Anonymous4289's Corner

thanks. i 'm pretty sure that giant sativa won’t make it through flowering but it sure is cool to look at. everything you see in the first pic is one plant. one of the plants in the middle of that mess is a small mutant. i guess it was reverting back to flowering after being placed out at 2 weeks flowering. i think it was from flowering to veg back to flowering. i didn’t see any pistils grow at all, just strings of actual “buds” on them. very very bizarre.


my big T5 light crapped out on me. i guess it was just a matter of time. the damn thing was expensive. now i have to save up for another one. i can’t start any of my new strain or other things i want to get going.

I dunno about others soloberry plants
But this one is shaping up to be
Another BBD as far as being bad ass.

The buds are small, barely established
And covered in frost.
I cant wait.


just picked up some cbd gummies in hopes it will help with a multiple of problems,

just a few pictures. i’m thinking of cutting down the giant sativa. it wont finish flowering and draws too much attention to my other plants


Shame to chop as she is a beauty but makes sense


She’ll turn into a good mulch layer for future grows.

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i know i should chop it down but i really don’t want to. maybe i’ll give it more time just to be sure.


Yeah that a tuff call for sure. Shes a beast.


just a couple pictures. the big sativa is around 15 feet at this point, it’s a shame it won’t finish up.

edit: there are 4 plants lined up in picture 2, so not everything you see in picture 2 is one plant… most is though. all of picture 1 is one plant so it’s as big/bigger as/than it looks.


it looks like i’ll be chopping down the “strain A” giant sativa soon. it wont flower in time and draws too much attention. it’s sad to see it go.


Man I wish I could grow outdoors for fun. 15ft?! Sweet christmas!

I’d say 1/2 or 3/4 her and see how far they can get in your area for more info from her. Shes very healthy and should be able to take the abuse.


we just took down the giant sativa. it looks so empty without it. the 2 plants in the middle that were covered look like trash but i just watered them with nutes and they’ll do just fine i think.

FYI, I’m not the person pictured with the plant. but the fence is 6ft for size reference.


@InTheWoods too late. just got it over with. she’s dead.


Dang, Look at the trunk on that beast! Now you know to plant any sativas on the opposite side of the garden to keep them from out competing with the others in the garden. The remaining 2 should bounce right back and kick into overdrive.

Do we get any insight now that she is sativa A dead as to what it was? My guess is Malawi Gold.


top secret, but you definitely don’t have to look far. :wink:

on a related note, i used 3 different strain A females crossed to a strain B male. the remaining 4 females outside are strain B. i was hoping to get a sample of each but the timing didn’t work out. lots of seeds made indoor though. i’m hoping to make this my “signature strain” if it’s any good. lots of seeds to test, :+1:


Great plants! Nice thing you have a lot of sun to save on the lamps :slight_smile:


buds are starting to show outdoors so that’s something to be happy about. the smallest plant outdoor has what i think is some bud rot, from the little stringy buds that have been on the plants since early veg. i’ll be cutting them off later/tomorrow and everything should be fine after that.


couple late night pics


At first I thought you’d cut down the sativa and that was the ghost of it. :laughing: