Angola red vs Angola red vs Angola red

It’s really nothing special I use it for my outdoor garden plants and my indoor babies no chance of that soil being too hot. You can pick it up at Walmart down here.


Word is Snows is also from LMN’s stock . C-ray of White Buffalo Seed Co. has done mucho work w/ LMN’s stuff , especially the AR . Crossed it w/ a bunch of other sativas including Seedman’s / Goli Haze . So it’s pretty stable . Look fwd to your results as it’ll give me a better idea of what I got .


@YoBigdaddy Sounds like a great project! :grinning:


This is exciting to watch, may I ask about how much the seeds cost from the original source?


Thanks for the info brother

I apreciate your kindness

Keep us updated :selfie:t5:


I’ll be here with bells on!


What does that run at Walmart? Last several years I’ve been getting HP+ at the farm and garden for around $35-$38 a bale.


That’s a great price I’ve been paying 58 a bale for bx

Hp is over 100 up here


I know right? I keep expecting it to double in price overnight so I buy 2 at a time. I have a cubic yard of it (used) piled up to weather overwinter. That reminds me, I need to turn that pile. :laughing:


Y’all need to move to Missouri. In the spring Walmart sells it for $19.95 a bag I wait till the fall I have two different Walmarts that sell me their remaining stock for $5 a bag the first week of October I buy it all stockpile it till the spring. The grow store by me sells the HP for $40 a bail I think there’s 4 yards in a bale.


Exotic alchemy sells theirs for 75 dollars a 10 pack East African genetics I paid $200 for 10 plus it came with 10 pack of Sasha Maine. And snow high is probably asking $400 for his. I’m sorry can you tell I am a little bitter.


Again, from la mana negro via bsc.
Nice to see all the Angola brother! Very much looking forward to seeing some flowers!
Ir seems snow, bsc and exotic all have the same genetics. I’m very much hoping now that the Kinshasha find from Mikes first Congo adventure is a new Angola Red … not that I will be disappointed if it turns out to be something different.


Well it sounds like somebody’s already done some comparison grows to determine that’s where snow and exotic got theirs I wish I had known I would have try to find something different. Well if that’s the case exotic and snow how I should be very similar we will see I read somewhere yesterday that none of it’s probably truly from Angola that there was no red stem are bleeding red stem cannabis in Angola which would imply the red came from something else making it a hybrid. What do you think brother? better yet I wonder what Mike @Kidete thinks? Red cannabis in Angola? What do they call it there?


I’ve got all three of them myself. I knew exotic alchemy used bsc Angola, because he told me. I thought Snow used a different one, but it does make sense its the same. Its a rare landrace. I’ve only seen pictures of it, and not many of them.


Angola has a very old genepool. One of the oldest in Africa if my reading is accurate. The portuguese saw cannabis growing there when they first arrived in the fourteen hundreds. It’s known to get red stems and red on the petioles. Snow says red sap sometimes And described a nearly completely red plant. I’d say it’s probably related to the swazi red genepool, Possibly some old arabic ancestry in there( 500+ years old) bringing the red trait.
Mike found out almost exactly where this one was grown, in East Angola


Green phenos are not uncommon . ACE even offered some crosses with them via R&D . Personally I don’t find it a distant reach that Swazi / Angola Red are 2 peas out the same pod or at least kissin’ cousins . Best info IMHO would be from our Spanish friends . Local cannabis clubs still hold some old gems , but scene is very loosely organized . Access will depend on personal relationships . Unfortunately the Dutch invasion & the attendant commercialization has made this even more difficult .


The SAME source AGAIN?
We’re being played folks, over & over.
That got me thinking about all the unbridled deception today.
“What would I do in your shoes,
discard this AR project and start over?” Naw,
All we know is what we have been told so far, (~80% lies).
All we really have is right now, and what we have to work with while we’re here.
I understand how valuable our time is because you’re not gettin’ it back and you want it to count.
I appreciate your dedication to this project, the Angola Red you have, no matter what, is still rare and desirable.
I’d run them because there’s enough genetically there that needs preserving. I would buy them beans in a second.
At the same time,
I just wasted this year on what I thought was Panama Red, (Thank goodness for other strains while we wade thru this sh!tshow). Anyway,
I thought I was going to have a keeper, an “up” strain but it ended up a mid grade hybrid with a famous sativa name:(so I understand “bitter”.
I’ll know more after this PR cures.
It’s almost daylight here,
have a good day.


Regardless of the genetic source or ‘purity’, this project of yours is still interesting, useful for the community and one that I would keep my eyes on. Don’t be discouraged and keep up the work, brother!

Cheers! :v: