Alwaysnoob's stealth indoor grow in the middle of nowhere

2 BBFD and 3 Widow Maker autos started their training from yesterday onwards…

One BBFD started flowering already, the rest are still in their vegetative phase …


Did my first FPJwith that male plant and FFJ with couple of home grown Bananas…
That tall, bushy male plant surprisingly gave only 100 grams worth of material…

The smell :nose: takes me back to the times we used to make our own wine in the Middle East due to prohibition.

Someone please educate me on the negative effects of FPJ and FFJ if i gulp down a lot at the same time, otherwise I’ll have to make these more often :joy::joy:
Nah, too sweet for my taste…

Tried and failed LABs, will try again soon…

The process started on June 8th, decanting the juices today. Yep, i live in a warmer climate…


Sorry for your loss, could be white root rot:

The fungus rots root systems and produces phytotoxins that are transported in the sap, leading to a decline in the vigour of the entire plant.



Thanks brother…
Any how, it was a learning curve for me.
I will be incorporating tricoderma in my future grows as a preventive measure…


Didn’t know that remedy, thanks for sharing … beer3|nullxnull

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My autos are infested with ghost Ants atm…
I don’t know whether it’s a good thing or bad…
But i think they are hunting the spring tails in the root zone. H2O2 seems useless, i have tricoderma coming in mail tomorrow, maybe that might help…

Any advise are appreciated…

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Well the ants decided to leave my plants alone for now…
Whether they finished hunting or my drench worked, we’ll never know…

The autos and sour bubble…

The Gambian and blueberries kids…


Ants park aphids in the leaves and keep them like slaves because they like their sweet poo icon_e_surprised|nullxnull, watch out, maybe that peroxide was too diluted or not enough quantity … :sunglasses:


capitainne haddock! i’m from french canada i read all of those comics, my favorite tho was always lucky luke, joe dalton is also a good angry man but haddock is a angry drunk so… even better

for real


my room is also a metal rack with some tarp taped around it, punk rock!


Oddly, the ants never disturbed the leaf brother…
They were swarming only on the root zone, now they are gone…

Adventures of tin tin was one of my favourite cartoon show growing up, unfortunately I didn’t have access to comics back then…


Loving the journey man.
Sorry to hear about the issues with the landraces, fingers crossed thats the end of it.
Best of luck with the rest.


Thanks for the support brother… :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

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The autos and Sour Bubble are thriving…

Autos (BBFD & WM) are flowering and receiving the transition feed (10:10:10 ml/gal) of 3 part nutes 2 times per day. They are still in 1 litre pots.

The healthy blueberry and heavily stunted Gambians…

When started, i had almost gave up on the gambians when they were burnt badly, then thought I’ll do a through flush and keep them around. Seems to be helping…

The Ghost Ants are occasionally digging through the roots, i can get rid of them easily but at this point I think they are doing more help than harm. I think they’ve got a sweet tooth for the spring tails…


I haven’t zoomed in but they all look healthy green to me. Did u just water in these pics? Idk why they’re slumpy but I’d try to figure that out before the flip. If I’m going to have an issue, it usually reveals itself in flower lol good luck! They’re looking good :blush:


That pic was taken just after i watered them sister…
They are autos and they started flowering already…
After you adviced me to not give up on autos i started those. So far they haven’t died or stunted…

This picture was taken 1.5 hours after lights came on, gonna water them shortly…
Thanks for stopping by :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Oh hell yeah! They’re killing it! I think you’re going to like growing autos compared to all the trouble you’ve been having with those landraces! I still haven’t attempted a long flowering sativa lol I’m an impatient chicken shit :rofl:


My apologies folks, the healthy seedlings are 1 blueberry and 1 Gambian…


The autos are long looking great @alwaysnoob ! I’m growing autos for the first time and I think they’re pretty cool. I underestimated how much fert they can use early in the veg cycle but they are still turning out alright. Are you running a 18/6 light regime?

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Yes brother @Budderton , they are under 18/6 lighting…
2* 150 watts LED full spectrum…