Anonymous4289's Corner

The plant on far left is your BBD
She had maybe 5 week veg and ya can see
How much she grew.
I think is is the 4th run I have had with her.
Can’t wait to see what you think of her.


7 days in, the stretch has begun


these plants have exploded today. tomorrow i have to kill males of strain A and move females of strain B outside. crazy growth.


ok, so today i checked the sex on my plants. 13 plants, as far as i can tell so far 5/7 of strain A (the taller sativa ) have shown as females, which is what i was hoping for, just not this many. strain B 4/6 turned female, and I’m hunting for a male, funny enough the 2 males of strain B are in small 1gal pots and every other plants are/were in 3gals. i transplanted the 4 strain B outdoors so i hope they turn out well this season. i have 4 seedlings i don’t know what to do with( 3 shruntz S1s and 1 bubba kush S1s). tiny seedlings right now. i can only fit 5 plants outdoors safely and i’m going to put one of the strain A outdoors as i wont be doing an open pollination with all of them. they would probably flower for too long to actually finish but i’ll just throw one outdoors just for the hell of it. i just have to decide on 2 or 3 strain A and grow them seperately, not an open pollination.


Cool…an Anonymous thread. ILL DEFINITELY be a regular here. Looks good to me.
And like saxo said, bend them…nice and slow. I usually have to do it, there’s always one or two taller…I tend to grow different strains.



welcome to my thread.

so i bent a couple of the plants, one was a complete 90 degree bend and the plant grew back up and into/through the lights. like a big fuck you to me, i’ll have to cull that one for disrespecting me, lol. there’s 1 more strain A i’m keeping my eye on, could be a male. i hate having to narrow down which 2 or 3 i want to pollinate.


here’s the tent after removing all the plants i needed to move. i prefer a half empty tent over a crowded tent like it was before. strain A lining the back and left sides. 2 strain B in the center 1gals.


it’s going to be tough to decide which females to use. i want to narrow it down to 3 females of strain A. tomorrow i’ll decide which one is going outside. i have to decide which male to use, choice is between 2 so that’s just another thing to think about


i just put a strain A outdoors. it’s lanky as hell but this one’s tall and going to be a beast but i don’t know if it will finish flowering… kinda hard to hold this one up as it’s falling over.


so i just finished moving plants around. i finally narrowed down to 3 strain A that i’m going to breed with. tall red stem, short thin leaf and medium thin leaf… i put 2 outside because someone wants them in like 2 weeks but who knows how they’ll transport them they’re already like 4 feet tall…

i just took pictures of my 4 strain B outside as well as the strain A outside. i did a bit of an experiment this year, i took these bracket things to create a structure for a couple strain B. i’m leaving 2 strain B untouched and i’ll see what to do with the strain A in the future, but the strain A is currently all beat up and lanky/loose… if i don’t like the growth of these structured ones i will remove them back to normal. so far i don’t like the looks of it.

that’s all for now.

EDIT: strain B has a semi-sweet powdery smell on stem run. Strain A smells like mango when brushed up against.


here’s my tent after all the work today. please excuse the mess. the 3 strain A are unique in their own ways. the tall red stem grew in such a weird way, even though it was never topped. the medium thin leaf on the right had a massive burst of growth and the top of small thin leaf shot up a bit. the male strain B i like is mostly out of the picture. the one in the pic is just a backup for now. again, ignore the mess.


i don’t think i’ve had plants this thirsty before. hopefully picking up an air conditioner this evening. i’ve had serious issues with heat last year, not just for the plants but for myself as well. i couldn’t handle the heat and had to basically take an ice bath with ice packs so i didn’t pass out/collapse. hoping for a better year.


picked up a 12,000 BTU unit, setting it up tomorrow. that’ll do the job. :+1:


It’s always a big day when a new a/c unit is hooked up, good luck with that baby :v:


thanks. my last one was a piece of shit. the room it was supposed to cool was 20 degrees higher than my downstairs and that was with the air conditioner “running”. it also screamed randomly, lol. i think the heat was a major detriment to my grows for sure.


thanks for stopping by @Coffin_Dodger . 100 likes, lol.


i decided to post a couple pictures just for the hell of it.

2/3 females phenos seem to be similar, both smaller thin leaves, similar structure just one is bigger. the tall red one is totally different , very unique and i’ve had my eye on it for weeks. again, excuse the mess. i plan to tear this tent down after this seed run so maybe i’ve gotten a little lazy. the shorter less-developed plant is my backup male i’ll get rid of in a week or two. the taller one with longer inter-nodes is the male i plan to use. i know i should be looking for the more compact male that doesn’t show right away but i think i’m going with the taller one that shows already.




Looks like you’ve got a bamboo forest going on in that tent! Looking good!


finally set up the air conditioner. it was like 80 degrees in this room on a cool night but i’ve got it running on full blast to see what it can do. my last one was maybe 8000 btu at most. this one is 12000. pretty fancy air conditioner as well. my plants are going to love this and do so much better next grow. it’s been years since i had a properly cooled room. i’m am kind of worried about my electric bill though.


i just did a stem rub on my two strain B males. i may have to change my mind and go with the slower one with fewer pollen sacks. it will need more time to develop but so do my three strain A. anyway, the stem rub. i can’t define the faster one i decided on but the other one i swear i smelled some grape juice, i could be wrong. plenty of time to figure things out and decide what i want. :+1: