Another grow? Good Grief!

Stripped all the plants except the ogk.

I’m seeing a slight phosphorus deficiency in all plants so I added .2grams per gallon of mpk.


Week 3 on these.
No nanners on any. Smells like candy in there.

Minor mag deficiency on the lmc hpk. P deficiency seems to slowed down but may add half a gram per gallon of mkp.


Ok so I switched up the feed with 70 ppms per gal of nitrogen (previously 90). Looking at the pics they look real green dark green except the chem d. They’ll use it up eventually. They are at week 4 (26 days I believe)
Hpk s1(Strayfox) pheno 1.

Hpk s1(Strayfox) Pheno 2. This one is impressing me so far in the weight department. She’s almost tied to the tk in weight maybe more. She has a lemony smell. Not as distinguished as the ogk lemony smell from skunkteks ogk. Some pics are blurry. I’m not the best at taking pics.
Hpk s1(Strayfox) Pheno 3 (posted in the strayfox thread outdoors tho)
She’s behind in the yield department and she doesn’t like high ec. It was 1.9 but now it’s 1.6. Not giving up on her. She may be the best pheno.

Lmc hpk s1. Weirdest pistils/stamens out of the bunch. They’re all twisted. Some of the pistils have browned on some plants but there’s no nanners on any plants, well none that I could find. No insects, the leaves are rubbing on some leaves but that’s different🤷‍♂️
She’s a heavy feeder. Outdoors she looks like a yielder.


Animal cookies

Skunktek ogk. Strong lemony smell. Not as watered down as the hpk s1 pheno 2.

I plan to up the power so bloom to the max dose. Maybe turn up the lights more by next rez refill. I was seeing sighns of light stress on some plants. Forgot to take a pic of the d


Ok guys I’ve been looking at the pics and the n excess is becoming apparent. The thing is my nitrogen is low. I lowered down it down some more but it will be a pain in the ass as I figured running multiple strains. The d is the pickiest of them all. I will run her alone from now on. The hpk from Strayfox (all phenos) hate high n in flower. The animal cookie, ogkb, and lmc hpk are tough ones. The tk too. The pheno 2 from stray looks to be beating every cut in weight so far. A lot of cuts are already flopping everywhere. I should have put another layer of trellis. Oh well.


Looks great those high nitrogen plants straight water them till they show signs of needing some.
It’s a pain running several strains all having different needs .


Every time my rez gets low (about 5 gal). I add 5 gal of just water. So half feed for one day. I do that to leach any salt build up. I’ve never tried straight water but that’s something I may try sometime.
Yeah I’ve had worse when running multiple strains on one feed but I need to do that less now lol. I wish I had more room.


Ok so I turned up the lights last week but Some of the top fan leaves seem to be curling down. Could be too much light or the n excess. Im turning down the lights again and I’ve cut most of the nitrogen since last weeks to 40 ppms per gallon. Which is the base in jacks a. I may taper off that next week too.
I forgot to turn a valve on one of the pheno #3 cuts and it dried up some. Not too bad but that will cost me.
Hpk s1 (Strayfox) pheno #2 seems to be the winner of all the seeds I popped. Resistant to heavy nutes, light, and it looks like a nice yielder. Smells like fruit loops

Hpk s1 (Strayfox) pheno 1
More indica and looks like an ok yielder.
Sensitive to n

Hpk s1 (Strayfox) pheno 3

D is the pickiest. She’s not doing that great

Animal cookies frostiest in the room

Tk doing ok


Lmc hpk s1

I’m adding my uv leds next week


If you want to leach something fast, you can use distilled water. It really leaches the nutrient out!


Ok guys. So I got about two to three more weeks til chop and these ladies are flopping all over the place. These pics were taken yesterday
This plant is not a bad pheno except it doesn’t like too much n.

This plant is more og like. Stretchy. I finished trimming a cut I had of her outdoors (cut early) and she has a hashy smell to her.

The lmc hpk is doing average. I also finished trimming an outdoor of her (cut early) and she has a nice sweet smell to her.

My keeper cut from seed. She’s resistant to heavy nutes basically she’s tough. She doesn’t like multiple feeds. Best to allow ogs to dry up a little then feed and repeat. I need to rub her trichs today to get a better smell but she smelled like fruity pebbles in early flower.

The d is the pickiest and I’m not going to change the feed to her needs. I grew her outdoors and she did very well so I got flower anyway.

Tk not getting enough light so I angled the light more to her side.

