An easier method for reversing using straight silver nitrate

Good luck with that, I have had little success with trying to turn TK, not sure why, but I haven’t tried injecting it…


I think she really needs the cobalt hexachloride as the sts just isn’t good enough, but yeah. Haven’t tried injecting it myself either. Makes me wonder if the Alesco would work as it is much higher pollen viability compared to STS. I was able to get pollen from the TK spraying STS every other day, it just wasn’t viable.


Yeah that’s a good suggestion, I might try it out, the only difficulty I have had with cobalt is that the dose threshold between it working and killing the plant is minuscule, unlike sts you can’t really just spray the entire plant without killing it, so my next plan is to use a dose regulated spray bottle.


From the bit of research I was able to find on it, you’d spray something like 50micrograms worth of the cobalt hexachloride onto the main growth tip of the plant one time. It should kill the tip, and reverse the entire plant.


I have the cobalt already as its fairly cheap, just haven’t had a chance to try it yet.


Yeah that’s the ‘protocol’ I have used, but using an eye dropper on the end tip, which then dies as you say and the rest of the branch then throws pollen. I have a bit of reversing I have to do over the next while so I might try and come up with a step by step process using the cobalt and post it here.


My STS injected plant has been dumping copious amounts of pollen which has been used to pollinate 8 other autoflower plants fully. They are now forming what appear to be a lot of seeds. Additionally, now collecting pollen daily from the plant which looks like it wants to keep going…. Pollen is being dried to about 10% RH in a diy desiccant “chamber”, then into the freezer for future projects…


…and I have pollen! Opened the tent this morning to find the very first couple of pods have opened :partying_face: Not a great deal of pollen in these, but definitely saw some …enough hopefully.

11 Days after injection and Day 21 above ground …I have to say, I’m pretty impressed with that time frame.

Now onto stage 2 of the waiting game …is she/he shooting blanks?


I just realised my mistake above. The plant is 34 days above ground and was injected @ day 21 :upside_down_face:.


when you injected it with STS , did you start 12/12 or just at 21 days above ground with over 12 hours of light…

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Hi @Jhamersburg as I was applying it to an Autoflower, I used 21 days as an analogue for autoflower maturity and in this case the plant was just beginning to show pre-flower.

If I were applying to a photo period, I would make the application up to 3 days before flip (personal preference).


I just injected two small cuts with silver nitrate…fingers crossed.
One was easy…the other one I’m not sure if any went in. I poked a second time and a few drops came out the bottom hole.
Time will tell


Thank you for the info, i am new to this and want to make seeds myself


Good work!
I’m guessing that you’ll see a lot of pollen. I’m still harvesting several vials worth daily after completing all of the plant pollinations that were mentioned. It’s kind of ridiculous!


Thanks @Ben63, just following your lead mate :+1:

Pollen production is starting to ramp up for me also at the moment. My girl experienced a complete reversal too from just the one application.

I really like the simplicity and “cleanliness” of it, though I think I will still need to use the traditional spray application method if I was looking to create some S1s :thinking:.


Hey @Mad_Barry
Where do you buy your needles? I keep raising eyebrows wherever i ask. I begged the vet to give me some on the last visit…but even he now thinks I’m shooting up I guess. I’m over the filthy looks I’m getting


I live near the CBD, so I just went to the needle exchange. They have vending machines that spit out free swab/sharps packs.

Otherwise I think chemist warehouse sells them for insulin injections :man_shrugging:


Needle exchange…damn, never heard of that!
Is that for addicts not to get sick from someone else’s needle?

Thanks for the hint with chemist warehouse…I’ll check it out.


@stiffy Real cheap on amazon, bud. It’s where i get them for mycology without a weird look.


Thanks heaps guys…I’ll order some of those. Are those the same size as what your using?

It’s so difficult to get them here,I thought they were illegal like bongs…which is absolutely ridiculous :rofl:

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