the H2O2 treatment before moving further… :pray::pray::pray:


Transplanted / up potted 3 BBFD & 3 Widow Maker Autos today. They are 15 days old and have 3 or more nodes :arrow_down:

Sour bubble is doing its thing…:arrow_down:

And we have 2 Gambian pregnant with Blueberry pollen…:arrow_down:

The wilting seems to be slowed down…
The left most sativa is pollinated with Blueberry and Gambian pollen on different branches and also I’m sure I’ll find seeds all over the plant if this grow finishes. Coz i wasn’t worried about the seeds and kind of kept blueberry and Gambian males in the same room :person_shrugging::arrow_down:

Remember that one particular beautiful plant that i was very eager to taste, yep the same one whose sex was not determined yet?:arrow_down:

I think it’ll more likely to be a male. I’ll wait for few more days to confirm. I’ve nurtured this for 5 months by this point, what’s few more days :person_shrugging:

In any case, I’ll either have a nice smokable bud or i get to try Fermented Plant Juice for the first time … :sunglasses:



The tallest and most impressive specimen of the BBFD is a male…

It has been only 19 days since seed hit the water…
Is that normal or am I doing something terribly wrong?

Bye bye little guy…


Hey Alwaysnoob’s, lovely stealth grow!! I did my first true grows in a stealth box, I learned learned about them here in the last month of 1999. A NewGanjaBoy stealth box.
I will not bore you with all the details, but stealth grows always got a spot in my heart.
It was once a big community, stealth boxes, here on OG early on.
I ran in tents for 15 years or so, and now, I’m old, and plant camping got old, getting in and out of them. I mean zero disrespect for tents, myself as a veg tent.
So now I grow in 3 separated, (excluding the veg tent) Panda walled areas, with LED’s, in an organic medium, I mix up.
Some of my pots I place in a hydro tray, and feed them tomato fertilizers, then MorBloom during flower.
So, yeah nice job with the plants. Oh yeah, springtails usually eat dead root bits. I once worried about them myself.
All the best to your garden!!


Thanks brother… :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:
I’m always interested to learn more about stealth grows around the world…

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Standing at 3.5 feet, this girl will sure be missed…
Why am I giving up after all the effort?
2 reasons,

  1. It didn’t fully dry out which is unusual for this girl, so I guess she doesn’t wanna drink anymore.

  1. i find white substance on couple of leaves, i don’t want her contaminating my other plants…

The effort was not totally wasted, i learnt a lot from her and my future grow would be a little better because of her.
Now 3 landraces stand, one’s sex undetermined…

Today’s not all bad news, the hybrids are looking amazing. Will update in a bit…


I have to give you props. I’ve been growing for a while and those long flowering sativa still scare me


These are indigenous to my area brother, came with the bag of brick weed. These plants were supposed to be practice plants before I received any good genetics,( you know to measure the nutes, lights etc.).

But somehow I got hooked and decided to finish this properly…


You literally pick the hardest plants to grow inside as your practice plants


I agree with @Emeraldgreen . I’ve been at it a long time, and I won’t mess with those long season landraces.
Kudos for the attempt @alwaysnoob but you gotta know when to say when. Now you can get onto those faster hybrids.:grin: Happy growing.


Do you have any better pics of the white spots for my curiousity?

As said, you picked quite the sativa to play with.

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Thanks brother…
I didn’t know at that time bro @Emeraldgreen

Onto today’s good news…
3 Widow Maker and 2 BlueBerry FogDog are thriving. I think I am getting hang of these autos, Also i got cocky and started couple of Blueberry and Gambians to go in the terrace .

The most expected (at least by me lol) Sour Bubble reveg is a huge success and after topping it since recovered and the lower nodes starting to catch up.
(Quick recap : it was started 13/11 from seed and revegged after finding the sex)

The pregnant (Blueberry pollen) Gambians

The remaining Landraces


The plant is gone now brother…
But i didn’t choose to kill it at the sight of white immediately, it was on one leaf couple of days back now it was in couple of more leaves…
Plus the pot didn’t dry down which was unusual for this girl…


Good good. I’ve had to sacrifice plants like that before too. It happens.

Best of luck


Thanks brother :pray:


Looks great! If I was you I’d try to cross any auto or hybrid pollen to your local stuff. It should cut flower time way down.

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Already did brother, if only the plant survive 4 more weeks i might have some new seeds…


Another one bites the dust…
Which leaves me with only one surviving landrace…
At this point I’m contemplating culling it too…
Looks like I’ll be getting only blueberry gambian seeds…
No more blueberry sativa cross …


So this is what happened with the plant…

One by one the leaves started wilting at first, then it spread until the plant is almost dead…
I don’t know for sure what it is, but I’m sure it’s contagious coz it started on one plant first then it spread…
I also found some white colour spots on the roots…

I call upon the good people of OG to help me understand what went wrong with this plant, so that if i am to encounter it in future i can face it with confidence…

PS: it’s their 3rd month anniversary in flowering tomorrow…