Alwaysnoob's stealth indoor grow in the middle of nowhere

looking good @alwaysnoob, im late as heck to your show but im glad i found it!

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Thanks brother…
Glad to have you here :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

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Plants are stretching and buds are starting to form…
At this point they are still in their 1 litre pots, I assume the pots are covered with roots…
I need some guidance here…
Is it too late to up pot them?
Shall I transplant them to a bigger container or finish flowering in 1 Litre pots?


I’m a newbie when it comes to autos but I’m coming to the finish of my first attempt, done in one gallons and although they are doing well, I can see they are suffering a bit and fading fast. I’m sure they would be healthier if I had stepped them up to 2-3 gallons, but I didn’t have the space. If you have the space , yours look early enough in flower, that there’s still plenty of time to lay down roots in a bigger container. Again, I’m new to autos, but I have stepped photos up, early in flower, with good results. Plants look great by the way @alwaysnoob . :grin::peace_symbol:


Thanks brother…
Transplanted 3 of them in 3 different containers, one of them was in a transparent container (protected from light) to study the roots…
Remaining 2 will be transplanted today…
Didn’t wanna put all my eggs in one basket LoL :see_no_evil:


Of course this blueberry would be a male…:sob:


Nice thread @alwaysnoob , I liked thumbing through it. I ran out likes. Loved the sativa in the beginning, very beautiful.


Thanks brother, i appreciate you stopping by :green_heart::green_heart:

The Autos are flowering…
2 are outside the tent with 150w light and 3 are in the tent with Sour Bubble under two 150W lights…

Seperate shots…

Studying the roots in the transparent container which is not less than 3 gallon…

I don’t mean to sound cocky, but i think it is safe to assume that i will be having less and less “visits” from Mr.Murphy from now on…


The Gambian which was pollinated by Blueberry…

These two would be taken down on coming Saturday, after the 6th week from pollination…

Sorry you had to look at those abominations, when you come to my thread you get the dose of Good, Bad and the Ugly, I’m not hiding anything :wink:

10 out of 7 of the new Gambian × Haze and the clone which refuses to root. Recent power outages in my place warn me to stick to the Autos atleast until this windy season passes…


Now for the good part :wink:

The Autos are Bulking :sunglasses:

Couple of Gambians which was moved to the terrace, you might wonder what happened to the small blueberry which was with it, well it was a male too…


Harvested the sorry state Gambians…
There are seeds, ran into couple of them while trimming…
Blueberry was sativa leaning, Gambian is Indica, this seeds should be interesting…
Will check the remaining after it dried somewhat…

I promise to do justice to these mother and father plants by growing these seeds properly…



Your a seed maker now! Awesome man! :+1::+1::grin: They look healthy, good luck with them. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


Thanks a lot brother… :pray::pray::pray:


Brothers and sisters, I need your help in diagnosing something…

All of the seedlings are started at the same time with same conditions (except the one in the jiffy pellet), but two of them looks stunted.

How can I prevent this in future, what’s causing that particular seedlings to go like this?

Also one seedling decapitated itself, fungus like something formed in the shell of the seed while it was stuck there and this happened…


What kind of soil are you using? I see other plant material.

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Coco peat with perlite brother…
Unfortunately both are adulterated :sweat_smile:
Hence i soak coco in H2O2 for 4 hours before buffering…
What you are referencing is the coir from coco peat…

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Are you using PH’d water?

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OMG, although i pH my nutes, it never occurred me to pH the plain water…
It’s at 7.54 now, Is it bad brother?
What range should i aim for seeds, seedlings and clones?

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The wife grows in coco and hers is 5.8