Amumayuks 4x4 SecretJardin , and the Geekbeast

its not a huge deal for me but i would of liked to save one incase it was good

but im focused on my 4main strains for now cuts i got that im gonna do as much as i can to never lose
why im thinking about doing s1s to aliviate my workload as maintaining mom is doable but i find in my current state very demanding

yeah an S1 can take the pressure of the work of perserving the clones.

i’ve also thought about it before. maybe it’s time i bought STS and tried it myself!

ive had sts here for near a year but i was wimping out on using it, didnt want to mix it and use it without proper plan and idea of what to do with it, im still nervous about when the time comes to use it will it be good will it reverse will i fuck it up lolll , to much fear not high enough to not think about it :rofl:loll

8oz seems so little when i readhow muxh it needs to be sprayed for a sucessfulreversal
but its pricy imo or im too cheap idk

that’s understandable! is the stuff that expensive? i have no experience with it.

expensif is subjectif, i think its cheap for some, but for me at the moment its expensif, if im not successful
if im succesful then it might be affordable

ok i see sounds logic

its 60$ for 8 oz spray kit but 8oz is just a few squirts in my experience so i was scared it wasnt enought but i didnt want to buy too much and risks my money at the same time, i calculate my risks and this one i havent figured yet every variable for this equation guess ima find out soon

got this brand from amazon

yeha i was reading on that on the net. is not cheaper to mix this stuff yourself?.

iĺl look into that later.

probly but if i dig into this ill find out that for savings to be made you have to buy in bulk wich ends up costing money upfront to save on the long run

its the wallet issues that stops my minivan from being a rally car if you get my joke here lol

thats a good one! and i understand what you mean! life got really expensive too… i also need to think twice before spending money. that sucks…

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i had one last quadrant of the tent that needed filling and i wanted to fit the last three in but when i was done with triangle kush and scrog the net was filled and so it starts for tk yesterday she gonna get the chops a day short of 420

allright i decided this morning i was dropong the remaining blue kush pollen on animal face and red runtz if chem91 get seeds it will be by air born pollen from applying to the others im not planing on seeding every buds but i want to see what will come out


i got more pollen then i thought to have. i sprinkle above the buds, i wanted to be sure gets pollen. there is gonna be colaterals but ill desl with that coming smoke time.
stil got plenty of pollen id say left thanks @DougDawson


i was a bit bored and needed a lil project to get me busy this morning so i pulled out my res and aquavalve took em down in the bath tube to check operation
now its irigating my tente and im trying to see if the water level will high enough to water the air pots either way im curious to see how my RH gonna become
its super dry in winter i get 20% rh on a humide day
at the moment my meter says 16%
i know im a dumbass to be doing this drastic change in the midfle of bloom cycle but it was a do or dont thing and i felt like it was now or never
in the pas i tried this with a beding of perlite this time im trying bare flood tray

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upon checking my temps and humidity sensor woke up its at 40% high 16%low
im guessing its in safe range for flower so ima keep it going see if its doing anything as i lifted the 1gal animalface to see if waterwicked but pot felt dry i tried relocating the valve on the ridges to rsise water level of about 3/8 to 1/2" higher that should have water contact medium for wicking to start
the only pot im not concerned for this application are my square 1-3 gal pots they are look alikes of autopots

gonna top up the res today since things seem to be going smooth so farhumidity doesnt go past 40% im assuming its safe
was 37% this morning seconds after light turned on i checked meter didnt record higher then 37
the only thing i dont like so far is the air pots botyom is to high up and id need to modify the bottom to have better wicking

so far the 1gal pot should feel heavy but i barely feel any sdded weight it light almost bone dry but plant still looks happy

im riding this till harvest then ill see how i tune it

edit;- so far no leaks wich is my biggest fear
the valve seems to be operating corectly but since its only wicking from the TK
floor unlevel and pot is a standard autopot styl container its in the water no worries for her wicking i fear root rot but im riding it all the way to see whats gonna happen if i canot resolve this ill go back to filing the tray with perlite then i get beter wicking or more even id say but testing out how a sip ebb flow thing could fair out

the other 3are an other story

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well got bad news… my damn brand new 3gal sprsyer decided to bust a leak on tank rendering useless and me powerless against aphid buddies who i thought i had overcome but aparently only managed to contained by regular application of dr zyme or plan therapy… now im in a corner , lets see how its gonna turn out

chopped the animal face 9 days earlier im out of herb and it was needed

well lilttle edit on my update smoked it all found no seeds so im thinking pollen wasnt viable
gonna hold on to the rest for a last chucking effort but im not optmistic about them

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2weeks to go

@Justblazin they arent grown by a pro but they beat anything i buy so they win for me

i hate the look of algea but as far as they dont kill the girl or fuck them ill live with it but im not in love with it