Amumayuks 4x4 SecretJardin , and the Geekbeast

That chem 91? If so it usually looks like that by the end…lol

Is the algae from you bottom watering?

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yes im about to chop it, its at week 9but its on the far back and redruntz is still week 7 so chem is gonna go an extra week

yes slgea from bottom watering as i use plain water soil leaches nutes

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idk if they show grouped in quadrant square but if so top two is chem91
bottom two are red runtz

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now since im having issues with seeds and jiffy i decided to test out a bunch of f2 i made since i have plenty to sscrifice, ill be trying out different thing to see if it alters my success rate with jiffy’s
so far i have a very low success, wich is odd because this was designed to germinate seeds better, so im on the quest to figure out why im not succeeding

soaked 12 coins
6green dope and 6 punchline
ill be popping mostly green dopes for future testing

they will all go straight into flower as soon as i plant them in gallon pot
sexing is gonna be fun but if shit happens so be it seeds will be flowing


Just for piece of mind I threw a couple Fighting Bilbo seeds in water, yesterday afternoon @amumayuk

We’ll see what happens

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im justgonna save for a roll of bounry and pop them the good ol trusted way if my jiffy journey doesnt improove

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i think using clonex solution in the water used to soak up pucks really helped
5 out of 6 green dopes and the punchlines are slowly showing up with one confirmed two promising and 3unknown
way much better success this time around gonna wait few days and put them in solos or 4" nurserie pots wait a week then uppot and switch in flower

o ly 4 green dope shed its dhell but germinated
just three punchlines so far gonna keep n eye on them shells i dont wanna loose them


well after i transplant these ill be popping an other 6-12to see if i can reproduce this result with the previous protocol

clonex rootig solution might be a great helper idk yet but lets see

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well red runtz and chem are down
ill be having a puff on the chem in 7 days red runtz is already in grovebag

now the seedlings i got going are gonna be posted in my 2024 topic


chem 91 so far love the smell and the high but the flavor isnt on par to my liking its not bad but im not in love either

red runtz is super sweet kinda like strawberry campino’s everytime i open up grove bags thats the smell that comes up but if you smell the flower directly its more cherry koolaid

both are great smoke

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allright lil update on whats going on i transplanted 3 punchlines in 1gallons and went into flower starting today

so today flip day for punchline seedlings(flip less or more)
death bubba bagaeeds are looking way better then what i was expecting
ECSD is doing great
ill try posting some viduals tomorrow


tk is getting chop this weekend like tday or tomortow or next weekend
ecsd looking great
deathbubbas 1&2 are girls
waiting on punchlines to see if ill be getting some pollen or not then when my clones are rooted ill toss em in to see what kind of gang bang we getting


note to self today 24 april added 3 mandala #1 into bloom

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easier to color code a map to explain what is what
in red is punchlines
green is deathbubba bagseeds
orange ECSD
blue mandala#1
yellow is redruntz


dolo cups are ecsd and tk or chem they are probly rootbound but im using my aquavalve gloodtable sip so if they cansurvive it will do for an interesting hunt in the futur

any one wanna give me hint to help put a male in reveg
iv had success with femals but for uninown reason my males never reveg

How far along in flower are they ? I’ve done it the same as I would a female and it worked all 3 times one i just cut back and re veg the others I just took a cut and re rooted

just stsrted to flower
id like to save him for futur if i like what i see

but ive had only failures eith males females is the opposit

there was only two times i couldnt revert a femal snd it was because the buds were seeded