Anonymous4289's Corner

Stay safe my friend.


Here is BBD, 4th run in think.
Lover her, going to start more and keep a clone

this time.


looking nice and frosty man. i’d prefer a better trim but that’s just me. :+1: :fire:



yeah… this air conditioner should save me. expensive necessity but well worth it. i just couldn’t handle 120 degrees, or even the 100 plus outside.


Man, those buds are looking juicy!

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my 3 “shruntz” S1 seedlings are tiny but going strong. the bubba kush S1 never recovered from sprouting. so… i just started 2 biker kush seeds. i might have to give a shruntz away… someone asked for a plant and i have 2 of my ‘strain A’ females outdoors waiting for them to get back from vacation. not sure how they’ll fare and right now they are just lanky and falling over… heavy sativa. i have a small tent i never use so i’ll probably grow the shruntz/biker kush in that. given that the biker kush seeds actually sprout.


They will get the final trim before the jar
I trim them like that when green
Finish when dry.


this air conditioner is definitely doing it’s job. less frequent waterings already.


i took some pics since i was watering anyway. they’re a bit droopy but i just watered them. i never grew pure sativas before this so i don’t know when they’ll be showing enough buds to be pollinated. all 3 females are reaching into the light so i hope they don’t get burnt/ doesn’t affect flowering. the 2 thin leaf strain A sativas are doing better than the 1 bizarre sativa of the same strain. it wasn’t topped and for some reason there are 4 very long pure red branches growing out as if it had been topped early on. (it wasn’t) it’s leaves are also more indica. very weird. i finally decided on the male and killed off the second one, which had longer internodes and showed too early. here are some pics

Strain B - Plant 1

Strain A - Plant 1

Strain A - Plant 2

Strain A - Plant 3


so i just went outside and took some pictures. things are growing slowly. 4 females of strain B, 1 female of strain A. 2 strain A that i’m either saving for someone or throwing into a fire pit, i don’t want them and i’m not sure if this guy will ever pick them up. i can’t risk growing where they are, i’m out of safe space. here are some pics:

Strain A - keeper:

Strain B - Plants 1 and 2 (caged)

Strain B - Plants 3 and 4

Strain A - Giveaway / Trash plants.


Nice going @anonymous4289! Your outdoor garden looks sweet!


watered my outdoor today, things are looking good. no pictures in today’s update. same with the indoor. the only problem is that my male (strain B) is fully developed with pollen sacks but the females (strain A) still need another 2-3 weeks to be ready to pollinate. i’m also concerned the females won’t grow enough to put out a bunch of seeds. i’d hate to do a full seed run and end up with only a couple hundred seeds.


so i was checking on my plants and something weird happened. my strain A plant 3 already had 4 dark red branches from the start but now strain A plant 2 branched out and pretty much every branch turned a solid dark red over the past week or so. it’s the best looking plant of all 3 strain A, so i’m curious to see how things progress. i hope you can see what i’m saying in the picture:


i killed off one of the two plants i have outside waiting for someone. that’s 1 decent plant for him if he ever picks it up. i don’t know if strain A will finish flowering in time for harvest though.


That can be a sign of a nutrient imbalance or deficiency in my experience.


i read that this strain has a “red stem” pheno so i’m unsure about that. i don’t know if pheno is the right term.


That main stem is the darkest red I’ve seen.

I’ve seen two types of “red stem”. One I think is genetics, the other appears to be caused by light. Have a look at a shaded part and see if the red is light dependent or not.



I guess some plants get it genetically, though I haven’t seen it… I’ve seen a lot that get it from the light intensity even when the plant is happy, and it also comes from phosphorous and/or magnesium deficiency. Not sure how to tell the difference between genetics and the latter, other than experimenting with the food, though… which is not necessarily a good idea for keeping the plant alive, phosphorous toxicity is very nasty.


@Gpaw sunburn is definitely one cause of red stem. If it’s on a leaf petiole I try and see if it wraps all the way around, as a homie advised.


i just shook my strain B male to pollinate my three strain A females. i don’t think there was enough pollen so i’ll keep trying every day. i don’t know anything about pollen regeneration. it might be a stupid question but is it one shake and they’re done or do they continue to put out more pollen? i’ve never had to shake pollinate more than once but it looks like it will be required…