Animal cookies is definitely the frostiest. No purpling so far which I hope this is the green (I’ve heard the original and not that purpling one) animal. I’ve heard the green one is definitely more og leaning which I can see this one is more og.

The skunktek ogk

I also started uva last week instead of this week. On for full light cycle


Ok guys. Week 8 almost in the bag.
Hpk s1 stray pheno 1

This cut has the sweetest smell to her. The most indica and looks like a nice yielder.
Hpk s1 stray pheno 2
My keeper cut so far

Hpk s1 stray pheno 3 the pickiest of the phenos. She looks like she put on more weight.
looks sad with the leaves too.
The d doing the worst

Animal cooks leaning over. Her leaves are starting to purple up. I believe it’s the uv. The uv brings out colors in the leaves. No coloring on the buds yet.

Tk doing ok

Ogk. I can’t smell the lemon on her anymore.

The lmc hpk s1 is the sweetest gassiest one in the tent by far


Week 9 (last day) I’m going to drop the power si, jacks, mag, cal, and and mkp only leaving a product by green leaf nutrients called sweet candy until harvest this Thursday.



Hpk s1 stray pheno 2 Looks done but I can’t chop her now.

Hpk s1 stray pheno 1 looks like a keeper too. She has a stronger nose than 3. More candy gas

Hpk s1 stray pheno 3

Lmc hpk s1 dwarfed by all the other hpk but she has a strong nose as well

I grow d like shit in coco :sob:


Ok guys. The plants are coming down next week. Today is day 70. The only ones that look like they need one more week is the ac, tk, and d but most of the trichomes are milky.
The ogk has the lemon scent to it. Nothing sweet

Ac candy fumes

The tk gassy but I can’t really notice a distinguishing smell.

The hpk s1 pheno 1 is the loudest and the sweetest smell out of the whole tent. She may be a keeper too.

The hpk s1 pheno 2 smells gassy and sweet too but a level below pheno one. This pheno has big buds. One nug almost looks like a base ball lol

The hpk s1 pheno 3 the most og out of them all with the big stretch.

Lmc hpk s1 was the 2nd underperformer who I was most excited for but still have to smoke all cuts from seed for final decision!

I think I will chop on wed possibly Thursday.
My next run may be to pop the f1 fpog I have and maybe some mendo p s1 or urkle s1. I originally planned to run hammer heads Chiquita banana s1’s but those are long flowering time and to avoid headaches I’ll choose similar flowering time strains. I’m not sure what the second strain will be. Possible purps


Chopped today.

Hopefully I can dry for two weeks then cure. This is one of the areas I seriously struggle with but I’m getting better slowly. Need this flower to taste good lol


Looks excellent what’s your plan on drying down?


Some fat calyxs on the go !! Beautiful grow.

May I wish you the best with quest for extra taste :wink: and further an continued success with dry and chre


I usually do 60-65 rh and 60-65f for two weeks. I cut the plant from the base and let it dry entirely with leaves. I usually leave the plants alone in the trellis. I don’t hang upside down. I just cut the base and the trellis holds them in place.
After two weeks I usually start jarring but I’ve been trying notsodogs curing method.
He basically leaves the buds on a stem that fits in a large paper bag and cures like that for two weeks. I tried that with outdoor but the humidity gets too low. I also tried grove bags but they had the similar effect.

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That’s strange the grove bags didn’t hold the 60% humidity?
I do similar but hang upside down leaving the plant whole as the stock would possibly add more moisture to the stems and bud?


Yeah I got some 1/8 bags and a pound bag.
I filled half of the 1/8 with bud and put a 2 moisture meters inside but after the reading stabilized it read 48%. Then I threw in a pound 55% integra boost to see if I could get the humidity up but the meters only went up 2%. I left the integra boost in there for a day and a half. I then put the meters in a mason jar of bud with a 55 percent one pound moisture bag and it was spot on both meters after a day.
This is with the 55% bag inside. Maybe it’s too packed. I was reading the grove bag thread and they said that you need to give the bag air space at the top? I had trouble dealing this eight bag lol

About hanging the plants, I think it’s better to hang upside down because the fan leaves curl around the bud and protect it from dust and air from the fan. I think it’s better to not pluck fan leaves either so they take longer to dry which is what you want. Two weeks is the best I heard.
I’m just lazy sometimes so I’ll hang upside down next time.


:weary: reset

I’m going to clean up all the plant material. I’m then going to run sulfuric acid in the pipes then bleach at a 2:1 water ratio. Bleaching everything.